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Chem Dog look out there's a new kid in the garden!


Plant is turning out real nice Thundurkel. You seem like a hustler to me. And I don't mean hustler in a bad way, but somebody who makes things happen rather than have things happen to them.

Good luck.


ICMag Donor
You MAY be right bro cuz from the looks this bitch MAY finish in 6 weeks but 7 for sure!!!

THANK YOU!!!!! And when this bitch turns out to be a high yielding fast flowering Purple cash croppers are gonna go nuts :smokeit:
I haven't even hit a full 6 weeks and this bitch looks like she is in week 7 of a 8 week strain!

Ok I get it that you want this plant to finish fast, but any plant can be picked at week 6, 7 or 8 and called 'done'.

Why the rush? Why not let the plant go 9, 10 or maybe even 11 weeks for your first run of it?

Again, for all you know it might look great at week 8 and herm at week 9, or if it's as good as you're hoping, maybe it doubles in weight between week 9 and 10.

Since you are running this plant for the first time, imo, it would be better for you to run this plant longer than you think it needs so you see the whole range of growth that this plant has to offer.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Ok I get it that you want this plant to finish fast, but any plant can be picked at week 6, 7 or 8 and called 'done'.

Why the rush? Why not let the plant go 9, 10 or maybe even 11 weeks for your first run of it?

Again, for all you know it might look great at week 8 and herm at week 9, or if it's as good as you're hoping, maybe it doubles in weight between week 9 and 10.

Since you are running this plant for the first time, imo, it would be better for you to run this plant longer than you think it needs so you see the whole range of growth that this plant has to offer.

Well Blynx my man I plan to cut 1 at 7 1 at 8 and 1 at 9 weeks and see which high I like the best and I don't have any strains I can pick in week 6 all call it done though and this girl isn't a full 6 weeks and it's fatter than my SSH and my Thunder Goo's and my Strawberry D which were all started a few days before which isn't much but still it seems like a week ahead of schedule :xmasnut:
Ok so as some of you might know I've been searching for a special clone only strain of my own to breed with eventually ever since I read the Chem Dog story.
There was never any maybe in that statement. You came in here off the bat claiming to have the "Next Big Thing". If you wanted to do some proper work I have no doubt that you could have something pretty great. And even without any work, you could get something real nice. You're letting your stubbornness and your defensiveness cloud your reason (maybe you're just really stoned?). Either way, you've never seemed to address any specific questions or points in my posts. I'm trying to be as communicative as possible but since you refuse to answer me or admit I'm doing anything but attacking you or talking shit. Your bagseed isn't going to turn into an elite cut if there are still literally thousands of seeds from that genotype in circulation. There aren't infinite phenotypes within a genotype. Not to mention, you'd be entering a market that is flooded with elite purple cuts of dubious histories, and that's no GDP or PK. It's a really nice plant. Give the cut to some friends, if they don't have accounts, ask them to take pictures and let us see. I'm very interested in this, but you can't just post pictures of a nice plant and say stuff like that without getting a reality check from people.

I'm gonna make an effort to get a hold of some of that Oregon Grape and make some seeds of that pheno. Then let's hear you call it yours.


Just Call me Urkle!!
There was never any maybe in that statement. You came in here off the bat claiming to have the "Next Big Thing". If you wanted to do some proper work I have no doubt that you could have something pretty great. And even without any work, you could get something real nice. You're letting your stubbornness and your defensiveness cloud your reason (maybe you're just really stoned?). Either way, you've never seemed to address any specific questions or points in my posts. I'm trying to be as communicative as possible but since you refuse to answer me or admit I'm doing anything but attacking you or talking shit. Your bagseed isn't going to turn into an elite cut if there are still literally thousands of seeds from that genotype in circulation. There aren't infinite phenotypes within a genotype. Not to mention, you'd be entering a market that is flooded with elite purple cuts of dubious histories, and that's no GDP or PK. It's a really nice plant. Give the cut to some friends, if they don't have accounts, ask them to take pictures and let us see. I'm very interested in this, but you can't just post pictures of a nice plant and say stuff like that without getting a reality check from people.

I'm gonna make an effort to get a hold of some of that Oregon Grape and make some seeds of that pheno. Then let's hear you call it yours.

Ok you're hella cool bro do you want a fucking cookie? yea came in saying that then realized I should've gone differently about it that's already been covered thank you try again...

What question am I not answering? So you're gonna go hunt down the batch my bag came from to spite me? Wow that's really grown up of you....


Just Call me Urkle!!
No BK not dropping temps to fuck with color I don't do that around here temps in my cab stay around 85-90 and no less than 70 at night maybe it might get to 65 in here on a really cold night but it's never helped any of my strains color up..


