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Chasing the sweet Tooth fairy


Active member
Advanced Veg Week #2 Feeding was last night on the two Sweet Tooth.

Topped the two smaller hydro sweet tooth.

Supercropped the biggest one on the two main stems that produced from when I topped her a few days ago. She recovered in 4 hours, then I topped all three main branches on her.... in a few days I'll have 6 tops on her :)

The seedlings and blueberry got water.


High country cat herder
Keep a close eye on the GDP cuts, Every time I've tried GDP indoors it's resulted in pollen sacks around week 3,.... not male, but full blown hermi!

If I could catch the sacks and trim em off, it would stabilize and be good till about week 7, then be on the watch for nanners.

Low yield, bitch to grow, but killer smoke! :D

Better suited for outdoors. ;)


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High country cat herder
I've seen many growers take em all the way Indoors,... but no one locally, You might have a better cut, but keep an eye on it!

There was some tickturd selling all the same hermie plant as GDP or PurpErk for a while in the front range area,... rumor has it he was some shitbird from cali,....

hopefully you got a real GDP clone as fuctard would have hit your area first!


Active member
Wow.... that does look wierd, just the lighting and HD function on the Iphone.

They look really good.

As far as the GDP, I'm hoping I'll be okay my source is reputable... but even still, I'll be watching these bitches like a hawk


Active member
Watered with cal/mag today... almost out so I picked up some Humboldt Sea-Mag and Sea-Cal....

I then foliar fed with the mag.... because of the leave twisting.

I was concerned as the humidity has been no issue for awhile now.... I then noticed some mag def on a couple of leaves. Should be gone now.

I also picked up some H202 to use with hygrozyme in my Hydro... let's see how this shit works haha. Had some brown on a few roots... I'm sure it's just the hydroten staining them but wanted to prevent any root issues in the future.

Also picked up a silica product, I've heard excellent things about silica in hydro.

What else.... some formula 420 to clean the pieces...

Everything's looking good now, Can't wait to see if the mag does the trick.


Active member

This is the old pic... they are filling in now.... but see the leaves curling everywhere... these are the ones that got the mag


Active member
Got the raptor hood, the hortilux eye 1000w HPS and a 1000w digital ballast...

Currently building a 12 bucket Recirculating DWC setup from Blazeoneup's tutorial in the indoor hydro section.

Going to run with 10 hydro and 2 soil for this run because of the Two sweet tooth... and then next go around it will be 12/12 after 1 or 2 weeks of veg :)

Set on the plan, just time to execute!


Active member
Finished building late last night... only to run it and find leaks everywhere :(

No Worries, Got it all fixed today! The RDWC is running smooth, only a few more clamps to install to prevent any future leaks.

Can't wait to hang the light!!! I'll post the pics when done.

whew, this has turned into a shit ton of work.... time for a bowl.



I love that youre experimenting and trying cool stuff
Youre grow is going nicely I might add...
I just started an aero experiment, check my thread if youd like :)


Active member

Trying to use my friends mac to upload photos from my iphone... finally got it... haha

Upgraded Everything :)

Going to put a few clones into the RDWC tonight. Going to flip the switch in a week.









sorry bout the sideways photos....


WOW! Now you've REALLYYY got things going. Love the light set up
Tell me how you like that ballast... When I move I'm making the switch to digital and I'm trying to find out what works best!
Anyways, the set up looks dope. Can't wait to see FLOWERSSSSS man


p.s. you are absolutely gonna start killing it now...


Active member
With Everything running the breaker trips everytime.....

I took 20 minutes and found a way to have just the lights at about 16 amps max plugged into the grow room.

Everything else, pumps, fans, a/c etc. are plugged into two seperate outlets next to my room on to seperate breakers.

Everything is running smooth, I just mixed up some lucas formula and added some h202, I've been soaking my hydroten in 5.8 water with h202 all day and before that I rinsed it for an hour.

Tonight I'm putting 2 GDP's, 3 Trinity's, 1 Island Sweet Skunk, and 1 blueberry in the 7 DWC tubs that I have currently running.

The 3 waterfarms will remain independent of the system and the two soil will be flowered out this time. Total will be 12 plants.

in about 75 days when everything is chopped, I will finish the system with 5 more matching black buckets and have a nice 12 bucket system.

Damn this is fun. The leaks aren't 100% fixed but good enough to run with.

The only reason I have leaks is because I used cheap Black Poly Tubing from Home Depot instead of Nice flexible Hydroponic hosing... well for the 3/4 inch drain lines. The 1/2 inch feed lines are the good shit. So next round, I will be replacing all of the 3/4 inch tubing.


Drool... I just upgraded my hood to a ventilated hood that'll take a 600w when I can fit it in the budget, which I hope is soon. Jealous to see your setup, haha.

Lovin' the thread :)


Active member
@potent, Canni and Mugen - Thanks!!!

Finally Started for real...






Time to learn... Bring it RDWC!


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