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SoCal Hippy

Active member
Hey Bud, Chicken sounds like a nice addition to the family. The wife and I went to the city pound and adopted a 2 month old boy puppy and named JD. He has added life to our 7 1/2 yr old female dog, Mysty, and is just a terror so far to the blue eyed/blue point female siamese we have. It will take time with the cat but the 2 dogs are playing so much it wears them out. It was a nice Mothers Day addition.

good luck with chicken!

SoCal Hippy

Active member
From the standpoint of the eternity of our lives, because we embrace the Mystic
Law everything is moving in a positive direction, everything contributes to our
happiness and our attainment of Buddhahood. We need to have confidence in the
Mystic Law; we mustn't be swayed by immediate circumstances or allow them to
cloud our faith.

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Life is the foremost of all treasures. It is expounded that even the treasures
of the entire major world system cannot equal the value of one's body and life.
Even the treasures that fill the major world system are no substitute for life.

(WND, 1125)
The Gift of Rice
Recipient and date unknown


Huge Breakthrough tonight and I got a new goal! Time to prepare for Executive Management Gohonzon-Style! BONZAI!


Hey Bud, Chicken sounds like a nice addition to the family. The wife and I went to the city pound and adopted a 2 month old boy puppy and named JD. He has added life to our 7 1/2 yr old female dog, Mysty, and is just a terror so far to the blue eyed/blue point female siamese we have. It will take time with the cat but the 2 dogs are playing so much it wears them out. It was a nice Mothers Day addition.

good luck with chicken!

Heck yeah Bud you know I love my little Missy! She's been chanting with us for three years strong now and her birthday was on Mother's day.

Full house for you brother Socal! Glad to you that you and the Missus are happy with your babes. Sounds like heaven on earth to me!

I wanna hear about the pets of other Chanting Growers too - Wilson, Scegy, DG, T, Bog, Chris, Desi, Forest, everyone (yeah you too Mr. Wags, Fallen, Sleepy(aka Smiley), I mean everyone even you who I just failed to mention :)


ICmag's Official Black Guy
I have a Jack Russel and Yorkshire Terrier .The terrier is a shelter rescue.Love them very much:joint:

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Without exception, all these Buddhas, bodhisattva s, great sages, and, in
general, all the various beings of the two worlds and the eight groups who
appear in the "Introduction" chapter of the Lotus Sutra dwell in this Gohonzon.
Illuminated by the light of the five characters of the Mystic Law, they display
the dignified attributes that they inherently possess. This is the object of

(WND, 832)
The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon
Written to Nichinyo on August 23, 1277

SoCal Hippy

Active member
We mustn't be afraid of anything. It is important to remain firm in our
convictions. There is a great deal of scheming and duplicity in the world. It is
foolish to allow ourselves to be swayed by such things; it only leads to
unhappiness. The Mystic Law and Nichiren Daishonin are absolutely free of any
falsehood. Therefore, to dedicate our lives to kosen-rufu is to lead the wisest
possible existence.

Daisaku Ikeda


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
We have twelve cats and a dog. Six cats live indoors on a large (very large) enclosed balcony. All 13 animals are wild or rescued. The feral cats around here got so bad that we started trapping them and giving them their shots and neutering them.

We moved three of the outdoors cats from the house to an adjacent remote park where we dutifully go and feed them each day, calling them out by shaking the cat food in the container we bring it in. The three are two brothers and a sister, with the other sister inside for now, but will join her crew at the park before long.

The dog is black with some kind of Afghan genes or something, as his tail curls into a big circle that extends over his back when he's happy. He has long hair on the top of his head that makes him look like a Dr. Seuss character.

My district chief called me to say his wife had found this puppy abandoned and could we possibly save it by taking it in. What he didn't know was that my dog Sweetheart had just died in the early hours of that morning. I immediately knew this was Gohonzon, and that has been borne out as the dog (his name is Kimura) spends all of his indoor time at my feet in front of the Butsudan and when he's outside he hangs at two sliding glass door immediately adjacent to the chanting area and watches and listens to Daimoku anytime anyone chants. I perceive him to be an old friend.

