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Chief Bigsmoke's Fantasy Factory

chief bigsmoke

Active member
RED update. Week 9 today. looking good, REAL good. The reds in the upcoming second cycle are looking even better too!. I can see a noticeable improvement already. I've never grown anything like it. *thats not saying much though :p I really enjoy growing these long flowering types. Quality over quantity. I'm not in it for the money.. just free amazing meds for my amazing girlfriend.




Red 2 - 2nd cycle


Red 3 Revegged - 2nd cycle



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chief bigsmoke

Active member
The White mystery cuts smells are evolving some more. Now we are getting a strong piney smell mixed with the smell of powdered iced tea (powdered sugar kind here in canada) Very intriguing. and my gf couldn't resist and she tried i small sampling of it... She said it tasted like a sweet fruity incense pine, but it has lots of time to go. I look forward to seeing how it evolves further.

Thanks for tuning in.


heady blunts

prescription blunts
great grow! I've been kinda lurkin in the shadows but I thought I should congratulate on the harvy.

I like the notes on smell. my favorite you mentioned was "eraser" lol.

can't wait for the full smoke report!

chief bigsmoke

Active member
oh heady you awesome lurker you. Thanks for tuning in. I'm guilty of the same in regards to you. ;)

So much to learn from experienced pros like yourself

heady blunts

prescription blunts
oh heady you awesome lurker you. Thanks for tuning in. I'm guilty of the same in regards to you. ;)

So much to learn from experienced pros like yourself

aw shucks :shucks:

thanks for the compliment, but i would consider myself a passionate amateur at best!

give me a few more years and i'll gladly accept the title :D

chief bigsmoke

Active member
So I think I found the perfect small container to brew a small amount of compost tea when you only have a single air stone.

As you may or may not know, When brewing a Aerated Compost Tea or ACT you must supply Oxygen to all areas of the brewing container to produce "positive" microorganisms. You never want dead space were some nasty critters can populate.

My solution for a small brew system would be this unique orange juice container we have here in canada. After watching the tea brew for over 24 hrs now I'm convinced that works much better than my 1 gallon jugs. I can see all the EWC's and oxygen swirling around every corner of the container.

Until I can buy a bigger pump and extra airstones I'll be using this little system to supply fresh troops to the soil.


Right now I am brewing a simple recipe designed for young cuttings.

- 1 Litre of Reverse Osmosis water left to distil for 48 hrs. To remove initial chlorine.
- 2 Tablespoons of Earthworm Castings
- pinch of Alflafa Meal and Kelp Meal
- Leave for 2-3 days to produce a diverse amount of the beneficial microbes that your living soil loves so much.



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thought i posted in here recently, been lurkin. i like this thread, it encourages me to try and be more informative and thorough. keep it up chief!

chief bigsmoke

Active member
thought i posted in here recently, been lurkin. i like this thread, it encourages me to try and be more informative and thorough. keep it up chief!

Thanks nameless, that means a lot to hear. We are all walking the same path on the green road. I'm proud to have you as a friend.

The more that I share the more my style is evolving. It's almost time to start a new thread where I introduce my new more natural style. Where I build a living soil with all the necessary nutrients, then just add water, molasses and ACT's and presto... I should have primo all natural buds and a very happy Living Soil with out any additional "synthetic" nutes or complex feeding schedules.

The Soil is a Living Entity. Don't pollute with synthetic nutes. Microbeasties are your best friend. :)

The only other update is that I'm only running 600ws in the flowering room. To keep costs at a minimal. Small and responsible.

Photos: RED, 12/12 group and Veg Tent.


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silver hawaiian

Active member
Thanks nameless, that means a lot to hear. We are all walking the same path on the green road. I'm proud to have you as a friend.

The more that I share the more my style is evolving. It's almost time to start a new thread were I introduce my new more natural style. Where I build a living soil with all the necessary nutrients, then just add water, molasses and ACT's and presto... I should have primo all natural buds and a very happy Living Soil with out any additional "synthetic" nutes or complex feeding schedules.

The Soil is a Living Entity. Don't pollute with synthetic nutes. Microbeasties are your best friend. :)

The only other update is that I'm only running 600ws in the flowering room. To keep costs at a minimal. Small and responsible.

Photos: RED, 12/12 group and Veg Tent.
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Your thread is such a treat chief! Seems like we're on the same page (or trying to get there) with our grow/dirt philosophies.. Nameless helped me out with a fantastic dirt recipe, and I'm supplementing with some ACTs.. Less-frequently than if I'd not used some sweetened soil, it's worth mentioning..

Have you read Teaming with Microbes? It's a good introduction to the entire universe that's happening below the surface of the soil.. It's really eye-opening. If you're like me, you may only absorb about 40% of the text, but 100% of everything you read is exciting.


heady blunts

prescription blunts
hey chief, that ACT recipe does not look quite right to me.

where's the molasses? that's the number one food for multiplying the bacteria and fungi you want to culture.

second thing is brew time. if your ambient temp is between 60--80*f then your brew will be at its optimum point in around 24 hours.

chief bigsmoke

Active member
hey chief, that ACT recipe does not look quite right to me.

where's the molasses? that's the number one food for multiplying the bacteria and fungi you want to culture.

second thing is brew time. if your ambient temp is between 60--80*f then your brew will be at its optimum point in around 24 hours.

