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CFL Full Tower PC Case [BigBud]

NOTE: Light coming from the back will be taken care of .. being that they are currently on a 24hr light period, i have time to fashion a light-trap and filter. ;)

So, as i mentioned in my first post, my intro, i have been lurking in the shadows reading threads, compiling data and comparing it to my own methods. I found some excellent ideas, methodolgies and practices that have, not only, inspired me to finally get off my ass and get something done but also to help me understand some of these methods better and implement them into daily routine.

It's been sometime since i have harvested a crop - big or small - of my own. It was either living arrangements or time constraints. Now that i am finally in a place of my own; i have finally put a small set up together and got started.

A few months back the plan was to do up a possible RubberMaid setup using four 42w 6700k CFLs but after giving it some thought and measuring countless times i decided that due to space issues - my space is small, what da ya want from a dutchman ;) - i decided that i would do up a Full Tower PC case and immediately sourced one and the pic below is how it stands right now.

Here are some quick notes up until today:

Environmental Specs:

~ Grow Space: 19" 3/4 x 14" 1/4 x 7" 3/4
~ Light: 2 42w 6700k CFL Bulbs
~ Light Cycle: 24 hr [veg]
~ 1 3" PC Case fan for exhaust creating positive air pressure within the environment
~ 1 3" PC Case fan for air circulation and to create a light breeze against the plants
~ Temps: Steady, hovering around 27.8C - 28.4C
~ Humidity: Steady at around 29 - 30%

~ 2 Sensi BigBud 3rd or 4th generation clones

[DAY 1] Nov 25: 2 healthy Sensi Big Bug Clones go under the light

[DAY 2] Nov 26: clones look good :)

[DAY 6] Nov 30: clones transplanted to new home

[DAY 10] Dec 3: slight prune to get rid of a few dead leaves from the transplant and to promote new node growth

[DAY 15] Dec 8: clones have fully recovered from transplant/pruning and have started new growth

[DAY 16] Dec 9: a dark day - having discovered the lights have been off for ~8hrs i quickly got the lights back on them.


Here they are a few hours later, looking quite a bit more happy :)

[DAY 18] Dec 11: Currently the 2 clones are happy and healthy in the environment.

I will be providing regular updates. Thanks for stopping in!


Smoke it if ya got it!!
fuckin nice! Hows the smoke of the big bud?? have you had a chance to try it?? i ask because I have heard that it can be quite weak. I'd like to hear it from someone who has it because I would like to have it if the quality is decent.
Connoisseur300 said:
fuckin nice! Hows the smoke of the big bud?? have you had a chance to try it?? i ask because I have heard that it can be quite weak. I'd like to hear it from someone who has it because I would like to have it if the quality is decent.

Hey Connoisseur300 .. as i understand the Canadian Big Bud was breed with some inferior strain which could be the "weaker" Big Bud you speak of. By comparison, this stuff can be quite dank and skunky. I have, on occasion, been put down by Big Bud and I am a seasoned toker.

I have no idea how these grrrlz are going to turn out in this setup but I can tell you, the buds that these produce in a larger setup are spectacular and I can only hope for a small percentage of what is truely possible from this strain.

Thanks for checkin in!
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Ahh, just a quick update:

[DAY 19] Dec 12: grrlz are looking awesome, watered this morning - they are thirsty grrlz :)

Current Height: Both @ 6 1/4" tall
Temps: Steady @ 27.4 C

ThisBuds4You said:
Clones look fabulous! I like how they're short n fat. Looks great, keep up the great work!

thank you for words of encouragement TB4Y, it's really come a long way in what seems a short period of time..

the ladies are doing a lot better at this point - in my currently red eyes - they are performing a lot better than i originally expected and now I want to really see what the clones can do.

Ok, we are at DAY 20 in vegitative state under 24hrs of light and at a very comfortable and somewhat constant 28 - 29 C and every second day 1.3 litres of water - nuting every 2 water with DNF A&B measuring to 12ml combined per 1.3l of water.

