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SoCal Hippy

Active member
Great post ups Wilson! and thanks for sharing some of Ted Osaki's guidance/encouragement with us all here.

Doesn't matter where you are at in life; whether chanting for several years or just a couple moments, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo will bust thru any challenge or obstacle in your way to true happiness. The key is faith, and in Nichiren's Buddhism: Faith = Action (Chanting)

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
In accordance with their status, some have wives and children, relatives, fiefs,
and gold and silver, while others have no treasure. Whether one has wealth or
not, no treasure exceeds the one called life.

(WND, 1125)
The Gift of Rice
Recipient and date unknown.

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Just like T. Osaki said!!!

Just like T. Osaki said!!!

"Whether we regard difficulties in life as misfortune or whether we view them as
good fortune depends entirely on how much we have forged our inner
determination. It all depends on our attitude or inner state of life. With a
dauntless spirit, we can lead a cheerful and thoroughly enjoyable life. We can
develop a "self" of such fortitude that we can look forward to life's trials and
tribulations with a sense of profound elation and joy: "Come on obstacles! I've
been expecting you! This is the chance that I've been waiting for!"

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
The function of fire is to burn and give light. The function of water is to wash
away filth. The winds blow away dust and breathe life into plants, animals, and
human beings. The earth produces the grasses and trees, and heaven provides
nourishing moisture. The five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo are also like that.
They are the cluster of blessings brought by the bodhisattvas of the Earth,
disciples of the Buddha in his true identity.

(WND, 218)
The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life
Written to Sairen-bo Nichijo on February 11, 1272

SoCal Hippy

Active member
I hope that, basing yourself on faith, you will become wealthy people of virtue
and influence who are widely respected. I would like to add, however, that
worldly success is not equivalent to true happiness. Achieving this requires
that we have a profound understanding of the nature of life. A person of success
in the true sense is one who can enjoy a free and unrestrained state of life.

Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member
:wave:wooo hooo! oooh weee! powerfull stuff indeed, i am inspired:jump:

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo




Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey Bonz! I'm coming back for a month! I'm counting on hanging with you some! PM me Brother!

By the way everyone, my Dad continues to do great! Thank you!!!

Bowing in humble obeisance,



3rd-Eye Jedi
Good Morning

I woke up to an awe inspirational sunrise this morning, It had my heart leaping and my mind racing

I am sitting in reflection, as a fisherman who spent many, many days watching the same amazing phenomenon and experiencing the same feelings, YET, after they are gone I seem to forget they existed.

That is, I forgot the good medicine a sun rise can be, the tranquility it brings to me and my being. Something I SHOULD KNOW but only until now have I been reminded that it was so easy to forget.

and part of writing this is for my own benefit. I don't want to forget the good medicine that I need in my life, the things that make my body and mind naturally balanced.

I believe the practice of being in the truth, is much like the sunrise, powerful medicine, but easily forgotten or missed if you don't make the conscience effort to seek it.

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Wow just amazing posts everyone, they are so inspiring to say the least, and just ur last post there wierd, makes me want to get up and sunrise 2mro and sit outside with my blessed plants and chant early.
nam myoho renge kyo
nam myoho renge kyo
nam myoho renge kyo
nam myoho renge kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Nam myoho renge kyo

Thanks so much for the inspiration this morning guys !! Will make my whole day brighter !
Nam myoho renge kyo like the roar of the lion


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Hey guys, thought id pop in for a quiik daimoku had abit of bad karma today, took a mate to buy a few small bags of bud for the day, and the fucker took off with his money :(.
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
So Simple, but So Deep!

So Simple, but So Deep!

"Whatever trouble occurs, regard it as no more than a dream, and think only of the Lotus Sutra."

(Letter to the Brothers - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 502) Selection source: Gosho Study for October, Seikyo Shimbun, October 5th, 2010

Hi "T", your energy surrounds my being!

Hi Babba, and Mrs. B. Bud, I've never felt you so confident, strong, and courageous.

Hi SoCal, you are like my eternal wind that blows steady up my back.

Hi Easy, your pain and suffering right now is just a dream, you are the master spirit, young and bold!

Hi DutchGrown! You are the sparkle in the firelight.

Hi Trichy!!! Your love and appreciation for others is the ultimate of faith in all of us.

Hi Forest! I wouldn't be 'whole' without a friend like you!

Hi Wilson! Please drag me into the inspiration pit with you?

Hi Wierd!!! You have come from another dimension, with all your giving, you are a BIG RIVER bro,.... you flow into my stream.

Hi Uncle! Man you make me smile, and you are a big cupcake!

Hi Afro-Sheep! What a 'new' adventure you have started of a life time, "Here and Now." We are all by your side, think positive when you chant bro. Results come quick when you least expect it.

Hi En-Lighten-ment! Good to see you back on the chanting schooner, for the wind has picked up greatly!

And last but not least;

Well Hello Bonzo!!! Man, I hope your faith bro is back, greater than before, you are missed & loved dearly!

Now where is Hitman and Scegy? Guys your input here may be in Silence, but you are only a heartbeat away.

Hey to Lapides and KushCommander too,... you guys always have positive input, you always make me feel good inside.

I'm chanting for you all!

What an inspirational week of posts!




Wow, I'm super encouraged reading all of this! I appreciate the efforts by all the posters and send a special thanks to Weird for helping me do some extra studying today on a nice topic for our own personal edification. The more we study, the easier it becomes for us to develop a strong foundation of faith that can weather any storm. The reason I'm sustaining the course I'm taking in life is through my faith in Gohonzon and continuing to do shakubuku.

Today we had a joyful Study Exam meeting. The exam this year in SGI-USA was awesome and a lot of fun. We had breakfast, coffee, cakes, bagels, some great talking, some good reviewing and good karma built up from today's actions. Tonight I'm bogged down 100% with homework and doing my best to be on top of things and in command of my destiny. I'm not thinking about Law School anymore and may want to get my MBA instead. I'm really good at Business now because of my Buddhist applications at work and feel that it would be a better fit for me to do Business in California and abroad with a great foundation from a strong MBA program. Also, the debt incurred with Law School these days is too much if you have a mortgage and hope to travel a couple times a year.

My hopes are evolving and my dreams are coming to fruition. I'm chanting for my mom and for all the chanting growers constantly.

All my best,


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Last night i went and sat outside with my plants and chanted for 5-10 mins, felt great was a spectacular night for it, everyone here is awesome and helpful.
Ill chant for the start of the day :D
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