Thanks HB, yeah I was wondering if I missed the suagr. I was thinking that the pinch of alflafa and kelp would be a little food to feed some of the microbeasties. but nothing would work better than molasses/blue agave

Also I was reading microbemans website and he mentioned that he brews from 12-72 hrs to help a more diverse and ample population of bacteria, protozoa and fungal hyphea.

but thanks from the help from folks like you, I'm not left to my own assumptions. Next time I'll add a little raw blue agave to the mix. To make them all happy.

Quick Question: Has anyone tried using Maple Syrup as a sugar source? how canadian and tasty would that be. :)

chief bigsmoke

Active member


Harvest Time!

The RED is ready to come down @ day 67 of 12/12. Could have gone a little longer perhaps, but this will be suiting for the first run. I'll have lots of practice in the next few years with this awesome lady.


Next up Reds and Pinks Round TWO:




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chief bigsmoke

Active member
I finally figured it out... after allowing the mystery white cut chill for a while the smells and flavours are evolving more and more. Today My gf had her nose jammed into the jar taking DEEP Breaths. hehe and she was trying to describe the smell. First She said it smelled Citrusy, then she said it was kind of bitter citrusy, piney and fruity.. then it hit.. well it hit her like a train.. a very happy and uplifting train. She was energized for a couple hours for sure. Then at about hour 3 she took a nap. hehe

SO...this must be the Original Sweet Skunk clone which is a legendary combo of the Sweet Pink Grapefruit and the NL/Haze.

I was told I had it, but I missed on my first 2 guesses. haha but this is my final guess. The White Mystery cut is the Original Sweet Skunk clone.



chief bigsmoke

Active member
Stepping my ACT game up...

Stepping my ACT game up...

Today I took another step towards a better ACT system. My single Airstone broke while trying to remove it to clean. So I had to replace it with a new model.

Went I arrived at the shop I had several options. I could buy 2 of the same airstones for under $2 or I could try what was called an Air Curtain for under $12. So I figured why not giv'er a try.


The Goal is more dissolved oxygen in every nook and cranny and I figure this might be a great way to spread it out more thoroughly.

Once I had a chance to try it out at home, I was pretty pleased with it. It came with 4 weights to allow for more creative placements. I lost two of them trying to pull them out of the bottle once, but all I needed was two. Overall it works very well for increasing the dissolved oxygen at the top of the container. I could still use more dissolved oxygen at the bottom of the container.


The photo doesn't do it justice, but there is lots of fresh air getting to most corners of the container. An improvement from the single airstone. I need to source a multi outlet pump to step my game up further.

My next evolution in my ACT system would be....

1. New bigger and badder Double outlet pump
2. New airstone. So I can use a combo of the two.
3. Cone Bottom container. Eliminates most of the "dead" points were dissolved oxygen is lacking and "bad" critters are allowed to form.

4. Powerful Microscope
* that will have to wait because life is expensive for a snowboarder in the off season

Next evolution in my grow system would be to learn from Nameless and others about their Natural soil recipes and then whip up a new recipe to officially start on my all natural journey of growing.

I'm never going back... but never say never.. haha damn

Finally I started a new batch of ACT and I made sure to add the molasses right off the bat too. :p

New Recipe for my vegging plants

1 Liter of Reverse Osmosis water - non chlorinated (left to distil for 48 hrs)
2 Tablespoons of Earthworm Castings
1 Tablespoon of Compost 33% food comp 33% mushroom comp 33% Steer Manure
Pinch of a Kelp Meal + Alfalfa Meal combo
1 teaspoon of natural Molasses

ADD lots of dissolved oxygen and Abracadabra... bio-dynamic magic :blowbubbles:


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chief bigsmoke

Active member
Dried Shots!

Dried Shots!

The mystery Red just came down from hanging and has made it home to my girlfriend. She can't wait to try it. She mentioned that it smells very "floral" like a nice bouquet of flowers and my fingers we covered in a THICK layer resin. yummy





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nugs looking great! that brewer is cool too. well done!

oh ps theres a forum around somewhere discussing alternative organic sugar sources, like honey, agave, maple syrup, ect. but i think the general consensus was that molasses was the most cost effective. dont hold me to that though, go find it!

chief bigsmoke

Active member
nugs looking great! that brewer is cool too. well done!

oh ps theres a forum around somewhere discussing alternative organic sugar sources, like honey, agave, maple syrup, ect. but i think the general consensus was that molasses was the most cost effective. dont hold me to that though, go find it!

I love your adventurous and very helpful nature. You help make learning fun. Can't wait to find that thread.. with the crap search engine here it may take some exploring. hehe

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