My cat Coal Bear also sits in my lap as I chant if he is out from the balcony. Some may be confused as I expressed my sadness as my old friend of fifteen years, "Coal Bear" died last August. As I said then, I always have my pets cremated and their ashes are placed on the alter in front of the Gohonzon for an extended period of time (up to a year).

I can't express how much I loved that cat! I genuinely prayed for his peaceful repose in Ku, but at the same time, I also purposefully requested that he re-manifest as quickly as possible. I maintained that prayer everyday as I viewed his remains while chanting daily Daimoku.

Occasionally I would be overcome with emotion from missing him so much that I cried as I chanted. My kids wouldn’t stop talking about him. It was very difficult. A little more than two months after his death, I had one of those moments as I was chanting. As I ended my Daimoku that evening, I—with tearful eyes and heartfelt sincerity—INTENSLY asked Gohonzon, “Please help him re-manifest as quickly as possible!”

Of course this was at that moment sort of a rhetorical plea. I didn’t expect anything to happen, but the sadness in my heart had me crying out to the Universe for solace. That night I woke up to hear the weak mewing sound of a baby kitten coming from outside behind our house. This isn’t that unusual as that’s where the feral cats live. I could hear distress in the mew, but for the life of me couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. I made no connection what-so-ever to my prayer while chanting earlier that evening.

The next morning as I walked into the kitchen, I heard a tiny whisper of a mew outside the back door. I poked my head out and one of the maids was talking to one of the dirtiest little baby kittens I have ever seen. He had mud caked onto his face to the point it was obstructing his free breathing. He looked very weak and couldn’t really move well because of it. He was shaking and shivering.

I asked what was going on and the auntie said that the kitten had fallen out of its den; mommy kitty had tried to get it back up and could not, and had seemingly abandoned it. “What should we do?” she asked. “Save it!” I said. I got a dishtowel, wiped his face, wrapped him up and put him in a small box outside the kitchen door so his mommy could come and get him.

But he was so weak and cold that he just laid there with eyes closed, breathing in kind of long gasps. I was just starting my chanting when all of this happened. I started my Daimoku and could not stop thinking of the kitten. He looked so scruffy, dirty and ugly, but at the same time he was completely vulnerable and helpless. He seemed to be waiting to die. I got up from my Daimoku twice to make sure he was still OK, and each time it appeared he had not moved at all from the time before.

I was worried he wasn’t going to make it. So I brought the box inside and put it next to the Butsudan while I finished my chanting. He still didn’t move. I prayed to Gohonzon, “Please don’t let this kitty die!” I immediately took him to the vet, and said, “Whatever you gotta do, help the little fellow.” The vet said to give him a week and he’d see what he could do.

A couple of days later I stopped by the vet’s office to check on him. As I walked in the door, a cute little kitten greeted me with big time mews and purrs. I looked over and smiled at it and kept walking to ask the vet about my kitten. Imagine my shock when he told me the kitten that had greeted me was the one I brought in! I absolutely did not recognize it!

As I walked toward the cage, the kitten immediately became very animated. It jumped up to the front side of the cage with its little paws trying to touch me while it stood on its back legs. It was like it was saying, “Dude! You aren’t going to fucking believe this! It’s me!!!”

That little kitty was rocking out! You should have seen the look that was in his eyes, he was SOOO happy to see me. Yet we had hardly spent any time together and the animal was basically out of it the whole time it was with me before dropping it off at the Vet two days earlier. Suddenly, as I was playing with his paws as he was purring SO LOUD, I remembered what I had chanted the evening before I found him. I dismissed it as a nice thought, but, face it, how could that be?

But I decided then that I wanted to keep him, and told the vet not to give him away for adoption which was what I had originally suggested. I came home and told everyone that the kitten was fine and that no one would believe how different he looked with a bath. Even my wife, surprisingly enough, seemed to be looking forward to seeing him when stay at the vet was finished.

