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Chanting Growers Group

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Original Editor of ICMagazine
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

A new Spring has sprung the sun is shining!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Time to get ready for the spring planting for the New Moon this weekend...

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Hope your meeting went well easy... and Happy 4:20 to all Chanting Growers!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Wow, dudes! So sorry to be gone so long. I honestly have been too busy to even look in, so I am posting this blind, and will catch up reading later. I hope you are all well! Just got back from haing knee surgery that seems to have gone exceptionally well, but a bit disheartened to become informed on just how much old age is catching up with me!

Much love and deepest respect to you all!

*I'll now be getting my butt back in gear out of the deepest of deep debts of gratitude I owe to you all! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Life is eternal, extending through the three existences of past, present and future; the sutras teach that we have been born in this world after having undergone the cycle of birth and death infinite times. From that point of view, at one time or another in the past, all men have been our father and all women have been our mother (cf. WND-2, 637). Buddhism sees us all as related and owing debts of gratitude to each other.

"The Daishonin indicates here that this is why we should wish for the happiness of all people. Since supreme happiness lies in attaining the life-state of Buddhahood, the best way to repay our debt of gratitude to others is to teach them Buddhism, the ultimate means for gaining enlightenment."

SGI Newsletter No. 8487, Learning from the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin: The Teachings for Victory, [36] "The Four Virtues and the Four Debts of Gratitude." Youth, Become Champions of Humanism Who Shine with the Supreme Philosophy of the Mystic Law!, from the January 2012 issue of the Daibyakurenge, translated April 6th, 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"You will grow younger, and your good fortune will accumulate."

(The Unity of Husband and Wife - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 464)
Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's encouragement, Seikyo Shimbun, April 22nd, 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Therefore, those who become Nichiren’s disciples and lay believers should realize the profound karmic relationship they share with him and spread the Lotus Sutra as he does. Being known as a votary of the Lotus Sutra is a bitter, yet unavoidable, destiny."

(Letter to Jakunichi-bo - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 994) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, April 20th, 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"In offering encouragement to a women’s division member, my mentor, second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda, once said: 'Chanting daimoku is a struggle to ignite the flame of courage in our life. You can definitely bring forth great benefit in the form of an astonishing positive transformation, changing poison into medicine. When you do so, your example will open the eyes of others to the power of the Mystic Law. You have an amazing mission in life!'"

SGI Newsletter No. 8491, A Jewelled Crown of Happiness for the Women’s Division[1], from the May 2012 issue of Daibyakurenge, translated April 18th 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Spring the best time to meet new people.
First, let's begin by putting our thoughts into action!
The more we move,
the more our spirits will be raised.
Come, let's get out and about and take action!

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
And to anyone whom may be lamenting not being able to have been reached during my recent trip, we will for sure hook up when I come back on the 1st of June! Six kids under 10 was a real challenge, trust me! My wife and I were FULLY occupied. I am sincerely sorry to anyone I may have disappointed. I have a couple of PM's that I haven't opened yet, but just so you know, we were busy with the kids for three weeks, as always, I got sick after I came back, then the knee surgery, now I am sick again (*just colds, but nasty ones), and essentially everything in our life is wonderful. Knock on wood! My dad is now in month 21 since having been given six months to live, and I am forever grateful to the Gohonzon to be able to show this actual proof of the power of my faith to my immediate family. We continue to read the Three-fold Lotus Sutra and the OTT here and this weekend we embark on another reading activity of The World of Nichiren Daishonin's Writings. My local activities keep my life invigorated. I encourage you all to keep chanting as much as you can, and realize that you are already Buddhas exactly as you are!*

*OTT / pg. 124 "Speaking of the chapter as a whole, the idea of gradually overcoming illusions is not the ultimate meaning of the "Life Span" chapter. You should understand that the ultimate meaning of the "life Span" chapter is that ordinary mortals, just as they are in their states of being, are Buddhas."

Bowing in humble obeisance,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Gratitude entails knowing to whom we are indebted for our present life and circumstances and, by dedicating ourselves to our Buddhist practice, repaying that debt of gratitude. In another sense, repaying our debts of gratitude means elevating our state of life from one of being supported by others to supporting others and drawing the power to do so from the innermost depths of our being.

"In Sanskrit, there is the expression krita-jna, which literally means 'acknowledging (jna) what has been done on one’s behalf (krita).' After one acknowledges and appreciates what has been done for one, the next step is to live a life dedicated to the welfare of others. This is the origin of the term 'repaying debts of gratitude' that appears in the Chinese sutras.

"Knowing and having appreciation for the fact that who we are now is the result of the actions and support of many others can powerfully affirm our sense of self and establish a solid foundation for our life, which creates the basis for ongoing personal growth.

"Repaying our debts of gratitude is the challenge of human revolution, the process by which we can develop our potential to the greatest possible extent."

SGI Newsletter No. 8487, Learning from the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin: The Teachings for Victory, [36] "The Four Virtues and the Four Debts of Gratitude." Youth, Become Champions of Humanism Who Shine with the Supreme Philosophy of the Mystic Law!, from the January 2012 issue of the Daibyakurenge, translated April 6th, 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbour doubts in our hearts, we will as a matter of course attain Buddhahood."

(The Opening of the Eyes - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 283) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, April 21st, 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"More valuable than treasures in a storehouse are the treasures of the body, and the treasures of the heart are the most valuable of all. From the time you read this letter on, strive to accumulate the treasures of the heart!"

(The Three Kinds of Treasure- The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 851) Selection source: New Human Revolution - Castle of Capable People - 7 , Seikyo Shimbun, April 17th, 2012


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"No matter what our circumstances, all of us, by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and courageously taking action for kosen-rufu, can definitely manifest the life-state of Buddhahood, resembling a beautiful full moon shining serenely in the skies of our heart. Filled with joy at knowing that we, just as we are, are supremely respectworthy entities of the Mystic Law, we can confidently tap the wisdom and power of the Buddha to never be defeated by anything.

"As the Daishonin teaches, we can transform karma into mission, and awaken from the state of ordinary people simply waiting to be saved to Bodhisattvas of the Earth dedicated to actively striving alongside our mentor to help others attain enlightenment, thereby realizing happiness for ourselves and others."

SGI Newsletter No. 8491, A Jewelled Crown of Happiness for the Women’s Division[1], from the May 2012 issue of Daibyakurenge, translated April 18th 2012


Active member
Wow, dudes! So sorry to be gone so long. I honestly have been too busy to even look in, so I am posting this blind, and will catch up reading later. I hope you are all well! Just got back from haing knee surgery that seems to have gone exceptionally well, but a bit disheartened to become informed on just how much old age is catching up with me!

Much love and deepest respect to you all!

*I'll now be getting my butt back in gear out of the deepest of deep debts of gratitude I owe to you all! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!



A friend of mine used to say "gettin' old aint for sissies" :biggrin: and i now understand that!

Glad the surgery went well! Glad you and all of yours are well!:woohoo:

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo



Original Editor of ICMagazine
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

PassTheDoobie has returned!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Ouch! Sorry to hear about the knee. Hope you are getting better every day!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Spring is here and what a year this is going to be!
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