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Chem Dog look out there's a new kid in the garden!


Just Call me Urkle!!
Also I NEVER said I made this strain I FOUND it!! Key word FOUND and yea if it ends up being something special you better believe I'm gonna take credit for the months of my life I spent growing out these bagseeds that most would've tossed in the garbage....

Only strain I claim to own is Thunder Goo and was given permission from the circle it came from cuz the breeder is gone for a long time in a cage.... I was the one smart enough to make a mom cuz I liked the smoke so much and I turned out to be the ONLY I mean the ONLY guy out of the 8 of us who had it that did this. So it was my actions that saved this beautiful strain cuz the dad and mom was lost in the raid ....
i understand what your trying to say mate but the strains that are his are his because 20 years ago he got these seeds and they are the only that are around to the day chem and his circle kept the strain in circulation he knows that he didnt breed it but he has earned the right to say that without him there wouldnot be a chemdawg family genepool atall


Well-known member
:yeahthats what blynx said.

sotf420, sweettooth is a wonderful strain, i wish i had her still. If i only knew then what i know now. but, i do have some annac sweetwooth X nycd beans still. Wish i kept that plant to, but.........now U got me wanting to start popping beans again.

Thundurkel, looking sweet. I as well find it interesting & exciting to start an almost unknown seed you found in a bag. Pop it ,care for her, then smoke her. U never know how she could really shine .

8-10 yrs ago I've turned seeds found in brick weed into beautiful plants and turned to be decent smoke

Goodstuff. My buddy found an amazing plant started from bagseed. amazing. she now shines above any of my $100 a pack plants started from seed in my garden.



Just Call me Urkle!!
Yes I am, Thunder Goo is a clone only strain from Nor Cal it was bred in Trinity county and the Dad was a stinky ol ATF male that was given to the guy from his pops who had it since the 90s from what I was told and the mom was a Nor Cal Goo and from what I can tell it's the Goo that GetMO described having been crossed with Gods Gift and then Blueberry and then back to itself cuz it has a heavy berry smell and turns purple in 9 weeks..

Lil story about T.Goo, I had vegged one out for a while in coco last year and gave it to my buddy to put in his HPS garden full of Querkle and SR71 Purple Kush and it was just the one plant in the middle of 32 top shelf strains.. While we were trimming the crop and showing each other favorite looking nugs ect boy did my face light up when my plant came around to be trimmed.. She had been left on the edge of the garden and barely cared for(asshole I know) but she was still frostier than ANY plant in the group and when the guys were handed branches of T.Goo to trim the reaction was classic 2 of the dudes at the same time after smelling the buds they held said WTF IS THIS!!! Then went on to say how my buddy should've done a room full of it and it was some of the best shit they saw all year ect and these dudes have a good 2-3 years of growing experience over me too...
The only difference between Chemdog's elite strains and Thundurkel's is that other have grown it out and agree that Chemdog is good enough to be called elite. The community decides whats elite or not, not the breeder. One dosen't just call his shit elite/legendary, the community deems it that way, so until others try it, and decide it is all that, this is just a generic grow report on some bagseed...I do hope its the next big thing but i don't have my fingers crossed.


Just Call me Urkle!!
When I do Gene I'm gonna name a fruity pheno Fantascaberry hahaha I like that name, if anyone would like to hear from another grower about T.Goo I gave some to Its420 and he said everybody was really liking the smoke...

T.Goo was the first strain well second strain I grew but really the first to harvest something worth smoking haha But yea I got lucky having this cut passed to me and it's still the frostiest in the garden and I can't wait to see her in all her glory under my 400w HPS cuz I've yet to see her fully finished! I've taken her 9 weeks in my CFL cab but she had just started to turned purple and have the calyxes swelling up so I think 70 days and she'd be a purplish pinkish white and smell like ATF and blueberries...
lol im glad you like that as a name and would be ohnoured for you to use it as a strain name lol leave ten of them fantascaberry's to one side for me bro ;)

i take it the atf is the alaskan thunder fuck right?
i bet thats one fine combination of genetics right there my friend do you know what generation it was at before the popo found the mom and dad?


ICMag Donor
getting new batteries today...

Gene bro I still don't see how Chem can call those his then you just wont change my mind dude found some seeds in a bag of weed he bought then grew out said seeds and now they are his strain? Come on dude what is he THE ONLY guy allowed to do this? Is it that big a deal hey Blynx what do you think about this? You are one of the ones I looked up to when I got here so curious how you feel about all this?

