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Chemy soil??? What?


Active member
Ok clearly it's all a huge mistake.
Why would anyone invent synthetic nuterients for soil?
The fact that it kills the living and makes salts build up is shocking.
Clearly it should be extremely ilegal to use synthetic nuterients outside in the nature. It should be clear to anyone who realizes the importance of Dirt(see movie Dirt).

Not only is it much harder to take care of than organics, it obliges you to have a ph pen or lose alot of time.

So are the benefits of synthetic soil nutrients really that great that people don't see the advantages of organics way of growing?

EDIT: Not that I am absolutely right at all... I may be missing some key points that make my judgement false.

...are there any?


Nothing says baller like dropping a few bills on a set of nutes.


Active member
Nothing says baller like dropping a few bills on a set of nutes.

that's exactly my thought.

I was just wondering actually if any of the old schoolers or pros do any Chemy Soil ops? I mean I see it all the time. Ppl just don't get it. Maybe it's me who don't get it? Maybe there IS indeed somethign to it?


Paint Your DreamStrain
There are ChemicalEating Parasites that are Piloting us to make Chemicals so they can feed on them


Active member
wtf is a synthetic fertilizer?
do you mean chemical fertilizers like general hyroponics 3 part?
you are an asstalker then, the only difference between organics and chemical ferts is, the chemical ferts is what you are left with after the bacteria break down the organics ferts. same compounds and elements are in both.

the reason chemical ferts get a bad rep is because people use too much of it and it leaches into the ground and becomes toxic after build up. a little water to dilute and no one would even say a word about it.

or rather, the difference between organics and chemical ferts is the difference between eating bag of oranges to get your daily dose of vitamin C or taking a 500mg Vitamin C pill.


Active member
Well now there is someone to disagree :) and what an aggressive manner that someone's taking :D

Well you did miss 4 very important advantages that I mentioned.

Also. Wtf so ok you are using chemical nutes for soil...
But why SOIL??? I see absolutely no reason for taking soil as medium in that case. You will be better off with say coco or some easy hydro setup using chemicals. Why do you go and put chemicals into dirt? I see no advantages. You will even be better of using rockwool or hydroton...

Also there is a huge difference in taking vitamin C pills and eating an orange. If you don't know that oranges have enzymes which are very important things that help to digest stuff that only orange itself contains. While your pill contains pure helpless dead matter of almost no help at all....
In orange's case enzymes work as construction workers helping to place every brick at the right place. In the case of the pill you are just loading yourself with alot of bricks that are of no help.


Active member
what do you mean no advantages? you mean aside from the advantage of having the nutrients available already instead of having to be slowly released?

lemme guess this is some kinda semantic word game you're trolling us with. you say soil and we think premixed "soil" which is not soil at all but usually coco peat and bark and different from soil because soil has nutrients in it already right? lulz for you, way to troll.
:rolleyes: :jerkit:


Active member
ok chill now...
Nobody is trolling or convincing anyone in something. I am just asking a healthy question and trying to understand.

What do you mean by nutrients in soil? ok something here is not right.

What I am trying to understand is why? What are the advantages? And all you do is jump at me and insult. Why take it personal? Have a toke or two... idunno...


that's exactly my thought.

I was just wondering actually if any of the old schoolers or pros do any Chemy Soil ops? I mean I see it all the time. Ppl just don't get it. Maybe it's me who don't get it? Maybe there IS indeed somethign to it?

I'd go out on a limb and say the the vast majority of commercial op's use chemy ferts, reason being you can buy bulk 500 gal tanks of those multi colored magical elixirs they even come with feeding schedules.

It's not our job to convert the world, for the most part it falls on deaf ears, just sleep easy at night knowing you have the best quality product nature can produce.

Also to put things into a different perspective, not everyone that grows organically will have great success or grow the best herbs. You still have to have the relationship with your plants to understand what they need and when they need it, dumping budswel on the soil surface is just not enough to get the best buds.
The way I look at it is I'd rather the plant, which knows much better than I do, choose what it needs when it needs it rather than force feeding it with some nute cocktail to the point that I have to flush/starve it towards the end of it's life just to ensure it doesn't taste like chemicals. In my mind it makes more sense, unfortunately some people feel otherwise. Everyone knows though, that regardless of the plant, the best of the best is grown organically.

Mixing dry chem nutes into a soil is just asking for trouble imho. Talk about lack of control...
I've been out for a couple weeks so I am smoking leaf leftover from a previous grow right now. It is hitting smooth as silk, try that with chem leaves.


Active member
maybe the problem is you guys don't understand chemistry. lemme try again.

organic ferts, fish emulsion for example, or bat guano don't go gettin all faggy on me, break down to nitrogen which is a basic element at the end of the day. the plants roots take this nitrogen from the soil. by the time the nitrogen is at a point where it can be taken by the plant IT IS THE SAME AS THE CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS YOU ARE DOWNING.

get it now? im not saying one is better than the other , i've grown both soil and hydro and hempy, and in rockwool and coco (well a coco mix) and i would say so far the easiest and fastest has been hydro. i don't know why everyone was trying to scare me from it when i was younger and n00bier as a grower.
it couldn't be more simple. you take some water, add some chemicals (the base elements that all that organic shit breaks down to) and then you stick some plants in it and keep the water oxygenated. simple. the plants take whatever they want same as in soil, cept i aint gotta worry bout the pots drying out, and now that i stopped taking everything everyone said as gospel i don't even bother checking the ppms and ph or the temps. my box gets to over 100 degrees for hours at a time. no root rot since i stopped adding bleach to my res as someone told me to do, and stopped changing the res out for new mix every week. havent changed the res in over 6 weeks, prolly longer than that, i check the ph once a week or so just to be safe, always right around the mid to low 6's. ppm's i check em mostly when i add back water to see how much nutes the plants are using. the rest i let the plant tell me. so far they say. we are happy.

i also grew in organic in soil before, it was good the first time around, or so i thought then i did a side by side with organic and chemical ferts in soil... never looked back.

soil, traditional soil is humus and sand and lime and shit like that the dirt you find in the ground and it is full of nutrients because when plants die they release the chemicals in them, chemicals they once took from the ground to live, they release back for other plants to use. outdoors its a cycle, indoors you have to re-amend your soil, or buy new mix. soil is still soil even when the nutrients are all gone, you can just use a chemical fertilizer.

"soil" the shit that usually comes in a bag and says potting mix is not soil at all since there usually isnt any sand or lime, dirt etc in it. it's usually a mixture of peat moss, and coco coir, and vermiculite, and some bark to make up the rest of the weight and provide aeration. oh yeah and a little tiny amount of perlite to help drainage. the shits usually really hard to get wet unless you soak it or the bag is still moist when you buy it.

these come with chemical ferts and people use chemical ferts on em, but you can use organic too if you want.

i don't know whats better, thats subjective, but i dare anyone to say its not faster.