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Bodhisattva of the Earth
Faith is the most "open" state of mind of all!

That blew me away!........I'm gonna cruise on that one awhile.....

SoCal Hippy

Active member
[T'ien-t'ai writes:] "As practice progresses and understanding grows,
the three obstacles and four devils emerge in confusing form, vying
with on another to interfere.... One should be neither influenced nor
frightened by them. If one falls under their influence, one will be led
into the paths of evil. If one is frightened by them, one will be
prevented from practicing the correct teaching." This statement not
only applies to me, but also is a guide for my followers. Reverently
make this teaching your own, and transmit it as an axiom of faith for
future generations.

(WND, 501)
Letter to the Brothers
Written to Ikegami Munenaka and Ikegami Munenaga on April 16, 1275


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor

Selection Source: SGI Newsletter No. 7507, 16th SOKA GAKKAI
HEADQUARTERS LEADERS MEETING€ ¦’·PART 2 [OF 2], Fostering the Youth Is the
Ultimate Key to Victory

Chinese premier Zhou Enlai (1898-1976) said: 'We must be united. Lack
of unity is the first sign of disintegration. As such, we must make a
positive effort to unite together.' This is very true. Disrupting the
unity of the harmonious community of believers is a manifestation of
the workings of devilish functions, and is a grave offence in Buddhism.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member
SoCal Hippy said:
One's Attitude in Front of the Gohonzon (reposted)

Guidance from Dr. Yamazaki

One's attitude in front of the Gohonzon is like being on a holiday.
It is necessary to cut oneself off from work, from daily life. This
is important in order to regenerate, be free of tension and relaxed.
If the practice is prolongation of one's social life, this is not

In the ceremony in the air (Gongyo), one cuts oneself off from the
earth rising above. If you are dominated by your problems in front
of the Gohonzon, nothing good appears. It is necessary to rise
above, to make it a special moment...relaxing. This is a ceremony
of ''Ku''. I am Buddha in front of the Gohonzon!

The Gohonzon is like a mirror, so it is not necessary to be either
imprisoned, nor attached, nor dominated, nor guilty, nor worthless,
nor have arrogance in order to enter the world of the Gohonzon. It
is necessary for one to be indifferent to their own thoughts. One
does not fight in front of the Gohonzon. One is relaxed as though
being in the air without limit. With this kind of ichinen for
fifteen minutes...this is enough.

From the first daimoku, change the world, feel the universe,
realize ''Ku'', ''Ke'', and ''Chu''! (''Ku'' is the world of the
Buddha; ''Ke'' is oneself; ''Chu'' is all the strength and wisdom of
the universe.)

One can then recuperate all the forces of the universe. The wisdom to
listen, to believe, to meditate, and to decide. Reject your own
arrogance in order to allow your own wisdom to appear, going beyond
time and space to detoxify ourselves in front of the Gohonzon.
Nothing is too far away in the morning and in the evening - this is
when we are Buddha. We must have confidence to find a sense of The
Ceremony in the Air and declare our conviction to be the Buddha of
eternal life, the Buddha of ichinen sanzen, and the Buddha of
confidence and joy!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

peace and love from the bottom of my heart to every one of yours :)

bonz :bashhead: :wave: :crazy:

Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:)
Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

BIG HOMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

WE ARE, :muahaha: ALL SO ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Invigorating is'nt it????? Wooooooooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

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Babbabud said:
Great to see you post up Bonzo !!
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!

Here Here! i second that motion!

i've been in the pits lately but somehow I'm here and do not want to quit on myself.Thanks everyone for the great posts.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Present effects are due to karmic causes from the past. However, future effects arise from the causes we make in the present. It is always the present that counts. It is what we do in the present moment that decides our future; our past causes do not govern our future as well. Nichiren Buddhism emphasizes that no matter what kind of karmic causes we have made in the past, through the causes we make in the present we can achieve a brilliant future.
Nam myoho renge kyo

SoCal Hippy

Active member
From the time that I was born until today, I have never known a
moment's ease; I have thought only of propagating the daimoku of the
Lotus Sutra. I do not know how long I or anyone else may live, but
without fail, I will be with you at the time of your death and guide
you from this life to the next.

(WND, 965)
Persecution by Sword and Staff
Written to Nanjo Tokimitsu on April 20, 1279

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"To possess both wisdom and compassion is the heart of our human
revolution. If you have wisdom alone and lack compassion, it will be a
cold, perverse wisdom. If you have compassion alone and lack wisdom,
you cannot give happiness to others. You are even likely to lead them
in the wrong direction, and you won't be able to achieve your own

"Of course, people want to live long. But in the end, what matters
more is what we have been able to leave behind -- the value we have
created in our lives, the number of people we have made happy and how
much we have been able to grow and expand as a person."

