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Chanting Growers Group

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pass and all others, i love you
i've been on a meeting with local sgi members, and they've shown me how they chant and we talked for a few hours.
i think i expected too much from them, and this is what i learned today although we talked about other things, but this is the bottom line for me today and i think pass new this before me that's why he encuraged me all the time to do this step. i've met some nice NORMAL ppl whit whome i can chant and talk in the future, we've exchanged numbers and suprisingly one of them lives a block a way from me :D
i told them that you are my friends here, no matter what are your intentions you gave me something that most ppl never did. i whish you all well and i hope i gave you some of my joy :)


Active member
No prob Delta! them rocks are turnin' into pebbles, thanks for helpin' me smash em!

scegy!! right on bro!!!! im' so happy your encounter was a good one, im so stoked for you!!!!!!!!! awesome!!!

My 50/50 shot at bein on a job tomorrow has turned into a 100 %. I will be on a job site tomorrow! Im a bit scared and nervous but i have worked with this guy before, shit hes one of my best friends, we just hav'nt seen each other in awhile. So along with alot of chanting for FIATH!!!!!!!and NO MORE FEAR!!!!!!! I shoud be ok.

nam myoho renge kyo!!!
nam myoho renge kyo!!!
nam myoho renge kyo!!!

peace brothers

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I have been chanting for this for over 60days!!!!

I have been chanting for this for over 60days!!!!

scegy said:
pass and all others, i love you
i've been on a meeting with local sgi members, and they've shown me how they chant and we talked for a few hours.
i think i expected too much from them, and this is what i learned today although we talked about other things, but this is the bottom line for me today and i think pass new this before me that's why he encuraged me all the time to do this step. i've met some nice NORMAL ppl whit whome i can chant and talk in the future, we've exchanged numbers and suprisingly one of them lives a block a way from me :D
i told them that you are my friends here, no matter what are your intentions you gave me something that most ppl never did. i whish you all well and i hope i gave you some of my joy :)

My prayers made a few breakthroughs today, and brother scegy, this was the best one! I am so very pleased from this post! Shit brother scegy, go back and read your first posts and reread the one you wrote today, the growth is huge!!! I admire your perseverance and encourage you further to mention your impending acquisition of your Gohonzon.

Wow brother you doing great!

Hi there Delta, always nice to see your words, you have been very very encouraging lately and I am proud to be your comrade as well.

Good going Bonz! Boku props. (respect) to PTD and Babbabudage (extra extra Boku props. and Mega Respect due to Stonegirl and Ms.Babba!)


Active member
bonzo, i know you'r already feeling more curageous since you know WE are all behind you, have joyfull day tomorrow!
disco: have a drink from my well of joy :)
good night all!


Active member
Live your life as a Buddha. That is what I learned from all of you. You are my great friends.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! Chant it and receive actual proof!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well done scegy, my Brother!

Well done scegy, my Brother!

Congratulations and well done! What did you think of the Gohonzon? Was it at all what you anticipated it to be? I hope you'll do your best to chant in front of one as often as possible with the mind to receive yours for yourself one day!

Thank you for the drink! Your joy is my joy!

DG, Delta and Tree; the time is now to see what scegy has seen!

The Gohonzon is waiting somewhere near you! As it turns out, there's one as close to scegy as to be just a block away! Let your seeking spirits guide you to the Gohonzon as well!

As for me? I am VERY happy, thank you! (He shoots; he SCORES!!!)


Active member
:woohoo: :wave: Incredible. I gotta catch up!

My Daimoku has payed off! Kosen Rufu! I have been blessed with good fortune! The job I've been yearning for has come to fruition! Thank you my friends for your inspiration you have all given me to take one step closer to the Gohonzon.

Your fortune is out there but you can't chase it. You can walk right by your fortune and not even know it is there. But if you chant you have the wisdom to go right to the source, the treasure inside, which is you!


PS: I'm out but I feel higher than high! It's this site! This thread. The encouraging stories of the happenings of the Chanting Growers!
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Active member
Right on Hit! :woohoo: Great to hear of your good fortune! and i couldn't agree with you more about this thread, its unreal!

Thank you T for starting it, and keeping with it, unreal man!

Thanks scegy that means alot, you have a fun day too!!!



>>>>>>>>>nam myoho renge kyo>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Well I got a benefit because...

Well I got a benefit because...

Hitman said:
:woohoo: :wave: Incredible. I gotta catch up!

PS: I'm out

The encouraging stories of the happenings of the Chanting Growers!

I was too
and then out of the blue
I hit that shot
and now I'm not!

It completely fell out of the sky. I wish I could share the whole story! It happened the next day after a conversation with a good friend who was lamenting that they too were about to be out.

