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Jack Crevalle

There is tons of proof and documented facts about Navy and airforce experiments with "chaff" or millions of tiny metal particles tossed into clouds by airplanes to confuse military radar. This is a fact. What is so bizarre about them testing shit in contrails?
They kill tons of whales with ultra low frequency sonar, fuck up oceans with nuclear tests etc.. not so unfathomable to me..



I don't doubt they could even create a mini storm by manipulating clouds with crazy elements and materials..

Now to say they are aliens.....that's material for the Coast to Coast A.m.
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Amen nycdfan042. I'm not pushing anything but my video, lol. I thought it was pretty cool and I had fun putting it together. If it provokes a few people to question what's up, that's cool too.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Stoned2Death said:
Actually, I mostly wanted comments on the video production which surely your intelligence told you in the first post. Then the post directly above yours would have been too easy to see any pertinent info in either.

Discussing what makes a "condusive" conversation is an interesting tactic for drawing away from the original topic, and in itself is not conducive to a stimulating conversation.

I'm not even going to bother after this post and few others of yours today basically insulting people and belittling peoples intelligence. That isn't needed or respectful.


Kharma Girl. Where are these posts from today of me "basically insulting and belittling people's intelligence"???????????

I have GOT to see this.

What's not respectful is coming into my thread and telling me I need to offer you "proof" as you put it when I specifically stated you should do your own research to BEGIN with, because I wanted "comments on the video production" more than anything.

Your posts are taking a very weird path already and doing it all on their own. Let's play upside down world where we disrespect someone and accuse them of doing it! :bashhead:

I'm not trying to disrespect people. I am giving them all the benefit of the doubt to have enough intelligence to see what it's all about for THEMSELVES and make up their OWN minds. :headbange


google the 'weather manipulation act of 2005'...its broad, vague and tremendously ambiguous...pretty much says a group of people have the right to control the weather..or try to anyway. But i belive the chems are def an issue that most people just think are normal clouds..but now that i am seeing this it makes me happy...and for those people who said they look normal to me is because you have been raised seeing them...they have been spraying in the skies for years....check out the orignal "woodstock" video,...they talk about it, some doods like why the hell are you filming the bands, film the planes spraying this crap on us. Its a long running process that probably has no end and the creator has died. The other day I was watching this 80's flick called "Red Dawn" its a flick about these high schoolers who go guerilla warfare on these soviets that take over thier town or something. But they have a sequence where they have a montage, similar to the video in the beginning of this thread and its pictures of trails being laid in the sky. So I do not think that we are special people because we are being exposed to this. It has always been here...maybe they are just spraying more. Personally, I think it is to control the weather and to have lots of rain fall on us, and not on anyone else. Think about what that would do for the economy of this country and to other countries. Look at the mid west right now...its out of control. either the govt is messing around or we have like biblical plague style rain on our hands...either of which im not too fond of. I leave you with this...you will never know the answers to your questions...they will supress you as much as they can...thats why you gotta say fuck em and break all the laws you can. Cause if you dont get caught then there aint no crime.


fyi s2d...you should be careful about your youtube postings and your icmag stuff...easily trackable...be careful.


New member
Jack Crevalle said:
There is tons of proof and documented facts about Navy and airforce experiments with "chaff" or millions of tiny metal particles tossed into clouds by airplanes to confuse military radar. This is a fact. What is so bizarre about them testing shit in contrails?
They kill tons of whales with ultra low frequency sonar, fuck up oceans with nuclear tests etc.. not so unfathomable to me..



I don't doubt they could even create a mini storm by manipulating clouds with crazy elements and materials..

Now to say they are aliens.....that's material for the Coast to Coast A.m.

i do not dispute the fact that our military conducts all types of secret experiments... i do not doubt for a second that there are such tests involving contrails/chemtrails

but where it crosses the line into absurdity is when people are showing pictures of what are clearly contrails created naturally by jet engine exhaust and they're saying "omg look it's been in the sky for a long time it's a conspiracy!! omg when i was a kid contrails always disappeared right away!!"
dumb stuff like that.

