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Cheese and Snoe Sleeper in Coco


3 Weeks of veg

3 Weeks of veg

Hi there Brought superior :wave:

Right if you did'nt notice i've changed the title of this thread now because it's actually cheese and not the blue cheese :D sorry for any confusion , i'm just as confused as you are if thats any consolation hehe :biglaugh:

Anyway i've now translplanted the 2 cheeses and 1 snoe into the big pots , the roots took 2 days to grow out the bottom and sides of the pots so it's looking good .

I think i was feeding them a tad too much tho so i've dropped back to 1.5 ec which they seem happier with.


All three have been topped as you can see below.


Here is Snoe sleeper.


Cheese 1


Cheese 2



A pic of my Ak-47 still doing some wierd reverting to veg thing .




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Well-known member
Wicked bro! Looking great now. Dont tease me with them shots of Bactovator. Gonna send you some dollar next week so you can go shopping for me. HEHE.

And come on lil AK, I can not wait to finally grow that beast.


Nice one Stuppa, hope all runs as well as you hope.

Just one point on the ec, 1.5 seems strong, especially for small plants. I know there are many ways to skin this cat, but I`ve just risen mine to ec1.3 during week 3 of flower. Are you planning on regular flushes to keep control of salt build up?

Cheers, Toke ;-)


Hey thanks man,

About the e.c , i have hard water with 0.5 background e.c here so feeding them 1.1-1.2 total ec means they won't be getting enough NPK and will be getting too much calcium or magnesium.

1.5 is the high end of it really for veg i think and is no problem once their established . If i was using soft water i could lower that to 1.3 and they would prob be OK.

The nutes will help to neutralize the cal/mag to a certain extent but only if the nutes are at a high enough concentration . I will go higher in flower maybe 1.8 but i will see how they do , if it looks like they will take more then i will give them more .

NOt a big fan of flushing to be honest and i don't have access to RO water , if i flush with my tapwater i will be adding massive amounts cal/mag which will create more probs than it solves . I might occaisionally put some weak nutes thru the top (1.2 -1.4) and measure the run off e.c/ph ,if they have changed alot i would just lower the e.c amount i'm using daily.


Yeah, sounds like you`ve got yer way down man, I`m using RO/tap mix (RO filter was around £80) to get ec0.2, and flush through with straight RO water ec0.0. It seems to be working for me now, after having had some problem grows/strains.

I always used to feed upto ec1.8 feeding a recirculating system, but now trying to get it exactly as they require and drain to waste, not that I`m saying I`ve got that sorted fully yet though ;-). gonna try upto ec1.5 next week, but without flushing I defo get some tip burn.

How often are you feeding, and how exactly do you apply your bottom feed?

Cheers Toke ;-)


Hey 28grams it aint the size it's what you do with it LOL :)

Yo tokesome i would love to get an RO unit but just can't afford it at the moment , where i lived before the tap water was perfect very soft with no e.c. this is the first time i've had to deal with using hardwater.

Last coco grow i did i just followed the standard hydro regime for my nutes which goes upto 2.2 e.c in bloom ,you can see the results in my albums they did pretty good although i think i was pushing it a bit and probably would'nt go that high again .

I feed them every day at the mo mate ,i take it easy when they have just been transplanted and top feed but as soon as i see roots then i bottom feed every day .

I simply pour the nutes into the trays you see in the pics, the big pots are taking just under 2 litres a day each now. I give them 20 mins to soak up and if there is any left overs i mop it up with a sponge.

Will get some pics up soon here's a couple of the predator mites i took the other day , bit blurry but you can just about see them . Bye bye fungus gnats muhahahaha :wave:




4.5 Weeks of veg - first day of flower

4.5 Weeks of veg - first day of flower

Yo Mr.G , they have just had their first day of flower after 4.5 weeks veg .They were growing pretty fast now so i thought lets do it !

Here is cheese no.1


Cheese no.2



Big snoe


Started doing some training on the big ones.