I think it's great you are growing out seeds you found. It seems to me like a lot of elite clone only plants came from bagseed/s1's.

But (ya knew there had to be a but), I think you kinda put the cart before the horse with this thread.

You did expect the kind of reactions you are seeing didn't you?

I mean this plant hasn't even been grown all the way out, for all you know, it will throw massive nanners toward the end of flower.

I also have to agree with ChronicChemist that it's the community, not a single person that define's whether a cut is 'elite' in the sense that you are trying to use it.

I don't mean any of this as a put-down, I love bagseed, my favorite bud (pbsd4) is bagseed x sd ibl and I grow it all the time.

If a plant is 'elite', then you really shouldn't have to say a word about how good it is, others will tell you.

Grow the plant out, pass it around and if it's truly an elite, you will quickly find out through feeback.


Just Call me Urkle!!
That's the plan buddy I just made the thread so the strain will be known quicker and the pics will speak for themselves in a few weeks and fingers are crossed that no nanners come out!!!

I too totally agree it's the community that chooses what elite and whats plain ol good smoke and yea I expected some haters and I expect them to have their feet in their mouths shortly cuz my gut says this bitch is a winner and so far so GOOD! Am I crazy or are those trich's pretty damn cloudy for day 32?


Just Call me Urkle!!
Going to buy some batteries in a minute after I smoke a bong load of some MK Ultra which I smoked for the first time yesterday and have to say whoever grew out and selected this batch did a good JOB! Lately I've been going through 8th's daily of supposed TOP shelf names and grown good too just my tolerence has skyrocketed lately but yea this MK knocked me on my ass yesterday so I'd like to get some beans of this shit to breed with.. I have dream to have a seed company ran by me and my wife like Subcool and MzJill but I've yet to find a cool chick that loves this plant as much as I do! hahah someday....
lol ok i'll admit it too i have got a very potent plant selected from 60 seeds found in a beg of what was called g bud im taking it its an s1 coz they all turned out female apart from one that hermed! but it came to me labelled g bud so i call it g bud even though i dont think it is g bud ( g-force s1 ) is my oppinion but like i said id passed out cuts of it in the past and never claimed it to be mine!

what im currently working on is my work! and once its done or atleast at its f3 - f4 stage i'l let people have a few testers to see what people think and i'll be proud to put my name to it cus ive worked so hard to make the hybrid for the whole world to enjoy!


Thundurkel- I suggest you try to tell the folks over there about your "breeding". Nvisionary maintains that if you aren't running open pollination populations of at least a thousand, you're not breeding, you're pollen chucking. Now I don't agree with his radical viewpoint, but his point is the preservation of genetic diversity. He's claiming that 1:1 male/female pollinations is poor breeding and all the inbred and polyhybrid lines are losing valuable alleles. I don't know if you understand any of that but the point is he's advocating saving genes, not making something a clone only artificially. By his standards, even Tom Hill isn't doing enough with several hundred plants. Chimera's probably got like 60 plants and that's too low. And Sub is probably selecting from a population of 24. And your breeding program consists of a population of 1 plant?

The point I'd like to make is that at least these "pollen chuckers" are doing something besides just growing a bean and calling it an elite clone only line as soon as it shows some trichs on the leaves. Even if you had some STS and made some S1s it'd be doing something and we wouldn't have to chastise you for pretending to be a breeder.

Also, Chem did just find some beans and grow them out, nothing remarkable. But he found 13 seeds in a quarter pound (the initial bag had no seeds, the 3 zips joebrand sent Chem back east had the seeds). YOU HAD 7 SEEDS IN 7 GRAMS!!!!! The crop that your seeds came from was a commercial grow, not joebrand's small grow. Assume at least 20lbs with seeds at the rate of 1 per gram. We're talking close to 9,000 seeds from that crop. And you think it's elite?

You really think you're the only schlub who grew it out? I've germinated every seed I have found in the past 4 years that wasn't from brick weed. I've also grown out close to 100 of those brick weed seeds to find useful phenos (Keeping more males than females). I don't have the ability to buy seeds too often. I know ALOT of people who do that. So I'd imagine someone grew one of the other 8993 seeds out. I'm not about to try to start a breeding program with a polyhybrid of unknown parentage. Go ahead, hit it with some pollen, see what happens. You don't have the room to breed yet or the genetics to work with. I don't know how to explain this any better, but polyhybrids are unstable and quite literally genetically retarded in many cases. Not what you want the foundation of your line to be. Make S1s. You won't be able to breed well with it, and it's just pretentious to keep it around as an elite clone when it's obviously not. I've got White Rhino plants that look like that at the same time in their lives. And that's available from 3 seed companies.