(to stoned2death) Educate yourself on the science behind contrails and how they appear in different atmospheric conditions before you tell us to educate ourselves on a theory
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mig said:
fyi s2d...you should be careful about your youtube postings and your icmag stuff...easily trackable...be careful.

Thanks mig...I'm completely aware of that. I'm not hiding. :wave:


drdankenstein said:
i do not dispute the fact that our military conducts all types of secret experiments... i do not doubt for a second that there are such tests involving contrails/chemtrails

but where it crosses the line into absurdity is when people are showing pictures of what are clearly contrails created naturally by jet engine exhaust and they're saying "omg look it's been in the sky for a long time it's a conspiracy!! omg when i was a kid contrails always disappeared right away!!"
dumb stuff like that.

sorry mate YOUR way off base... you see I am a fairly educated person.. I can see patterns in nature and in the un-natural... now when I can watch SEVERAL big very high flying jets leave a VERY systematic pattern of mists (6-7 jets all in VERY perpandicular flight paths) that spread and fell to the point the air was getting misty near the ground long after they were gone AND could smell something in the air,,, you can NOT tell me they are in this for our health OR that it is some natural action,,,

YOU need to reexamine you world, and fast...
what about the millions of cars spewing their chemtrails out all day every day. I believe this is causing smog so you cannot even see the chemtrails in the sky. Even worse is the way that McDonalds tests its food on millions of actual Human Beings, what an outrage. Now there is a conspiracy. Maybe the government is using Maccy Ds to test all sorts of weird chemicals on us and that is not killing monkeys.


Stoned2Death said:
Personally, I think it's scary.

Here's our good ole US gubment carrying out biological test spraying a biological agent over 31 miles across the sky and killing monkeys!


If ever i find myself aboard a warship populated by monkeys i'll be sure to keep an eye cocked to the sky.

Personally i think that it was sea sickness, you can take the monkey outta the rain forest but you cant make them sail warships. Fucking stupid primates.


Thank the stars science doesn't go on your personal opinion. They killed all the monkeys on board the ships and spread a deadly biological agent over 60 square miles by spraying from a plane to see if they could be more devastating than a nuclear blast.

Somehow though...people still want to believe that they have no reason to carry out stuff like this today. That was just one test...I believe I've posted at least two videos of the government spraying dangerous shit from aircraft. Do you think they just gave up after those two tests?


Stoned2Death said:
Somehow though...people still want to believe that they have no reason to carry out stuff like this today. That was just one test...I believe I've posted at least two videos of the government spraying dangerous shit from aircraft. Do you think they just gave up after those two tests?

some people dont want to be woken up cause then they might have to do something. 9/11 was my wake up call, after that anything from our 'protectors' is possible.


Smokin on that serious...
dude those arent chem trails, those are condensation trails from the exhaust vents of commercial jet liners, infact about 30 seconds into the video, you can see a jet leaving one.

chem trails are left behind by missiles. although slightly similar in appearance, theyre lumenescent at night.

nice try though, do your research next time.


Dude...I took the photos. I know exactly what I saw. Those were all during the day time, and each one persisted indefinitely. You can clearly see shots of some as they spread out in a crystalline pattern. There's more than one photo of them spraying in that video btw.

Chemtrails are usually left behind by white aircraft with little to no markings thought to be 757's. Nice try, but do YOUR research next time.


I'm surprised we don't have some telescopic shots of these aircraft

I think its safe to assume our government is ready and willing to do whatever.

youtube comment
Chemtrails cause many health problems short term and long effects on all of us. We will end up going with short term effects which cause us to get drugs from our doctors. This effect will get the drug companies rich. Chemicals in the will get the chemical companies rich and hurt us in the process. Long term effects means we may die before we hit retirement age so you may never get to retire and the social security benefits will not have to be paid by our US government.

Jack Crevalle

Somehow though...people still want to believe that they have no reason to carry out stuff like this today. That was just one test...I believe I've posted at least two videos of the government spraying dangerous shit from aircraft. Do you think they just gave up after those two tests?

Definitely not, I bet they are testing shit in I-raq as we speak....