I am very impressed at how these ladies are doing in the environment. I want to flower them but I want to see how far I can go with the space - but - on the other hand I want to flower them now and see what they can do in there as I feel they are ready.. decisions, decisions ..

following pics taken moments ago ...

I appreciate any comments/suggestions/tip/tricks always .. stay tuned!


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Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Um you should probly flower them soon. They are gonna get alot bigger once you 12/12 em. Other then that they look good. Also make sure for flowering you switch to a 2500k light or a warm white. You wanna get that other color spectrum for good buds. Keep up the good work. :joint:
Prof Sublime said:
Um you should probly flower them soon. They are gonna get alot bigger once you 12/12 em. Other then that they look good. Also make sure for flowering you switch to a 2500k light or a warm white. You wanna get that other color spectrum for good buds. Keep up the good work. :joint:

Thanks for stopping in Sublime!

Connoisseur300 said:
I say flower in the next couple of days for sure. Big bud has a fairly large stretch.

300, good to see ya guy \m/

it's awesome when like minds come together .. oh i know these grrlz are going to get pretty big, especially in this setup. I have sourced out some 42w 2700k CFL's and i am just waitng for them to be delivered. Unfortunately they are not getting here fast enough hehehe .. thanks for the support!

Pic from a couple of minutes ago :joint:

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bozzbozz said:
can you explain in detail how you have the lights suspended like that?

(first timer here)

What up Bozz and Welcome to IC!

well, in all honesty it was really simple to put together. Ikea has these awesome squibs for, i think i paid, like 6.99 CDN and grabbed 2 of them. The cords are long as they are meant for hanging lamps from your ceiling but you can snip and splice them quite easily.

The PC case has these rails located at the top [as you can see in the pic below] I just measured the width and cut a couple of pieces of white faced PB, drilled 2 holes in the required diameter to accomodate the squibs. These things are cool, poke em through and screw the "cap" on securing it to the assembly.

I then fastened an L bracket to mount point and the squib board, bent the board a bit to slide it in nice an tight, the only problem was that it snapped a bit. I then afixed a peice of metal, secured it with a clip and a swath of duct tape and was good to go.

Hope that explains it . .

Minion said:
What's with the fan? Isn't that a PC fan? Did you wire that up to a another PC's power supply?

Yes that is a 3" PC fan that is connected to an external power supply. I need to mount it but it is providing adequate circlulation for now. When i water/nute i simply rotate the babies so that they get equal breeze .. Thanks for asking Minion \m/

:wave: hey cork, guanito .. thank for stopping in!

No real updates today but here is a pic from a few moments ago

nice clean little setup bro..those little babies are lookin nice and healthy..what is your height restriction here and how do you plan to train them?? once again nice set and ill stay tuned to see your cab filled with bud


New member
Great cab, and also want to see them bud out... as 300 mentioned, the stretch is going to surprise you... grabbing the seat next to purps :joint:
purpbythepound said:
nice clean little setup bro..those little babies are lookin nice and healthy..what is your height restriction here and how do you plan to train them?? once again nice set and ill stay tuned to see your cab filled with bud

:wave: hey purp! thank you for the kind comments, guy :joint:

at this point i am only interested in what these clones can do - untrained - in the environment. i was all about some LST action but then thought, having never grown out this strain, i would just watch what they do [I am a little off my nut right now, bare with me]

i know they are going to stretch and with the amount of space i have - ~19.5" growing height - they are performing really, really well. I may prune once i induce flowering - which is SOON!! my lights have not come in and i getting impatient, however i may have an option, unless flowering under 6700k is doable, i'd rather not ..

here is a full view

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Cymbaline said:
Great cab, and also want to see them bud out... as 300 mentioned, the stretch is going to surprise you... grabbing the seat next to purps :joint:

yeah, right on! \m/ welcome to the show Cymbaline :joint:

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