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CFL Full Tower PC Case [BigBud]

Zlatorog said:
you have just one fan exhausting and two lights and you have 27C?
correct me if im wrong...

:wave: hey Zlatorog .. yes you are correct. I have one 120mm tri-cool ball bearing case fan that runs at a max 2000 rpm [80 CFM]. This fan is super quiet and it's powerful enough to help maintain ~27C in the environment, which these grrlz love .. I have another 120mm tri-cool case fan at the lowest setting at 1200 rpm which is great for a nice breeze for the plants and air circulation.

thanks! :joint:
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:wave: just a quick update.. :joint:

It's been some busy times, between working crazy ass hours and x-mas stuff. :joint:

I am happy to report that the little lovelies are filling out quite nicely and - I know I have said I would before - on the 23rd I will be flipping the switch and putting them into flower. I hope to be able to post an updated pic tonight. Stay tuned!!
:wave; here are a couple of pics from today ..

Been down with the flu, it sucks and have had no energy... but had just enough to feed the wee ladies and take a couple of pics ..

glock23 said:
They look great! Any idea when you're going to flower 'em out?

hey glock good to see ya .. :joint:

Thanks for stopping in on the holidays and the kind words.. i am happy to say that i put them into flower last night..

they'll need some pruning in a few days or so ..


:wave: : joint:
i forgot to add .. my lights have not arrived, so i am using the 2 42w 6700k until i can source out some 2700k bulbs, they are pretty hard to find in my area for some reason.. i don't use credit cards so ordering on-line is out of the question ..

i am basically going to treat them like they are still in vegetative state until flowers start to show. this includes a final veg nute and a little pruning ..

now that they are in flower i guess there is no point in trying to find 2700k bulbs, i am sure the plants will recover quite well if i switch bulbs half way through .. yeah??

thanks and any advice is greatly appreciated

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Great grow! Looking forward to seeing what the box and the ladies are capable of producing!
teerull said:
Great grow! Looking forward to seeing what the box and the ladies are capable of producing!

:wave: sup teerull and welcome to IC :joint:

Yeah, it's day 4 of 12/12 and they are really starting to go nutzoid, which to me, is a very good thing. As i mentioned before i wanted them to put on a bit and not train them, see how they are in a small environment.

I have found that these Big Bug clones are extremely adapatable plants. In all honestly they required very little in terms of ferts/nutes. I have fed them a handful of times, at small doses [3/4 strength] with excellent results, so far. The soil is fairly neutral and i water with RO water, strictly.. 1400ml, daily and they just seem to love it. :joint:

I am going to be switching the light in the next few days. This way this gives me some time to find some and they are basically veging, for the next few days anyway. So, when flowers do start to form they will then have the added benefit of a warmer light, the 2700k CFL's ..

Anyone know of a good quality 42w 2700k CFL bulbs? On my path, i have become a little confused as to what i am looking for. I did purchase a 2700k cfl but it seemed to "bright" not not enough "warmth" that i would expect from that kind of bulb, the yellowish red tone..

I am thinking Philips in the green packaging [??] is what i need. Will these produce the light i so desperately pine for? lolz ..

Unfortunately, where i am, they are rarely seen, but for 12 bucks, it's awesome. I hope to find some soon...

Suggestions, critques, questions are always welcome ... :Rasta:

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What I also noticed with my 2700K bulbs is that they don't really look all that warm to the eye however if I take a photo the camera really picks it up... I guess what you could do is a side-by-side photo with one of your current bulb and the 2700k bulb to see the "real difference". I don't really think they would write 2700K on the bulb when it's not :joint:

peace :canabis:
teerull said:
What I also noticed with my 2700K bulbs is that they don't really look all that warm to the eye however if I take a photo the camera really picks it up... I guess what you could do is a side-by-side photo with one of your current bulb and the 2700k bulb to see the "real difference". I don't really think they would write 2700K on the bulb when it's not :joint:

peace :canabis:

:wave: teerull, thanks for the info .. i have finally obtained and installed the lights i was so confused - for no reason - about. Yes, definetly see the difference.

At Day 9, looking good so far :joint:



Original Editor of ICMagazine
Please keep us posted, this is a great idea!!!

Now I know what to do with all those tower cases lying around...

Happy Daze!


New member
hey man, goto home depot, i got a 68w cfl for 14.95. 2700k and 4200 lumens. its kinda large but runs at like half the heat of those 42 watters. the tube is larger diameter so its kinda large but its really making a difference. i dont have to run my fans directly on the bulbs anymore, just a small fan on a amperage regulator to keep the noise, output down. take a take there man, you cant miss em either, it a massive green box, top shelf. happy growing!

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