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Chem Dog look out there's a new kid in the garden!


Just Call me Urkle!!
Gene I wasn't talking you buddy I thought we were past this...

Thanks Reservationlabs I do have a issue with people talking shit in my threads hahaha I do need to focus on the good and not even give the haters recognition


hahahaha I know I was glad to have something cool behind it and my 7 magic beans in 7 grams sounds like it's a winner! Yea man I can't wait to see her in full flower! I wonder what pollinated her? My buddy was saying it was probably some bomb ass strain from Oregon that somebody grew outdoors and it got seeded by what who knows... I'm curious if she hermied to save herself like strains do when let go really long, either way she looks to be BOMB!! The smell is getting better everyday and so is the resin of course! Well I'm off to smoke some Sour Grape I picked up from SHHC for 45 a 8th and it's some kill!
how bout namin yer new strain "Thundur 77"


Active member
ICMag Donor
I knew right off tha this thread would take a bad turn...and it is pretty obvious why.

Hater, is a term that post dates me. Hater means a person who hates something or someone. Kids today seem to think that any disagreement, or challenge has to be hatred.
I fucking hate when people get labeled as haters by those who really have the term hate skewed from what it really is. Phuck a bunch of the "hater" stuff pasted to any dissenting thoughts or ideas.

If my above statement irks you...then maybe I just need to be put on ignore.

Now, I decided not to parse through this whole thread...surely we can see that it is full of wasted time.

What I will say is this...when I first started reading this thread, two things popped up in my mind immediately. First, I wondered if everyone believes the stories behind clone only plants? I mean, even the most noble of breeders will change up a story for whatever reason. Do NOT think that isn't true. A finder of a sport is even more likely, statistic wise, to blow up a story to fit the situation.

My second thought was curiosity. Curious if you had found any males in the seeds. This will tell lots.
If there were no males at all, it would be a probability that the seeds were selfed, or the result of a neighboring hermie. The latter usually ends up in gazoogles of seeds.
Finding a few seeds clustered in one bud is usually the work of a single male flower thrown by the mother plant early in flower, which pollinates herself.
I have found some great stuff from these types of seeds over the years, and some real trash.

Since you found a male right off, it tells me that your plant was pollinated by a neighboring male that flowered. The odds of finding a clone only keeper from what you have are very slim at best. The reason I say this is because I don't think that what the bud is being reported as, has a high incident of sport keepers being found...or at least I never heard of anything special coming from "Oregon Grape"? And the parent male is probably of the same strain, so the punnet square comes into play.

You are hoping for luck, and I applaud your want. But, do try to keep it real.
It's is not fair to yourself to have too high of expectations.
But as with lottery players, if you don't play, you won't win.

What I would do if I were you, is to research the strain this came from. Find out all you can about it's lineage and you will have the tools to see what direction to go with the plant, and what the statistical chances are of finding what you may want from it.

And always remember that you can NOT squeeze blood out of turnips. No matter how much you want it so.

Best of luck!


As somebody else is growing the weed in quantity they must think it has some good qualities, you might expect it to be a fast flowerer and a decent yielder. Looking good so far best of luck.


Just Call me Urkle!!
We have hit 5 weeks!

We have hit 5 weeks!

hoosierdaddy - None of your post bothered me and no I don't believe all the stories behind so called elite clones.. I see what you are saying but I'm so not one of those people to hype shit up for the sole purpose of money I'm seriously out to make people feel better and comfy with their lives and truly believe Cannabis to be the cure all plant so I'm collecting all kinds of strains and looking for unique phenos to play with and test on different people with different symptoms... Like I've noticed only heavy Purple Indicas take away my knee and lower back pain but yea nice Heady Sativas cure my depression and hybrids work well with anxiety so I want to research which strains will work best at do that...

As far as researching this Oregon Grape strain I have and I don't find shit!! I'm starting to think it's just some Grape Ape grown outdoor with some other purps like Grand Daddy Purple and a male from one of the two tossed some pollen around cuz I found a male in the 2 seeds I popped and I'm hoping for one more so I can keep him around and see what I get when I cross him to something else.. But yea she really has that unmistakable purp smell coming through which I LOVE!! Plus she's really putting the weight on every day now!