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
So you're gonna go hunt down the batch my bag came from to spite me? Wow that's really grown up of you....

don't stress it he's just teasing you, take a mental step back Thun and get back into the groove man, it's your party you can have as much fun as you want ;)
Wouldn't it be a perfect world when people could openly share opinions without being overly negative, or thinking about becoming rich off something grown from the earth, and try to satisfy every head in the world with high quality ganja for a reasonable price? Glad to live in Maine, where we don't get all the hype from "medical herb" which never passes the test over here in the East Coast anyways. Not to say all genetics from the West Coast are poor, just on average, poorly grown because people selling medical herb usually only care about $$$ and weight.(oh and don't forget looks;))

Come on everyone, lets get stoned and act like a loving, sharing family.

Thundurkel, hope things work out in your favor, I know most people enjoyed my bagseed herb with East Coast Sour D, White Russian, and Winterberry crosses(accidentally hermied to my luck) But there will always be someone, somewhere who won't like it at all...every body, every mind is different, thus the effects will be different. One man's dank is the next man's shwagg. And please, share the love...
Your never gonna be chem dawg! you seem to have this obsession to wanna find an elite cut just because chem did, i mean get with the program.

Have you ever heard of the uk clone only skunk#1 cheese pheno???
well no1 even mentions the guys name who found that plant! and the reason why is because big buddha cossed this clone with an afgan so he could claim it as his strain and called it cheese! but he crossed the clone to call it his all your doing is stealing some other persons strain to call it your own! atleast big buddha and his crew put some work into the cheese, for all you know some guys doing a breeding program on his own some where and may have spent years to get it to where it is! i wonder how happy he would be to find out someones trying to release his hard work to claim it to be your elite clone? i know your not claiming to have bred it but you havnt given one ounce of concideration to the fact that this may just be some ones hard work just about to be release and oh my god some dude just nicked it! you know what i mean?
or dont you care?
i was trying to help you out like alot if not every one who's posted on this thread, but im afraid to say i dont waste my energy on people who dont want to learn!

and dont forget, if that is someones work not out yet and there well known and find out your selling a copy cat of there gearunder a diffrent name prepare to be written off for ever as a reputable cannabis seeds seller and breeder
well niec pics in the beginning, looks promising, hope it turns out nice, maybe it already did... i dont have then energy for the extent of this weedless thread so keep that in mind and put more pics up k? it aint always what ya got to say in Your thread. nice pics toward the start tho

Hillbilly Wayne

puttin the cart before the horse man
getting defensive toward intelligent constructive critisism dont look good on yer behalf

you may have gotten lucky, who knows?
and thats the point it hasnt been smoked yet

appearance means absolutly nothing
and lots of trics dont mean high THC,hell big trics dont mean high THC, just potential for it if the genes are there

also assuming your batch will be good, because the bud you pulled it from was, shows inexperience, as well as making such big claims right off the bat does

i wish you luck, but we need more overhyped pot on the market
as much as i need another hole in my head:xmasnut:


Active member
I think Thundurkle already announced on another thread he has a developmental mental disability. Correct me if I'm wrong...


Just Call me Urkle!!
I think I'm Bi Polar just never had it checked out and don't care to be doped up on behavior meds...


Just Call me Urkle!!
4: clone onlys are for half wits who dont wanna put the work into the strain/ or the strain was taken from some where and the result is noone knows the male to match it if there is one.

you should really think before you say such things! i dont mean to rage down on you as it may seem but this really is rediculouse my friend

best of luck

EXACTLY!!! There IS NO WAY of knowing what male hit the mother of the seeds I got nor do I have a way of matching it unless I get lucky enough to find a similar male in the rest of the the seeds I have and guys this girl really is standing out compared to the rest of the garden next to Strawberry D, Blue Dream, Thunder Goo, and Super Silver Haze and like I said she's further along her flowering cycle and almost mature and will be ready to cut at 7 weeks under CFLs and I've noticed plants grow much faster and produce color much quicker under HID so can't wait to run a few bushes of this shit under my 400 :xmasnut: I'm doin a lil photo shoot today for you all..

Also can we quit bickering and calling me names I've fixed the 1st post and know I jumped the gun and didn't care cuz two things would happen either it would flop and you all could clown the fuck out of me or it would come out how I hoped and I'd have this nice thread to look back at and laugh at all you downing me, I appreciate criticism and tips but I don't like being called stupid or idiot or who the fuck do I think I am type of things I know I react like a dick a lot of the time but there better ways to disagree with what I'm doing than talking shit to me you know??

