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Chicago Bears Wide Receiver Busted by Feds


Ultra Current

He wasnt making as much as you think. There are a lot of hands in these guys pockets. So let's look at what he makes. 5.1 mil for 3 years. 20% of that goes to his agent and he's left with 4.1 mil. After taxes he's left with 2.5 mil for 3 years which is 800k a year. Football doesnt last long for most players and 800 a year is nothing when you are part of that lifestyle. Shit I blew through 5 mil pretty easily. His mistake was doing the deals himself. He should have let his boys handle it and it all would have been good.


Enormous Member
There are some people out there who sell drugs NOT for the money, but as a status symbol. They like to be the "go to" guy who can hook up all of his friends.

It wouldn't even surprise me to find out that he was selling his shit at a loss, just so that he could live the life. (See below)



Active member
What is it with these guys???

Pro athlete - makin' pretty damn decent cheddar - goin' and completely fucking his life up w/ DISTRIBUTION???

Not the first - WTF is wrong with this world?

I could be happy camper on 1 year of his after taxes for the rest of my days - why be greedy (and damned stupid) by tryin' for more - like that???


i couldnt of said it better. id love to have just 1 yr of that salary.


Active member
ultra is right...he was only making 800k a year. thats nothing in celebrity status money.....not only that he probably had an entourage that had their hands out as well.

they were talking about this today on XM radio...people were clowning on him because 25k is apparently too much to pay for a kick.

but yeah he should have delegated all this activity to a 2nd in command....just be the financier and try to stay lowkey.


Active member
This guy was remarkably stupid and this is going to blow up into a huge scandal, as he was distributing to other players. Lots of them. He's facing 40 years in Texas alone, so you can be sure he will be giving up those names.

According to Chicago radio station 670 The Score, "Police obtained a list of NFL players who were supplied drugs by Hurd and the number is 'in the double digits.'”

Hurd, 26, was arrested Wednesday night after meeting with an undercover agent at a Chicago restaurant, according to a criminal complaint that says the player was first identified as a potential drug dealer over the summer as the NFL lockout was coming to an end.

Hurd told the agent that he was interested in buying five to 10 kilograms of cocaine and 1,000 pounds of marijuana per week to distribute in the Chicago area, the complaint said. He allegedly said he and a co-conspirator already distribute about four kilos of cocaine every week, but their supplier couldn’t keep up with his demands. A kilogram is about 2.2 pounds.

Hurd told the agent “his co-conspirator is in charge of doing the majority of the deals” while he focused on “higher-end deals,” the complaint said.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/more..._network_IrQW7IhRgvuSAjHFTV0AOM#ixzz1gfRnorjL


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
There was a another NFL guy recently that was doing quite a lot of weed dealing and got the same. These guys are spoiled, they have been babied from their teens onward because of athletic talent.

All the perks, all the adoration, sex, and then money when they go pro. Big babies.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

this idiot's now sitting in jail wondering "where did I go wrong?" and "hmm, how many games will I be suspended for?", what a dumb shit.


He is out on 100k bond (something i didnt think they offered drug offenders)(100k is nothing for someone moving the type of weight he was) and was just cut by the Bears.

http://espn.go.com chicago-bears-cut-sam-hurd

They also said on ESPN that the Feds have a list of clients of Hurd's with NFL player names in the double digits.

Just another example of how the 'drug testing' in these leagues is totally fixed.

Put Pete Rose in the hall.

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