Now here’s the weird part. I don’t know how many of you have ever dealt with feral cats, but they are wild animals. Even if you get them as babies they will always be wary and somewhat skittish generally. I know, because I have befriended and tried to make pets of several. They are not overtly friendly, desiring to be constantly touched, infinitely patient and NEVER scratch or run away!

But this cat WAS ALL OF THOSE THINGS!!! In fact, it would not run from the abuse of my little three year olds or the over-affectionate embraces of the older ones! It was like he knew them. He would just keep purring.

And the kids immediately picked up on it. “Dad, I think this is Coal; he must have already come back from Ku.” “Yea Dad, This is Coal! No! It really is!!!” And they all immediately, right from the beginning, declared him to be Coal Bear and they named him so. And because of all that, I began to wonder.

Had I not repeatedly prayed for him to re-manifest? I had confidence enough in the Gohonzon’s power to chant for him to re-manifest, but the fact that he may have, is out of the question? So I chanted about it. And then this Bad Ass Boy just continued to amaze me with his familiarity of me.

I have a thing I do with my cats as part of communication where when I want them to come, I wiggle my index and middle fingers together, and they come (or at least Coal did—and I have never been able to teach that response to ANY of my feral cat ”take-ins”). This Boy responded on command the very first time and still does. Just like Coal. And they way he purrs! It’s just like Coal! And the way he meows! It’s just like Coal! And when he was introduced to the cat balcony, he immediately—even though he was a kitten—became Alpha male. Just like Coal! He even started to immediately sleep with Coal’s woman at night.

In fact, my wife heard me keep incredulously saying over and over, “Wow, you’re just like Coal!” to the point that she finally lost her patience and said, “When the hell are you going to figure out that that really is Coal?” And after a while I asked myself the same question. When I did and I chanted about it, the message I received from my life and faith was a wonderful happy personal realization about death.

It didn’t matter that this is Coal or not, but there is no reason to dismiss that it isn’t. The Universe knew my pain and heard my prayer based on great personal faith. And based on that faith, I had a tremendous personal experience that only I can know. This isn’t something I can explain in words. It’s a feeling. And the feeling is one of absolute freedom. My personal perception of death—the one I feel—not the one I am able to talk about—changed. And the realization I had was profound!!!

Because of a Cat!
Because of Prayer!
Because of Faith!

Thanks for asking Easy!

PS: Coal Bear’s ashes were removed from the alter a long time ago—once I knew what I now know.

Much love and deepest respect,



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Yet you must grit your teeth and never slacken in your faith. Be as fearless as Nichiren when he acted and spoke out before Hei no Saemonnojo."

(Letter to the Brothers - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 498) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, May 22nd, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Burning with the Gakkai spirit throughout the four seasons, our admirable members everywhere are striving to realise the most lofty human goal of building a peaceful world through widely propagating the principles and ideals of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. They are walking the noble path of human revolution in the spirit of oneness of mentor and disciple.

"Nichiren Daishonin writes: 'Because I have expounded this teaching, I have been exiled and almost killed. [For as] the saying goes, 'Good advice grates on the ear. But still I am not discouraged' (WND-1, 748). In July 1260, the Daishonin sounded an alarm for the society of his day in his treatise 'On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land'. Because he dared speak the truth, he was subjected to an uninterrupted series of dire persecutions from that time on. The major of these were the Matsubagayatsu Persecution (in 1260), the Izu Exile (in 1261), the Komatsubara Persecution (in 1264), and the Tatsunokuchi Persecution and subsequent Sado Exile (in 1271).

"But the Daishonin never flinched. He repulsed these attacks, stood firm, and fended off the legions of negative forces that assailed him. 'Still I am not discouraged'--these words perfectly embody the invincible spirit that is the essence of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. Those whose hearts blaze with a spirit of justice are never discouraged. We must keep fighting tirelessly, until it is the devil king who gives up in frustration."

SGI Newsletter No. 7997, June Editorial, 'Still I Am Not Discouraged,' from the June 2010 issue of Daibyakurenge, translated May 18th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
What have you been up to, bro gander???

What have you been up to, bro gander???