"It is human nature to desire recognition and to want to look better
than what we are. When that desire seizes control of us, it is easy
to lose sight of who we are and what our real purpose is. Spiritual
corruption begins from there. The best thing is to be true to one's

Daisaku Ikeda


Active member
Hi Babba and Easy!!!! MUCH LOVE TO YAS!!!!! WTF Easy love you so bro ?????????????????? Its as easy as 123 and you more than anyone should know that:

Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

you know it, SoCal knows it, The Babba's know it, WHERE THE FUCK IS T ??????????????? ..............I dont know but the BIG HOMIE started this thread and got me AND NOW MY MOM, he he he!!!!!!!!!! chanting again

I miss him :(
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Active member
Am i just a simpleton and stupid ass for thinking this is as easy as Gongyo in the morning and the same at night?

dont know

all my love and respect


Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Active member
shit i never say anything right

peace my friends



nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"The human spirit is the strongest force there is. As long as our
spirit remains unbroken, there is no defeat. In life, spiritual
defeat always precedes actual defeat. Guard against laziness,
cowardice, carelessness, impatience, resignation and despair which
corrode the human spirit and sow the seeds of defeat."

Daisaku Ikeda

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Good Morning fellow Bodhisatvas,

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Wow, I needed that last encouragement I just posted. Appeared from the Universe for me to really chant about this morning and I have a feeling many are going thru similar shit.

....."Darker the night, nearer the dawn; Colder the winter, nearer the Spring..."

This year has been really mindblowing for me to say the least. After what I went thru last yr where coming close to losing everything. then getting a new job in November, then promotion to replace the now District Mgr of my company in February, it has been quite a ride. I mean the promotion to run the largest branch here in our metro was a real great benefit of turning 'poison into medicine' but the new challenges that that has brought has made me feel recently like I hit a wall. On top of all the new responsibility that this has additionally it has created jealousy amongst many of my peers in the company; you know, 'the new guy getting the best position' kinda thing and I have had to deal with tht and just a whole bunch more of shit. My biggest benefit of going thru this is that I have the total support of the new District Mgr who has had my back and been my total shoten zenjin (Buddhist god, Universal protection)

But it's all good. I will just have to do more chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and study and shakubuku. 'This is my mission, mine alone; you to have a mission, only you can fulfill." (quote by Toda or Ikeda, i forgot) No '2 tickets to paradise' only hard human revolution. I will not back down nor give up nor be in despair.

Off to do my morning prayers and I will definetly be chanting for all of you here. This thread is the 'bomb!' and my deepest appreciation to everyone.

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Active member
SoCal Hippy said:
"The human spirit is the strongest force there is. As long as our
spirit remains unbroken, there is no defeat. In life, spiritual
defeat always precedes actual defeat. Guard against laziness,
cowardice, carelessness, impatience, resignation and despair which
corrode the human spirit and sow the seeds of defeat."

Daisaku Ikeda[/QUOTE

:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:

SoCal Hippy

Active member
"To possess both wisdom and compassion is the heart of our human revolution. If you have wisdom alone and lack compassion, it will be a cold, perverse wisdom. If you have compassion alone and lack wisdom, you cannot give happiness to others. You are even likely to lead them in the wrong direction. Also you cannot achieve your own happiness.

Never for an instant forget the effort to renew your life, to build yourself anew. Creativity means to push open the heavy, groaning doorway of life itself. This is not an easy task. Indeed, it may be the most severely challenging struggle there is. For opening the door to your own life is in the end more difficult than opening the door to all the mysteries of the universe."

"Anyone who has ever made a resolution discovers that the strength of that determination fades in time. The moment you feel that is when you should make a fresh determination. Tell yourselves, "OK! I will start again from now!" If you fall down seven times, get up the eighth. Don't give up when you feel discouraged-just pick yourselves up and renew your determination each time."

“When your determination changes, everything will begin to move in the direction you desire. The moment you resolve to be victorious, every nerve and fiber in your being will immediately orient itself toward your success. On the other hand, if you think, “This is never going to work out,” then at that instant every cell in your being will be deflated and give up the fight. Then everything really will move in the direction of failure.”

-Daisaku Ikeda-

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Amber draws dust, and a magnet attracts iron particles; here our evil
karma is like the dust or iron, and the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is
like the amber or the magnet. If we consider these [analogies, we can
see why] we should always chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.

(WND, 142)
The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra
Recipient unknown; written on January 6, 1266
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