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I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
ok is that all? Everyone flushes the same way... Lets see other ways to flush if there is an all new top secret way keep us informed.. peace.



you asked about people that are doing it big and how they flush?

we here have all our ladies over 8 feet wide and most pushin ten feet tall.

the only way to flush properly is to not use anything but plain water for the last month of flower. Organics is in my opinion the only way to grow, and with organics a longer flush is needed b/c the soil is alive and needs to lose a lot more nutrient rich content to flushing than a chemmed out shitty garden that kills nature.


Well-known member
i try to flush mine but the 5gal container wont even fit in the bowl .
i start about 3 weeks before harvest ,they get nothing but water till done .not really flushing water thru them ,just a really good soaking til the water just starts to come out the bottom and thats all they get til done ,no food just water last 3 weeks .and my friends rave about how good the weed i smoke taste compared to thiers
I think they way the word "flush" is being used here is a bit confusing.

To me a "flush" is when I pour lots of water, a gallon or 2, of plain or at least un fertilized water through my plants and make it keep running out the bottom.

I am flushing the remaining nutrients out of my soil.

I imagine the size of your container would dictate how much water would be needed but in 1 gallon pots 2 gallons of water is a decent flush.

I set mine in the bathtub to drain out all the flushed water.

Then I water for the next 2 weeks or so until harvest with plain water, actually its water with only molasses.

To me the process of actually running water through your pots is flushing and watering with plain water is just that, watering with plain water.

So a bit of a ramble on here but to prepare my plants for harvest I flush well once then water with plain molasses water until chopped, about 2 weeks.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
:chin: Seems more people are starting to flush adding molasses... Does this sweeten the taste? Or how does this affect the overall of the plant? Taste, odor, And high? for me the verdict is still out on the molasses thing i need to try this.. peace.



I dont flush at all but I only ever water my plants with water :)

All the nutes are living in the soil so there's no need to add anything for the whole grow.

2 x compost bins

3 x worm farms

2 x bokashi bucket's

Make your own soil & never buy nutes again & you will never have to flush your plants. The only thing I ever buy is some perlite & coir :)

Once all your bins have been running for about a year it all just runs it's self :)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
what are bokashi buckets? And i have never used a compost bin but, i found a nice one at costco for 99 dollars.. What all do you add to the compost bin? I am totally noobie to composting... thanx for posting peace.



"The key to the success of this system is the specifically designed Bokashi Bucket, and the use of EM Bokashi.

Bokashi is a Japanese term that means “fermented organic matter. EM Bokashi is a pleasant smelling product made using a combination of sawdust and bran that has been infused with Effective Micro-organisms (EM). EM Bokashi has traditionally been used to increase the microbial diversity and activity in soils and to supply nutrients to plants.

* Place your kitchen waste into the bucket, then sprinkle a hand full of EM Bokashi over the waste.
* Repeat this layering process until the Bokashi Bucket is full.
* Drain off liquid (Bokashi juice) as necessary.

Once the bucket is full to capacity, the waste can be buried. If you have two Bokashi Buckets, begin the process again in your second bucket. Let the waste from the first Bokashi Bucket continue to ferment for 10-14 days or for any additional length of time. Then, bury the waste and wash out Bokashi Bucket ready to use when your second Bokashi Bucket is full. If you have only one Bokashi Bucket the waste can be buried as soon as it is full, obviously the waste on the top has not had much or any chance to ferment, even so, the waste will still break down quickly because of the micro-organisms mixed in.

With two Bokashi Buckets the waste gets extra time to ferment, you will get more of the valuable Bokashi Juice and it is more convenient, however, this wonderful composting system will still work with just one Bokashi Bucket.

Bokashi Compost will look different to other compost that has decayed. As the food waste does not breakdown or decompose while it is in the bucket, much of its original physical property will remain and it will have a pickled appearance. Breakdown of waste will occur after it has been transferred to the soil."


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
wow thanx for the info that is very interesting.. So can a person just use any bucket as their bokashi bucket? Or is it a specific buckey you have to buy? Again thanx for the info peace..



the only reason i flush soil is if i pushed a little hard on the nutes. try to put the fucker in bathtub, water till it comes out the bottom,wait an hour, do it again,wait an hour, do it again till clear water comes out. water only with molasses from then on out, 1 to 2 weeks. in soil, u can't get all the nutes out, so should have enough to finish just fine


This is basically how I do it.....

1st worm bin = High "N" food scrap's.

2nd worm bin = High "P & K" food scraps

3rd worm bin = Cannabis leaf and leftovers

2 x Bokashi buckets = any & all food scrapes that the worms cant eat, meat, spices, bread etc..

Compost bins = Past used soils, all garden waste, contents of bokashi buckets. Bake for a year :)

Then when making my soil I use the compost mixed with coir & perlite with the appropriate worm castings added ie, High "N" worm castings for veg etc. Add more microbes & fungi and let pot sit for two weeks and then plant into.

I add small amounts of lime to my worm farms & small amounts of Blood & Bone also.

That's about it, I do a few sprays with Tea's & just add to the surface the High "P & K" worm castings at beginning of flowering but pretty much all water is straight water.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
wow that is pretty simple.. Thanx for the info my wife should be happy, she has been wanting to compost and start our own veggie garden. this is a good way to not pay for soil as the soil i use to buy no longer is sold here where i am.. So one more question as for the buckets can i use just any bucket? Or is it a specific bucket for composting? Thanx again for your time.. peace.



Nah mate I reckon you could get away with any bucket.

Get 2 99c buckets, put a heap of holes in one bucket & put that one inside the other bucket and you have a Bokashi bucket.

I would use good quality "EM (Effective Micro-Organism) Bokash" though as it makes a difference.

But I reckon there a god send as there are so many things that cant go in the worm farms but everything can go in a EM (Effective Micro-Organism) Bokashi bucket & then into the compost and your getting an amazing amount of nutes from over 100's of sources that you could never use :)

Oh I use some "Green Sand" in my compost also ;)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Nah mate I reckon you could get away with any bucket.

Get 2 99c buckets, put a heap of holes in one bucket & put that one inside the other bucket and you have a Bokashi bucket.

I would use good quality "EM (Effective Micro-Organism) Bokash" though as it makes a difference.

But I reckon there a god send as there are so many things that cant go in the worm farms but everything can go in a EM (Effective Micro-Organism) Bokashi bucket & then into the compost and your getting an amazing amount of nutes from over 100's of sources that you could never use :)

Oh I use some "Green Sand" in my compost also ;)

Exacly what i need to know thanx so much for your posts.. Lots learned in a short period thanx for answering my questions.. peace.



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
ohh wait one more thing can i get bokash from my local nursey? or is it something i must order online? thanx again.. peace.



No probs mate :)

Yeah a nursery somewhere should have it, That's where I got mine from although Im in Australia but Im sure you will find one close to you :)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Have an awesome weekend brother thanx again for the info and tips.. Much appreciated I will let you know whats up when its gets started. I been crazy busy but really want to try this out.. peace..



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit yea orMeds gave some good info i am definitely going to try it out.. Talk soon brother.. peace..



a true FLUSH is where you add 2x the amount of the container size..so say you finish in 5 gals, then you should add 10 gals of water to it, to flush out the salts and buildup.
If you grow organically then you don't have to worry as much as the synth folk..but still just use plain ph'd h2o to water them with...don't add molasses, it doesn't add sweetness to taste, it is just a supplement for nutes. You can use this if needed, but not very useful for a flush.