With that said lets just watch this bitch grow, if you like what you see say so if not shut up we have enough hatred in here thank you! I'm still waiting for that guy who chimed in about this Oregon Grape and Night Shade crop from OR that was sent down to Cali to come back with the growers info on what was out in the grow ect cuz I REALLY like what I have on my hands! It for surely has that Mendo Purps/Grape Ape or PK scent and it's making my Thunder Goo's just look OK to me which is a surprise:eggnog:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Your plant looks great and im sure you will enjoy her not an elite though. Here are a few pics of some of GHS gear. I have grown both Mr Nice and GHS version of SSH. With my style/type of growing GHS was better then MR nice. There Super Lemon Haze is also fire. Anyway we can have completly differant results I was very satisfied with there version of SSH.

GHS Super Lemon Haze



GHS Super Silver Haze


now thats the guy i wanna see thund!
i dont think your an idiot my friend i just wanted you to think! maybe my last post made you think on things a little i dont know but i sure hope that helped! always consider the other guy y'know?
see the problem with these clone onlys thund is you will find something exceptional and then because of the hype the seed rapers like arjan and so fourth jumped on the hype and make s1's! since the realisation of reversing female plants for breeding has been acknowlaged the seed banks have been getting clones and doing the process for money!.
im sure the plant will turn out fine, you can correct me at the end but i dont think myself she is an elite just a nice strain maybe even a nice pheno of a decent strain

best of look

i hope you prove me wrong ;)



just a thought, who really trolls whom on this thread? I havent participated in some time, because its fuckin pointless to watch an unfounded, overhyped, untested miniature plant bagseed grow.

but what do I see when I log on today? a red karma rating from some asshat who thinks he has the best shit on the face of the planet.....only, this dumbass hasnt even smoked the shit? stupid kid, right?

well, this is what said mouth-breather had to say ::

"keep laughing cuz it's looking better everyday!"

well, thanks a lot, asshat.....do you have some compulsive need to be trolled? does it make you feel like you actually have friends? lmFao.

I wouldnt piss on you to put out a fire.....aka, Ill be wishing ICMag had an ignore feature. Until then, im quite capable of tuning out your posts.....like ed rosenthal says cfls are best lights ever omfg!!! lol, children.....

thanks for being an idiot, thunderurkel....hope giving out neg karma makes you feel cool. You had to go back 14 days to neg rep me....you must have been spellbound....like a 5 year old, on his way to the candy store.

lmao, if HammerHead hadn't posted some beautiful pics, this thread would be a complete waste of disk space. thanks for saving it with something decent, HH


Just Call me Urkle!!
WOW!!!! Look how upset that lil neg rep made you I see what kind of person you are I'm not childish enough to post what you said on the neg rep you left me.... You are a very hateful person wouldn't piss on me to put out a fire? That's harsh shit buddy all over me being a lil excited over a bagseed? I think we know who the asshat is here and it isn't me......

Go check out Sun Pulse Systems I wonder why those bulbs match T5 Kelvin ratings hmmmmmmm Cuz they saw HID was in the dino age and knew plants need a much better spectrum to reach their true potential it's been said on here time and time again even by long time HID growers they've had better quality with fluoro and better yield with HID now that these Sun Pulse bulbs are around that can no longer be said since they have the PERFECT spectrums for growing....

I don't get why folks get so mad for me defending myself when being ridiculed and truly that's all I've done I've even gone back and fixed some of my posts in the beginning and yet I get shit like the post above....
dont let it bother you mate! i know you gotta lil carried away and you have admitted that you have been a little on the defensive side! and i say it takes a bigger person to see there mistakes and an even bigger one to try to fix them so fairplay to ya,
i'll say that dr buds cfl sog changed the way i look at cfls forever and ive now adopted it to my own technique, i plan to use 385 cuts in a square metre in 16 oz cups i figure do it all the same as the doc but with more cuts and hid's if the calculations are correct 77 cuts go into 2 sq feet so there 10 . something sq uare ft in a sq metre, a 600w hps will cover a square metre with no problems, this makes for 5 sets of 2 sq feet and a total of 385 cutting in flower at once or even perpetual if the yield comes in an average of 7grams per plant it works out at 96.25 ounces average, is it just me or have none of you guys heard of a rediculous yield amount like that? no well guess what i plan to change that and if im wrong you can can neg rep me and boo me of the stage lmfao ;)


Active member
dai wee dalat and his maniac tree rooting contraption was insane... these racks of funnel shaped tubes about 15cm/6" diameter at the top and quite long, with amazing drainage... totally insane intensity...

but that was OG...
