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Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH)

from the experiences I read vegging is the strength of these CMH bulbs
nice the 400w Philips bulb is a little cheaper than a single MH hortilux


If this bulb is worth nothing why the hell you are still here???
Do you usually get 1,25G/W as you said earlier it is expected with a 600W.???
You seem to always skip this question althought you mentioned this data for yield
no i dont use 600w hps so i dont get 1.25g/w with it but it doesnt matter at all as we know its possible
but you still didnt understand jackshit of what youself said even with me explaining it more than once

Spangli said:
Do you think everybody needs to do it for the yield ????
its already said.

Spangli said:
Well 50 bucks is a huge amount to waste heh??
the amount matters - not.
Spangli said:
It is easy to tell people you are wrong but seeing you testing your 150W makes me wanna think about your experiences.....
again showing how much you do not know about bulbs/physics/plants

Spangli said:
That thread is about experiences with this bulb. No one mentioned that you are obligated to buy these bulbs from anyone. It is your choice that's all.
leading people to false ways is the point, i didnt saw many people posting such an crap as you did in this thread, maybe you should read it yourself first?

Spangli said:
If you do not understand what everybody talks about here it is your problem.
Post your experiences bro.....
As I said I do not wanna convince you
If this things had been false this thread would have faded away long ago!!!
That is the point
"if this things" you say.. you mean max yield monster bulb? yes if people would only have talked about that it would have faded away long ago - true dat


to me you look like you have some kind of disorder, sorry
will these Phlips MasterColor Ceramic Metal Halide HPS-Retro White bulbs run in a D/E ballast,I've read they will and won't,which is right


One problem I think we'd all love to see solved is using a high-quality digital ballast with these CMH's. Here is one company that does it, but their prices are laughable. Ridiculous. http://www.hydro-techn.com/seattlehydroponics/ballasts.html
I called and talked to the guy and he sounded PROFOUNDLY STONED. Totally incoherent. And the ballast looks homemade, which begs the question - what element of the digital ballast are they altering/replacing to eliminate the 60Hz fritz and instead generate a square wave that works with CMH. I'm not an electronics guy, but can't we figure this out and do it ourselves if Ol' Smoky at Hydro-Tech is able to? Please float the question to any electrically savvy people you know...
i havent checked all 185 pages yet but does anyone know off the top of their heads if a NEXT GEN electronic ballast MH/HPS would be able to attach a CMH?


One problem I think we'd all love to see solved is using a high-quality digital ballast with these CMH's. Here is one company that does it, but their prices are laughable. Ridiculous. http://www.hydro-techn.com/seattlehydroponics/ballasts.html
I called and talked to the guy and he sounded PROFOUNDLY STONED. Totally incoherent. And the ballast looks homemade, which begs the question - what element of the digital ballast are they altering/replacing to eliminate the 60Hz fritz and instead generate a square wave that works with CMH. I'm not an electronics guy, but can't we figure this out and do it ourselves if Ol' Smoky at Hydro-Tech is able to? Please float the question to any electrically savvy people you know...

It should be the GE model, also by looking at the photo... the price of the GE unit is just like that, the point is that what we usually call an electronic ballast is most of the times only semi-electronic. The real electronic ballasts cost more, but can run different wattages, as well as they can give dimming capabilities as well as, as far as I've heard, the possibility to modify color spectrum in some fashion.
I believe somebody knows more about this, what I've read was written by a user called antonio.gramsci, but other people can tell more about the "electronic ballasts" sold in hydro shops vs. the pricier models which are full-digital ballasts.
Currently I don't remember the exact terminology, but this stuff should be more or less like I've said.


Sleeping Dragon
Guys, Gals
Ya HydTech is not in it for the greater good.. there prices have always been higher than anyone else. as well as they don really tell you the real products Name or order info. .(to order from other than them)
aswell as they take other sites info LMFAO...

also they lie about there products.. capabilities
some of there Branded Lamps That Are NOT Philips are using the Philips SPD>. take a look at the pic of the lamp.
LMFAO> Like we cant tell they are fibbing.. WOW take a look its the first product..

the co that Supposedly makes that bulb has renamed the GE Ultramax to the LL Digimax ballast (trying to keep peeps buyin from there)
and renamed CMH to HPMH (High Pressure Metal Halide) WTF..

i know for a fact Adv Tech has the GE Ultramax however the price difference from Magnetic to E/D Ballasts are not worth the upfront cost/Lack of easily consumer replaceable parts or total Life. They REQUIRE CLEAN POWER.
with that said if you live in HI or another 15+Cent per KWH and depending on how many used you may save some $$ from the elec savings but not much and would take many years to pay for itself..

just my 2cents. I DONT care for companies that dont give the facts rather skewed or outright lies to sell something.. Thats so not needed..
from what I understand it may run it but deterioration of the bulb will likely be quick,a magnetic ballast is recommended

any reason for this? is it because the next gen claims to put out a certain % more total energy? im finishing on my 2nd run with a hortilux bulb on the electronic ballast and so far no noticeable in performance (but i dont own a light meter).

just wondering if after i get rid of the hortilux if i could run a CMH on the electronic ballast and then upgrade my flowering light.
from what I read it has to do with the Mag ballast out puts with a 60hz refresh rate and the D/E ballast out put at 20000hz that sets up a pulse swirl that some bulbs can't tolerate

maybe test with one,see if it will run in the Nextgen ballast(I have one also) and we'll do a longevity test


Sleeping Dragon
and the electronic debate thread

Electronic ballast outputting more power, nopes not all.
Outputed Hz
MAG Core 60-50 USA-EU

Standard MH Electronic 20-400 (advance Brand E Ballasts)
less than 200 HZ

CMH Electronic 100-180ish hz (20-400 watt) (optimal 50-170ish hz) VS Brand 140-170Hz and GE ultramax less than 120hz CMH Loves Low Hz with Mag core and electronic it loves 100-170hz (the way the E ballast is designed is why it has a wide range)

HPS/MHP electronic aka lumatek, nexgen, futurebright, the list goes on basically any from the Horti store..
400hz-44Khz that's 400-44,000 flash's per second..

its best to keep the HZ below 200 Hz to prevent acoustic resonance inside the lamp arc tube and to minimize visible flicker. (This is what EYE is talking about when lamps Literally fall apart)
with that said. its easier to design a ballast at higher hz than lower and still be reliable. IE advance, VS, GE and other respected brands dont have ballasts that operate above 200HZ its because they have built it the way the lamp wants not whats cheapest to build and warranty out..
NO commercial co would stay in business after having a ballast changed every few months at 50 feet up LOL>
Advance, GE MH Ballasts are the only ones from 250-400 that are respected and only the GE one can do CMH (as cmh e ballasts require special stuff)
advance is less than 200hz for 400 MH and GE ultramax is less than 120HZ

oh ya my point... eye says lamps don't last as long nor do most e ballasts output 100% more power and none have more lumens (lumen part i have to double check)
ill edit/add later
I did have an Eye 400 watt MH bulb fail after just 3 weeks of 24/0 use,I figure a faulty bulb more than being driven by the Nextgen ballast for such a quick failure

thanks for the info simba


Active member
excellent customer service at advanced tech lighting... i was skeptical at first, but they have definately gone the extra mile to make sure everything was grrrrrrreat!


New member
So how much these bulbs are emitting different uv-rays? Is it safe to be exposed to them all the time as I'd be in the same room all the time as the lamp?