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CBD is Dangerous…????


Well-known member
Interesting thread. I’ve ordered these seeds: https://dutch-passion.com/en/cannabis-seeds/cbd-charlottes-angel and will be doing an outdoor grow. My first foray into the world of CBD. Am I ever hopeful... I’ve been on blood thinners a long time and am glad to see this info as I will discuss with docs. Honestly though... I don’t think many doctors either agree or are aware of this. I’ve seen many different docs in different specialties last two years and not one has mentioned this to me. They were all made aware I was on 12mg Coumadin daily and use recreationally. THC at least doesn’t seem to afffect INR for me in the slightest.

Im wondering if CBD interacts with all thinners such as Xarelto. The newer thinners act on a different mechanism than Coumadin according to my docs.

I think most doctors just don´t know anything about medicinal use of cannabis , let alone any details. In addition,many of them don´t even want to know.
It will be many years before they learn about it at med school.

I look into natural blood thinning way now and then as I have an above average amount of red blood cells. However, I also consume a lot of water, herbal teas etc.
Apparantly ACV is good and you can use it to make fresh lemonade. Braggs tastes best btw :)


Comfortably numb!
Originally posted by blondie
Interesting thread. I’ve ordered these seeds: https://dutch-passion.com/en/cannabi...arlottes-angel and will be doing an outdoor grow. My first foray into the world of CBD. Am I ever hopeful... I’ve been on blood thinners a long time and am glad to see this info as I will discuss with docs. Honestly though... I don’t think many doctors either agree or are aware of this. I’ve seen many different docs in different specialties last two years and not one has mentioned this to me. They were all made aware I was on 12mg Coumadin daily and use recreationally. THC at least doesn’t seem to afffect INR for me in the slightest.

Im wondering if CBD interacts with all thinners such as Xarelto. The newer thinners act on a different mechanism than Coumadin according to my docs.

Originally posted by Cuddles
I think most doctors just don´t know anything about medicinal use of cannabis , let alone any details. In addition,many of them don´t even want to know.
It will be many years before they learn about it at med school.

I look into natural blood thinning way now and then as I have an above average amount of red blood cells. However, I also consume a lot of water, herbal teas etc.
Apparantly ACV is good and you can use it to make fresh lemonade. Braggs tastes best btw

I am a med user and always have what I need at my finger tips, thanks to growing my own medicine. Doctors (most) don't know much if anything at all. Mine doesn't want to be educated. That's cool... she's retiring come July 1st.

The segway in this convo is that all CBD is not created equal, being a heavy CBD user I can attest to that. Just because a strain works for someone, it may not work for you as intended. e.g Charlotte's Web aggravates the bejesus out of me. Why? Well, when we look at the Stanley brothers they created the strain to combat epileptic seizures. Therefore, it may not be conducive for what we may deem what CBD is. As an example... I am currently on Bk. It is suppose to be a "night time" strain. Don't do diddly for me at night. I have other strains for that but, I like it just fine during the day time, go figure. It probably has to do with our own unique Endocannabidiol system. I don't know. One thing I do know however, is THC plays an important role WRT its overall effectiveness as a medicine.


Comfortably numb!
Spoke to my doc and sadly Zero help. I found this link that in fact states Xarelto which I am now on, is affected by CBD. The link is a good link to check drug interactions and seems to have good info.


Not real sure what to think now. I’m not aware of a way to measure the effectiveness of new gen blood thinners with regard to CBD .
Thanks for the link :tiphat:

Until the fire cannabis as a whole (not necessary CBD, you know my views on that) was doing great in the regulation of my diabetes, alongside Metformin. I droped my AIC to 5.1/5.2 Since the fire, stress has caused an increase in Cortisol production, which I am having a hard time regulating. Since stress causes it, I use strains that put me in a happy place, in order to reduce the stress. But hey! I'm not kidding myself, I won't return to normal until we are back in our home and, although returning home will alleviate the current stress, we have no idea at this point if more severe PTSD will settle in, which is a combination of anxiety and stress.