I have dream to have a seed company ran by me and my wife like Subcool and MzJill but I've yet to find a cool chick that loves this plant as much as I do! hahah someday....
Sub is hardly regarded as a breeder by many here at ICMAG. I don't intend to belittle his contributions as a care provider for med patients but he has been caught lying about his breeding practices and taking others' work from online forums word for word and publishing it as his info. The guy acts as if he is manipulating the CBD profile to engineer super-med strains when he can't even document his selection populations, all you get it shots of single parents because he's selecting from such a small group of specimens.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Check it out bro I'm kinda sick of having to tell you over and over I'M NOT BREEDING SHIT WITH THIS!!! ALL I SAID WAS I MAY KEY WORD MAY!!!! Have a special plant and since I found it in a bag of weed I compare it to Chems story haven't claimed to MAKE the strain as you keep saying I am which clearly I'm not... Also if you haven't noticed I go against the so called "RULES" cuz when it comes to this shit all "RULES" can and have been broken and proved people wrong time and time and and time again I don't what others think about me neither also IF this turns out special and I get it around it will be labeled LN7 pheno with the lineage of Oregon Grape or Oregon Purple attatched and if this bugs you SOOOOOOO much then go hunt down the breeder of this shit and bring him or her into this cuz I'm not claiming to have created a strain numb nuts I found a nice pheno which is looking like it's going to be better than what I got the seeds from!

As for the Subcool and MzJill comment that's just me wanting a company ran by me and a lovely lady and has NOTHING to do with the breeding they do although for the small amount they select from they have some very NICE strains but Querkle is a PM magnet...

Also since we are at it where did Erkle come from and Grape Ape cuz those are both so called elite cuts and I see GA in this cut for sure and if this is as good or better than those how can it not be special? Notice I say special and not "elite" and so fucking what if others grew out some seeds from that grow the point is they aren't on here sharing it with everybody and for the last time I can claim the pheno I found and if I find the breeder of O.Grape I'll call it Oregon Grape LN7 Cut but if not this OGrape is just another old strain that's been growing out west that isn't that popular but is probably oldschool like the weed Chem found his in and does have good genes in it cuz trust me bro I've searched my ass off trying to find info and I've found nothing but actual grapes from Oregon when looking for the parents and company or breeder who "owns" the genetics but I can't find shit and who cares if the seed ratio to you is high cuz I went back and bought more but didn't find any seeds in the last 8th I got and the original 7 were 5 in one 8th and only 2 in the other so you can't give the ratio have and say there were 9000 seeds sorry I'm not buying that one and even if there was where are these people growing it? I don't see cats on here even growing Oregon Grape and what if the rest of the seeds I germ turn out to be shitty is this still not special????

All I'm saying is I just wanted to share a plant I was excited about and NEVER claimed to have made the strain I just said I MAY have something special to offer to our lovely community.....
in your first posts as i will have to point out again! YOU SAIDyou was going to breed it with something call me a lier all you want its there in black and white pal ive had enough of this shit keep living in your fantasy land my friend pm me when your back on earth


Active member
ICMag Donor
Edited because I am high and read wrong:

You say that you are only thinking about "maybe" breeding it? When it is done and cured if it smokes good, has a great high, will add strenght to flimbsy structured plants of other strains and has other positives then go for it. Make it your "staple" for your own grows. I know people that over years and years and year have never ever grown any other strain except for the one that they perfected. They believe in it and they have it down grow wise and never stray away from it for their own personal grows. If they want different smoke or a different high they trade/barter with someone else that has something different. If you personally believe in this Oregon Purple strain then run with it for yourself. Someone else has and that is why you were able to purchase it. So if people in Oregon and Washington are growing it largely for commercial crops outdoors then why shouldn't you in your area also. If it is good enough for them then it is good enough for you.

Also a point that was made was that there was 7 beans in 7 grams and you said that there was 5 beans in one 8th and 2 in another 8th, it still breaks down to 7 beans in a quarter. So although it took you 2 8ths to get 7 beans it is still 7 beans per 7 grams and if you divide 7 beans time 448 the numbers are still going to come out the same.

You should focus on the positives that people are giving you in your thread, take the words of the post that you feel are negatives and make them into notes, see if those notes help you or pan true in the future, don't just shrug them off, use them to your future benefit.