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Chemdawg D

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straight up... when you live in a ski town you learn to barter, try it sometime, its totally awesome, totally


Got to try some chem at a coop in San Fran. I wonder which chem it is? The 91 cut? the D? Incredibly strong flavor on the inhale with a very strong narcotic stone to it...Deep deep pungent smell....I smoke multiple times every day and there was no question it was a heavyweight hitter...I felt like I was on some pill meds and about to throw up at one point....Shit is no joke, believe the hype..
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Well after 16yrs of losing touch with chemdog it was great to see him give me props in high times, the is also a article in cannabis culture. Of the 12 beans found in the chem I sent him in 91 he sent me 4 a few months ago and they all germed and I will be taking cuttings tomorrw. So I will have 4 plant to work with. If there is a male I will keep it to play with. I also Have th 91 dawg thanks to our buddy in humbolt. So I plan on making some beans this spring. I will put up a cpuple if pix tomorow.



My Chemdog x chemdog d lady is about a week from harvest. She is looking very pretty, I can't wait to burn her.

I had a male doubledog that I used to dust a bud and while i was at it I dusted a bud of Northernberry. Northernberry is one of my favorites from my garden and the cut I have is crazy crystals (not unlike my double dog) so I just had to cross them and see whattup. I picked the Northenberry about a week ago and had eight very nice and mature seeds. I germed four, two are just sticking their lil heads up, another is ready to go into soil and I'm still waiting on the last to crack. Not too shabby for seeds that were germed only three days after the plant was cut! I had a very close friend pass away last summer, he was a major pothead and loved his weed greatly, I am trying to come up with something in tribute to my friend to be smoked by myself and other close friends of my fallen brother. I hoping that out of these eight seeds I will get on the road to something special, worthy of dedicating to his memory.


Active member
so, what happened? did the remaining 4 beans ever grow to be nice girls? Is joe really making beans? Will Big mo get in touch with rez?

(insert soap opera organ here)

find out next week on as the chem dawg turns...

No seriously what happened?


have a bunch of the thread off OG, if ya want i could post it up, its the fine points none of the BS

spill um



I have all 4 plant as moms they were all female. I also have the double dawg - dawg x dawg d

Look under the breeder = test grow thread there are pics

double dawg

better pics to come

moms about amonth ago

Double dawg



I will be updating the test grow thread so look there for morre pics and the dawg daze shots as well.

No male so I have no real seed plans as of yet.


Hey Joe, I just smoked my last bowl of the second doubledawg pheno. It wasn't as nice as the first pheno but it was still good pot. The pics of your doubledawg look like my first pheno, you're going to love it, hehe. It taste like lemon rocket fuel and slaps you pretty hard. Was very crystal covered and extremely stinky.



I am not sure how many days flower that pic is but less the 50.

I have moms of both my phenos vegging

I just took cuts of 06 chem 1,2,3 and 4 and will be doing a 3 tray grow. Can't wait


Active member
Thanks for the update!!!! Lookin excelent. Now thats some special shit, every seed a female!!!! what are the odds. THis story gets better all the time


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. . . .

....Always a pleasure to watch science in action.... :smile:

IMO: Toss' 'em a pre-flush '50' Phorsphorous Load real quick.... :wink:


That doubledawg is awesome I cant wait to puff that sample nugget and get that bitch goin!
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