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Something is NOT right in the skies above. Some notice...most don't.

Check out my video montage of exclusive chemtrail photos taken by me.

I'm not posting this topic to argue whether they exist or not. Just watch the video. It's pretty convincing. Then do your own research and form your own opinions.

Other than that, watch my video. Rate it and spread it around.

I would love to hear comments on the video production itself though, if anyone has any.

Enjoy: http://youtube.com/watch?v=9iYa7qmRkZs
Well......Thanks for the video. Good music choice.

Is there a group of people on this earth that are trying to kills us by poisoning the atmosphere?

Is this group super human, and are not effected by this pollution?

Is there a secret base on the moon or mars that "they" will go to, to live happily ever after once this planet uninhabitable?

Is that what the International Space Station is for?

I never should have recycled my tin foil hat.
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I wouldn't say speculation about the issue has to go that far.

The important thing is this. If something is going on up there, we have a right to know. We breathe this air every day, and I'm not about to sit by and let them poison it without saying something. It doesn't belong to them, whoever they are. If I'm going to be forced to breathe it, I want to know what "it" is.

I know, I know....

Nothing to see here.......move along people. :angrymod:
S2D, I appreciate what you are trying to get at.

But, I need you to tell me what you're seeing.

To me, they look like the same con trails I've been looking at since I was a kid

What should I be looking for?

Any factual info you would like to pass on to me. Some links, articles, anything?

Making a video and throwing in flashing "RED ALERT" "What are they doing?" etc, etc, etc with no information pertaining to why we should be concerned, It just reminds me of the scare tactics used by certain people to keep a certain plant criminalized.

So yes, for the moment I think you are nuttier than a squirrel turd.

It's your turn now, be a salesman and convince me why I need to buy your product and you have yourself a sale.


Quite simply, I don't give a rats ass what you think of me.

You fail to see the "simple contrails" that spread like a crystalline structure to blanket the sky? All of those photos are of trails that persist for hours on end with other REAL contrails often occurring right along side.

Like I said though, nutter...do the research yourself. It says "chemtrails". Aren't you smart enough to type that into google and figure it out on your own? Or do you need someone to hold your hand?

Don't come in my thread calling me a nutter and telling me I need to be your car salesman.

Go anchor your head in the sand.


I just don't get why people want someone to convince them when it's been CLEARLY STATED.

Watch the video.

Do the research.

Form your own opinion.

If you think I'm nuts, you don't want to hear what I think about you.

So let's keep the topic friendly. Watch the video. If you enjoy it, post....if not, don't.


After researching here are the facts:

Someone is putting something in the air to do something to us.


It's the same people who force poor people to continue to have children they cannot feed, house and educate. But ....who are they!?


Hah, I love it. Dummkompf, thanks for the negative rep and the insults. May you reap the same karma! :yes:

Rodney. That's a very pompous statement to make. Poor people shouldn't have children because of their economic situation? Way to show off your character...I'm sure any further posts from you on this topic are going to wreak of stellar intelligence.

For those who just can't seem to figure out what a chemtrail is, it's this. Chemtrail is a term given to contrails that persist far longer than they should, even spreading to form blankets across the sky. They often spread in feather or crystal like shapes, even in the presence of other normal contrails. They are seen in many purposeful patterns like grids, numerous lateral lines, even sprayed in circles.

All this stuff is out there. I'm not telling you what it is. I'm showing you what's there and telling you to look further.

Again...if you enjoy the video post, if not....don't.

I guess you guys just really like it.....thanks! :yes:
Funny you post this. My sister was rambling about chemtrails the other day. Normally I am the conspiracy nutter of the family but I pretty much blew off her little ramble about the chemtrails and how they are being used to create clouds and control the weather. I said they look like the same jet streams I have seen all my life....then today I observed a jet for a short time...the smoke dissipates very quickly, unlike the ones I see hanging for hours and covering the sky as fake ass clouds. In closing I do not know who is fucking with the sky or why but I can surely say someone is.


i've no opinion either way on this but it would.nt be the first time government agencies sprayed nasty ass shit on the population. or even above ground tests maybe.


Active member
yeah the UK MoD or Ministry of Defence was caught spaying towns with chemtrails back in about 66. They used a phospheresence of some sort that was supposed to show up in the dark. I think more likely it has higer resonance on radar or something.

Anyway this stuff the used was radium or something. They used it in glow in the dark markings on watches. The women who painted these had a court case from the radiation poisoning they suffered.

Back to the story. The people in the towns that were sprayed suffered massive increases in throat cancers and such.

Contrails only last for a few minutes at most. Then they dissapate. Unfortunately this spraying has been going on for so many years now.. and many people have only seen these ones that stay up there for hours. So they think they are normal.

I know of them in Europe almost 20 years ago now... when I first saw them. I knew nothing but I did notice them and file it away as odd that they stayed up there so long. Also contrails need certain conditions to exist and at the altitudes these ones are being created in is not any where near high enough.

What are they doing? Don't know. Here are some suggestions:
Reducing rain fall. Under the guise of weather control or rain making they are actually breaking up rain bearing clouds and reducing rain fall. Eventually there is drought and water reduction.

Radar imaging: The HAARM system uses radio waves that can actually push a chunk of atmoshpere around. It can nudge a section of atmosphere. They are laying out some kind of grid that they can ether project their HAARM against or use it to see more clearly what and how they moving the atmosphere

Sraying of actual chemicals. Much discussion here. One person has caught some of the material as it drifted down. It lasts a little while before kind of evaporating. He found very small tubes that appear to be capable of self mobility. What they are doing is unclear but they correspond to nanotube type structures..... oh and this guy has even dug some of this stuff out of people, in sores and arthitic joints and such. It seems to grow in you.

Spaying of electroconductive materials. These are absorbed into humans via food, water breathing. The materials are designed to influence brain wave patterns and deliver a neurological control or suppression in those affected.

So I think those are the main suggestions ATM. I believe something is up. I thought it odd many years ago but did not come across chemtrails info until recent then it made a whole lot of sense. As to what they are doing who knows.

Evil is definately amongst us from the breeding of food alergies into people, forced sterilization programs, forced population reduction - innoculation, forced abortion at term (thats during the actual birth or just before), control of food and water sources, creation of fascist states like the US, false terror attacks against the iraq, the UK and US.

interesting times for sure.


Well said treb. All anyone has to do is type "chemtrail" into google and all this info is there. There are also many declassified projects that have to do with spraying things in the air that have come out. No secrets being told here.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Rodney said:
It's the same people who force poor people to continue to have children they cannot feed, house and educate. But ....who are they!?

i could not agree more...it's not like we suffer from lack of diversity lol..


thats proper true youknow ive seen some up there for hours when i casually gaze at the sky seriously i just thought concord init but then i read all of that i wudnt think there controlling the weather there doin sumthink FuNky but wtf are they doin what could it be all i could think of is nothing really because surely the world will end quiker if u spray those kinda bullshit in the air lol pardon my language but yeah what good could come of it and i swear they banned most of the concords nowawadays theres only one in london or somthink i think richard branson owns it but the rest are banned so its definatly not them so dude u just got me even more paronoid loll


Active member
yeah dont be paranoid man, just be informed. Thats all you need. These people are playing in the shadows... we just need to shine a little light in there and flush em out in to the open where we can all see em.


Its Algore and his many minions trying to reverse the effects of global warming.