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Check out this ?sativa? at 22 weeks...

ill take some seeds off your hands :D

i growing a schwag bagseed some random shittty bud

i end up getting a nice mostly satvia plat kinda like this but leaves are not as skinny!

got pinks hairs too

nice grow can wait to see the buds when finish gonna be hard to trim!!!!


Active member
Thanks for the tips.
I will cut some of the lower buds I pollinated with the super skunk. I know the seeds are done, I pollinated months ago.
I give some a quick dry and test it.


Active member
Thanks Kush Master, I like it too:)

3dDream, I'd say 50/50 chance of being Mexican. I thought the Lemon smell and that it can turn purple would be the things that may help identify it the most.

Yes Miris, kind of small pot. I had no idea it would grow so big and take over 6 months to finish.... I use 400w hps

I did a quick dry with the seeded lower buds. It was pretty good, super up buzz, I went fishing while smoking, the woods made me a little paranoid:laughing:

I have cut the light down yet, I will give it another month. I will be patient with this one...
I have grown Corinto(south columbia) that was very much like this plant I grew it outdoor in southern spain it was a wild line which I dont think even liked to be grown in pots.It was hands down the most difficult plant I ever grew but it was worth it .PS the corinto never really finished I let it go 26weeks then i girdled the plants and let them go one more week


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
dude that shit looks identical to 1 of my phenotypes that i found in my wonder diesel x ak47 i let her goto 120 days then i cut the bitch down she really pissed me off. lol weird growing plant mang


Senior Member
what is your flowering schedule? might have an easier time getting her to mature if you start flowering her under 11/13...i have never grown anything with that much sativa in it but i have read that people often do this with sativas because they originate along the equator, where the light schedule is always 12/12...summer and fall(though they don't really have seasons)i guess it can take a little extra to get them to flower and finish because they are genetically used to vegging even under 12/12.

or maybe even go the extra step and gradually step down the lighting every few weeks till harvest. i just started the 12-1 schedule this run, i'm currently at week 6, with 10.5 hours of light 13.5 hours dark, basically stepping down 15 minutes each week with the goal of finishing at 9 hours light. i know what your thinking...gotta reduce yield right? i dunno, so far i am pretty sure i'm going to out-yield my previous 12/12 run...too early to say for sure but it seems to work just as well but the whole overall light schedule will save me a LOT of watts, while bringing flowering time down a little and increasing floral bouquet. it may help with hard to ripen sativas like yours...


xD HAHA YEAH! i had a plant like this once(and phylloxera killed the mom). calyxs were super spread out like that, and what a crazy high it gave, psychedelic like for sure. Yeah man, thats a sweet find for sure, make sure to hang onto that one.


Active member
UPDATE: Cut at a few days short of 6 months...
It was messing up my canopy but I wanted it to finish. It grew 2 equal tops, started flowering it at 10 inches, 25 cm.
It is drying now.


waveguide, it smelled like lemons growing, now drying it smells like a lemon scented cleaner, very strong, it clears your nose up for sure.

mr.brunch, I have made over a hundred seeds of this crossed with sensi seeds super skunk. I will be popping those this weekend. I wonder how it will go, crossing a 6 month strain with a 60 day strain. Any bets on how long the cross takes to finish?

seeded lower bud and seeds, the seed it came from was tiny and black, crossed with seni super skunk they look like this.



I am keeping it going in clone and mom form but don't plan on flowering another one until I get some good pure indica pollen to put on it. A friend told me he will have some Mango pollen for me, maybe I will put some one this sativa, not sure. I don't know what Mango is. I was thinking of putting Afghan pollen on it.

I am happy to have this tall plants out, need room for sage clones and the seeds I have made.
Also pic of a super skunk I just took out... now I can adjust my canopy...



I will try burning some of it this weekend. I just call it SS= Super Sativa. First time I tried it the stuff reminded me of the old days... black resin came out the end of the joint. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
now thats a sativa

nice grow
looks very similar to thai i flowered out

same exact descriptions of smells straight lemon

very sativa and racy

to forever to flower i didnt count weeks as it was just in the all year round flower room

it was some crazy energetic sativa with like no body at all,was great but def needed some indica added to it

i didnt keepm a cut but got plenty of seeds to go through


Mr. Fantastic

That is sweet that you are so patient and dedicated! That structure looks very similar to Gypsy's Luang Prabang. Does it have a piney note?


Active member
That is sweet that you are so patient and dedicated! That structure looks very similar to Gypsy's Luang Prabang. Does it have a piney note?

6 months was a long time to wait dude! Especially after smelling it for soooo looong...

No hint of pine, straight up lemon scented, getting stronger with drying, should be properly cured by Christmas:wave: