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Cheech & Chong

Has anyone been to any of their reunion tour shows? I have tickets for an upcoming show and cant wait! The venue is newly refurbished and im not sure how they are gonna take to the smoking there. But I will still be blazing no matter what. I was just starting this thread to see how the performance was and your experience with CHEECH AND CHONG! I will be back to share how my show went and how totally wasted I was during the show!:joint:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
i saw C&C at the comedy store in san diego last october....
they still sound the same,,,so much so,,, i thought they were lip
synching to a pre-recorded routine....

good shit man. they both look like they is in great shape. i was hoping
that they would have thought up some new material inthe 30 or so years
they have been sepereated,,but no luck.

would have loved to smoked in the venue. but it was a comedy club
that holds maybe 50 people...either way it was great to see them live..
hopefully they have alot on their plate and we can expect more from C&C
((and hopefully not have to endure anymore half rate cop rolls courtesy of cheech))

edit:::they did do a variation on the labroador joke...
but instead of it being from a labrador,,, when cheech
asks why it taste so funny.... chong replies::: oh thats
KY jelly. cheech says KY jelly?? chong says yeh,,, how
do you think i got it into prison?? cheech say eewww man
chong says:: at least it doesnt stick to my lips!!!!!


livin my way the high way
great show. i went to the tour opener in detroit and if you got caught smoking the first time they just told you to put it out, and the second time they kicked you out.

Rocky Mtn Squid

Cheech & Chong

Cheech and Chong .....I saw them, and they were well worth the $$$$$.

"Oh my God Ethel......."


"My Momma sock it to me cuz I don't know how to live.........."




~Resident Puck Bunny~
great show. i went to the tour opener in detroit and if you got caught smoking the first time they just told you to put it out, and the second time they kicked you out.

It didn't begin in Detroit.... it started in Canada...I was at the very first show:joint:
If you have the chance to see their show,if it comes to your city or nearby, GO! I had a great time and it was one of the best comedy shows I have ever seen live! Classic skits that are famous from the movies and known from their records. Show ran about 2 hours, that meant alot of smoke! Mexican Americans dont just like to get into gang fights..........


I got tickets for an upcoming show. planned on smoking/eating some cookies before the show. Most you guys saying you toked during the show? My venue is in a pretty nice place with no smoking aloud. Any suggestions?
The place I was at is real "upidy" and strict on smoking. I had alot people around me who really diddnt look too much like smokers. Then a guy a couple rows up came to take his seat and said " I will apologize for the smoke now". I knew it was on, so did the security, but they diddnt throw anyone out and really couldnt tell who was burnin. It was a small venue too.
Id suggest bringin a pipe. Alot easier to hit the pipe one time and blow the smoke up than it is to keep a joint constantly burning in your lap!


def going to bring the bat/dugout if I decide to. I was more worried about police/security than the other people n the audience. I mean only kind of person is going to pay to see C&C.
There were plenty of people who diddnt take the joint i passed at them and never fired up at all. And I did see one rat bastard trying to find security in another section wavin their hand infront of their face. So watch out some concert goers might be rat faces and dime you out to the security.

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