Here's some more shots and this was day 35 and full 5 weeks...






















This was the very bottom pop corn bud :joint:

The stalks are sooooooo damn thick and strong I can pick the plant up by the stalk without it bending in anyway
looking pretty good. how long did you veg for?

oh, and definitely not Grape Ape or GDP.

Again man, myself and others aren't "hating" on you, we're trying to help you understand how you are confused about some things. The pot you're growing still looks pretty good, frosty for sure, the yield still waits to be seen. But that doesn't look like Grape Ape or GDP. Oregon Grape isn't going to be available from Nirvana or Seedboutique, but it's a known local variety grown in bulk, you just took the seeds out of it. Believe it or not, this is how everyone used to grow pot before there were online seedbanks.\ Are there more pictures of the whole plant?


Active member
the thing is, the father plant COULD have been a rare secret that some dude is hording that MAY have unlocked the hidden keeper pheno in the mother plant, unleashing a whole new variation onto the scene... per chance...



Active member
Keep it up Thund... my bagseed I was growing out just showed pistils so I'll let you know how it ends up... so far it seems to be QUICK... showing pre-flowers with just about 4 weeks of veg from seed... keeping my hopes up
Yours looks really nice and frosty. Keep on keepin' on


Just Call me Urkle!!
the thing is, the father plant COULD have been a rare secret that some dude is hording that MAY have unlocked the hidden keeper pheno in the mother plant, unleashing a whole new variation onto the scene... per chance...


You MAY be right bro cuz from the looks this bitch MAY finish in 6 weeks but 7 for sure!!!


Pull my finger
The only issue I have with your thread is the title bud. It just makes it seem like you bit off more than you can chew. When folks click on the thread, they think you actually found a plant that rivals Chemdog. I know this is your hope, but to be realistic, even coming close to Chem is going to hard and breeders across the board are working toward that.

I have very high hopes for you Thundurkel. And if you do find something special, I will be the first one to say "How 'bout that shit"

I think if you could change the thread title, you wouldnt have to deal with all of the so called haters.

Your plant is looking sweet. I hope she is everything you want her to be. If she isnt, oh well, try again.


Throbbing Member
I plant looks like the bomb,.,....... Should not be too hard to beat the other.... way over hyped IMO.

Your Own Mind

New member
Ok so how can it be hermie stock if I found a male? If the female kicked out male flowers and pollinated itself or a plant close by those seeds would be female.... I'm going to take the time to type out what I read everyday to shut you fools up about me not knowing what I'm doing or talking about...

OK. if you found a male when growing out these magical 7 seeds then why the fuck didnt you keep it? You still only have a plant that has no linearage or anything. Its just a bagseed plant. You have not done any breeding or anything. You just planted a seed and you want to claim it as the next big thing in the cannabis world. This whole thing just doesnt ring true.

You have done nothing except plant a bag seed.


Active member
You still only have a plant that has no linearage or anything. Its just a bagseed plant. You have not done any breeding or anything. You just planted a seed and you want to claim it as the next big thing in the cannabis world. This whole thing just doesnt ring true.

You have done nothing except plant a bag seed.

Are you aware that OG Kush, Chems, Sour Diesel, etc. all started out as bagseed? How is this any different? They are some of most sought after strains on the planet.


Can we get off the dudes nuts? Yes he knows its a bagseed and he does not lay claim to breeding it just being lucky enough to find some seeds in a bag of some good pot. Fuck me all these new members coming on here with their fucking net ego's charged, aimed and ready to fire.

Your Own Mind

New member
Well I wasted presious time reading this thread. He claims all sorts at the start.

If it was titled "I have a great bagseed grow going" and showed the pics and said he hoped it might turn out to be something great, there would have been nothing but support.

But the entire thread is all hype and ego. This plant hasnt even been smoked yet.

Anyway, im off to see to my 4 Uber Amazing personal strains i bought from GHS's lol