One never knows what tomorrow may bring!

OG bub and crybaby, we hope we haven't lost you. You need to try this to get a taste of what many of us here are talking about. Seek to see the Gohonzon!

If you call them they will come!

"Calling All Bodhisattas of the Earth!!!!!"


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
If there is one who can cause others to awaken to and take faith in a teaching such as this, then that person is their father and mother, and also their good friend. This is a person of wisdom.

[ The Problem to Be Pondered Night and Day, WND Page 620 ]


Active member
pass: gohonzon was what i thought it would be, a piece of paper :D but while i looked at the chanters chanting and heard their stories there was no meaning for me to resist the gohonzon and yesterday i let it to show me a bit of myself, and i am gratefull for that since i wouldn't think of myself like that because of my karma. so you see, it's a win win situation whatever you look at it :)

i think i'm gonna start chanting for real, i thought it this way; it can't hurt if i deliberatly take some time to think about me right? :D
i sent one of them chanters from yesterday a sms telling her that i grow from them yesterday...guess what, i got the same back, so since we have diff carmas we can all learn from each karma. this girl is the opposite of me, she's 100% impulsive i'm 100% headish, after listening to her i understud her impulsivety becase it worked for her and she camed to the same conclusions as i did with no thinking, pure natural instinct lead her way...she gave me some of that yesterday and made me believe firmer in the meaning of gohonzon and power of chanting!
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Active member
hey hey hey...

Greetings all masters! How are you feelin?

I am well. I would like to thank you for support here. My work and faith in Myoho Renge Kyo helped me to pass some hard tests... they are behind me and I feel great!

Go scegy! Just belive it and you will see the results! You got it in you!

I just woke up... still drinkin first coffee... will finish this joint and than straight to chanting.

I love you all.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
treehuggers said:
hey hey hey...

Greetings all masters! How are you feelin?

I love you all.


Frankly, We ARE ALL Masters! How are we feeling?

Can't you hear the roaring? You are roaring too, TH! Well done! Facing the challenge of life through faith and 'doing well', is what chanting is all about.

With so many steadfast Bodhisattvas of the Earth, displaying their supernatural powers, how can there not be great joy?

All of you delight me! I am so honored to have the good furtune to know you all! The Power of the Law is so demonstrative! Think about it: This phrase is what is connecting all of us right now, from all over the world. Keep roaring!

Bowing in obeisance,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
The Daishonin says: "Teach others to the best of your ability, even if it is only a single sentence or phrase" (WND, 386). The benefit gained by those who share the Mystic Law with others is boundless and immeasurable. I hope that you, burning with a mission as Bodhisattvas of the Earth, will pray together, encourage one another, and rejoice together as you plant seeds of hope, victory, and happiness in all those you encounter. Victory is ultimately achieved through faith, determination, and unity.

(Source: SGI Newsletter No. 6941. August 22, 2006. From SGI President Ikeda's Speech the Representative Leaders Conference Commemorating July 3-Part 1 [of 3]. The Mentor-Disciple Relationship Is the Source of Victory)


:joint: purchased some seedy buds and chanted that they would get me high and at least I caught nice buzz! the myoho part was my dealer called and said he will be back tomorrow!

Benefits galore!

Keep on chanting!

ugh... i've been away for so long i dont know where to start. awsome to see we have some new people here =]!
i just got back from FNCC (sgi conference campus in florida) at the YMD and YWD conference, and leme tell you it was fuckign awsome. i never made so many friends so fast, or felt so at home in my entire life. They have the east coasts biggest gohonzon, the thing is like half a story big, just imagine chanting with 250+ people every day!! and to top it all off, and to top it off president Ikeda recorded a video for us to watch, in which every student was given a mission to shakubuku someone by november, and as i heard atleast 70% of them have already.....we could expect double next year. if anyone is interested in going please conntact me via PM.
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Always! Good to see you, my 2theLeft Brother! So you've taken another trip on a major SGI movement! Congratulations! I am so happy that you enjoyed it! It seems you will be receiving your Gohonzon soon? Please share that wonderful event with everyone here! We're all so happy and excited for you!

And many thanks to SoCal for that strategic effort to get you hooked up locally that started the ball rolling in this direction in the first place. Well done SoCal!!! Look how that one effort has awakened another Bodhisattva of the Earth to complete their mission for kosen-rufu!

Please post as often as you can--both of you!!! You two are missed here when we don't get to hear from you!



Active member
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :headbange Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

That Giant Gohonzon sounds so awesome and the roar of all those chanters, I can only imagine. I've been to meetings but 250 people, WOW!
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