Here's lil snoe , she has been on 12/12 for 1 week now :D




And finally! presenting the hi-tech £1 bucket Ak-47 special! :biglaugh:



I'm just gonna stick the Ak-47 in with the others on 12/12 now that it's growing properly.



Well-known member
LOvely man. Super healthy bro. Couldn't tell you have taken a break from growing.

Hope you have taken a snip of the ak for a mom?


Thanks man it was made alot easier with quality cutts, there was no stopping these babies . The Ak has just gone mental in the last week it must of tripled in size i rekon, and because it was reveged it has made it very branchy .Not sure how big it will get but i can't wait i have to do it now dude.


Looking great there Stuppa. I`m following this.

I noticed a few leaves on the floor, do you do any defoliation during veg, and flower for that matter? Just something I`m playing about with at the mo.

Cheers, Toke ;-)


Hey man howz things , i don't do the defoliation thing that much really those leaves you can see are as much as i've cut off of all of them . I just cut enough off so that it does'nt get too dense in the canopy and stop airflow .I have started cutting abit more off now cos they are bushing up a bit but i try to leave it till after they have stretched out a bit in early flower you know ?

I suppose it depends on the strain aswell as to how much i cut off , the ak-47 i have is very leafy and the snoe is quite leafy aswell but the cheese are'nt too bad . The AK is a pain in late flowering if there are too many leafs cos it's prone too bud rot but i still try to leave as much on as possible .


hey there stuppa. seen some of your G plants you've grown in the past, and was wondering. how the hell did you get them so big, lol. how many lights do you run when your growing big trees like that?

what do you reckon to the tripple f mate? does this replace boosters like, big bud or bud xl, or something similar?
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looking shit hot, ive also seen the calibre of the snoe cut from herbs and it looks pukka! cant wait to see these trees in full flower :) what have you taken off them in the past, sub'd bro all the best!


Alright BIGGS . The G gets big on it's own i don't have any say in it LOL it just goes up so fast in the pre-flowering stage. I usually just put 1 light above each plant then put at least a couple of vertical supplements down the side somewhere as they get older.
It's quite handy is you have differnet types/heights of plants cos the vert. supplement lights can be adjusted to suit the lower plants and the bigger ones still get the benefit.

The triple FFF i can recommend mate but the "50% increase in yield" claim? :chin: itchy beard LOL. Basically trip F just forces the plant to uptake more nutes at the peak time in flowering and it does work but i think the "more yield" thing is a bit of a red herring , it's more about the improvement in quality for me. That shit is'nt cheap either , i don't know anything about big bud or xl but trip f is like £60 a bottle :eek:

HI john :wave: I have'nt grown the snoe out before so i only know roughly what to expect from herbs pics . The Ak is OK tho ,not a massive yielder but i've got 27 oz of one plant before, they are very stocky and hog the grow space , they grow outwards rather than up if you get me . The snoe is getting really bushy now with lots of branching and is out growing the cheese's easily .

Hey there brainsellz :D
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Well-known member
FFF is brilliant stuff. Is really bio life , bacteria. Got a few other chems in ther also, but nothing in the NPK range. And works happily along side ALL supplements and base nutes. So use in addition to Bud XL Big Bud etc. I have been for years.


The triple FFF i can recommend mate but the "50% increase in yield" claim? :chin: itchy beard LOL. Basically trip F just forces the plant to uptake more nutes at the peak time in flowering and it does work but i think the "more yield" thing is a bit of a red herring , it's more about the improvement in quality for me. That shit is'nt cheap either , i don't know anything about big bud or xl but trip f is like £60 a bottle :eek:

Yeah, I reckon the way the manufactures claim the 30 to 50% increases in yield can only be based on a very poor grow set up, and of course you`d have to improve all areas and then use the product and low and behold 30-50% increase in yield. I think what they wouldn`t say is if you improve all areas of a grow to the right spec, ie "dialed in" you`d probably expect 30-50% yields without the additional product!!

I am a cynical fooker when it comes to manufacturers and their miracle products tho.