Hello my friends, family :)

It took me a minute to get the courage to say howdy, dont know why it just did. silly huh? I cant tell you all how awesome it feels that you all are still here, hairs are standin' on the back of my neck. Wooo Hooo!! I only have access to a library at the moment, but its better than nothin'. HMMMM I dont know where to start so im just gonna say its unreal to be back, i missed you all so so much.

i will be back

peace , love, and much respect

bonz :)


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Well, what a long awaited return bro! You've never been gone from all our hearts....you reside in all of us Bonz. Man how are you?

Work has been trying to get the best of me lately. I know work is a good thing, but the stress that can come with it when personalities get negative towards each other sucks bigtime. Of course that is when I pick up the chanting.

I wish everyone the best!

Much respect, desi!


PTD: What an inspiring read...read it yesterday with so many sad and happy tears combined! You had me on the edge of my chair all the way through. Welcome back home Coal! :jump:

Do you have any writings to share that addresses more about re-manifestation?

My apologies to all for being a bit out of things here. I seem to get sidetracked on projects and ...well....and have a habit of getting too many plates spinning at once! This puts me in a state of feeling overwhelmed...having several things going at once with none getting completed. Arrrgghh!

Focus.....I have to stay focused better! I'll attempt to explain what I mean best I can.

When I do not take time each day to chant (although still learning much, I chant nonetheless) I find daily life in general gets skewed with negative impacts, my mind is not as sharp, I am less focused and can't seem to complete a task, or two, or even three with ease and multitasking is out the window....when I find myself overwhelmed with various unfinished tasks, which results in a lack of forward progress, it's because I suddenly realize that I have become so preoccupied with many half-finished tasks because I have gone several days without chanting, everything starts feeling negative, and negative forces invade. Things seem to get out of order, out of balance, if I don't open my mind and heart and chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo EVERY DAY.

Much love and deepest respect to you all!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!




I was saying the exact same thing in 2006 on this thread and so was Scegy in 2008 on this thread... then we received our Gohonzon! It only gets better from that point going forward. Afford yourself the luxury of attending a meeting this summer. You'll experience some amazingly awesome benefits! :)

Keep up the good work and to the Devil of the Sixth Heaven "BOOO-YAH!"

Good stuff,


ICmag's Official Black Guy
Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Hello everyone DG, EMD, PTD and everyone. I just have to say I have meet my goal in weight lose The doctor now I am "Normal" and not Morbidly Obese. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! .....I really would like to receive a Gohonzon.. but am not sure about the process....Desi great to see you around :joint: ...:wave:


ICmag's Official Black Guy
Sorry about the this post I was in the General Gardening Section and was wondering has anyone grown a Lotus here :joint:...


Thank you Easy! Sound advice! ;) Thank you for your compassion!

Forest.....that is awesome news!!!! Congrats! You and I both need to get ourselves in gear, go to some meetings, and work towards getting our Gohonzon. ;)

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you Easy! Sound advice! ;) Thank you for your compassion!

Forest.....that is awesome news!!!! Congrats! You and I both need to get ourselves in gear, go to some meetings, and work towards getting our Gohonzon. ;)

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!!!!!!!!!!

Go! Go! Get it! Get it! Rah! Rah!

New Butsudan is in place and new Gohonzon is going in it tomorrow! My old Gohonzon does not fit in the new Butsudan.
(odd story)- I was in a district about ten years ago. There was a guy in that district with my exact same name. I got a call from someone at the local community center and was told a special Gohonzon was approved for me. I had no idea that it was not for me but for the other guy same named guy.

When we found out what had happened he got a special Gohonzon and I kept his. So I'm returning that Gohonzon and getting a new one for me intended for me tomorrow. tehehe..
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ICmag's Official Black Guy
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin

Though I have long since ceased to think about my home, seeing this laver brings back many familiar memories, and I am saddened and find it hard to bear. It is the same kind of laver I saw long ago on the shore at Kataumi, Ichikawa, and Kominato. I feel an unwarranted resentment that, while the color, shape, and taste of this laver have remained unchanged, my parents have passed away, and I cannot restrain my tears.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 466
Reply to Niiama
Written to the younger nun Niiama on February 16, 1275
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