Well-known member
see... there is a problem with this over arching statement. "CBD is dangerous" I think you need to look at the other side of the coin on this one friend.

Take a relatively small segment of Pharmaceuticals out of the equation for a fairly narrow segment of the general population. there is nothing harmful about CBD. Case and point.

headline SHOULD have read. "CBD makes dangerous pharmaceuticals, potentially more dangerous" This statement is much more true and based in fact, not spin.

now speaking from an experienced caregiver perspective(10+ years).. Maybe one in 20 or maybe one in 40 people I've encountered needs these considerations. not empirical, fairly anecdotal.
I make a point of asking about whatever drugs they are on, legal or not to make sure that my advice is not "risky" the few times I have encountered a medication that concerns me I have this persons
contact their pharmacist for additional support (I give them a 'cheat' sheet of things to mention, i.e. the medication in question, the receptor interaction with CBD and questions about modifying dosing if needed)
Sending them back to their Doctor's is pointless, they don't know this stuff unless they have a vested personal interest and most of them are too busy to have hobbies like this. The pharmacist can contact them and
that interaction is considered more creditable than a patient coming back contesting a prescription. Most Pharmacists have shown to be atleast slightly more knowledgeable than doctors on the interaction of
medications on receptors. That is part of their schooling, its an optional for a medical doctor unless going into internal medicine.

That being said, More accurate and informative warning labels are needed and this segment is lacking on the realistic issue. When I hand back my patients product in edible form, I always include a simple and clear
warning for certain ailments that are typically effected by this CBD bolstering. It is a short list but it is there. I know the people I am preparing this stuff for have no issues, but they may share with others.

Spoke to my doc and sadly Zero help. I found this link that in fact states Xarelto which I am now on, is affected by CBD. The link is a good link to check drug interactions and seems to have good info.


Not real sure what to think now. I’m not aware of a way to measure the effectiveness of new gen blood thinners with regard to CBD .

This is a Study for warfarin, so not exactly 1:1 but I believe the mechanism would be similar (not medical advice, offering a tool that can be discussed with your medical professionals )

CBD makes most of these medications MORE effective, this study mirrors my experience where there was about a 25%-30% reduction of the concerned medication leading to an identical efficacy
( always speak with a professional when manipulation dosages, Pharmacists will tell you more than a doctor FYI)

its important to understand what you consume.. weather on a plate or from a pill bottle.


Well-known member
Thanks for the link :tiphat:

Until the fire cannabis as a whole (not necessary CBD, you know my views on that) was doing great in the regulation of my diabetes, alongside Metformin. I droped my AIC to 5.1/5.2 Since the fire, stress has caused an increase in Cortisol production, which I am having a hard time regulating. Since stress causes it, I use strains that put me in a happy place, in order to reduce the stress. But hey! I'm not kidding myself, I won't return to normal until we are back in our home and, although returning home will alleviate the current stress, we have no idea at this point if more severe PTSD will settle in, which is a combination of anxiety and stress.
for cortisol ie hormone regulation you could try maca. It has helped me in many ways. I begann to feel less stressed out when I take it regularly.

I have not heard of CBD making other meds more effective until now. This is very interesting! So does this mean that people can reduce the dosage of their other meds?

Berberine is said to help diabetics instead of metformin. We have discussed these issues in this thread, not sure which page it is one though.


Comfortably numb!
for cortisol ie hormone regulation you could try maca. It has helped me in many ways. I begann to feel less stressed out when I take it regularly.

I have not heard of CBD making other meds more effective until now. This is very interesting! So does this mean that people can reduce the dosage of their other meds?

Berberine is said to help diabetics instead of metformin. We have discussed these issues in this thread, not sure which page it is one though.
Tx :tiphat:
I ordered 2lbs of it 2/3 caps @ 0.91g/day (size 00 caps) should do the trick.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
for cortisol ie hormone regulation you could try maca. It has helped me in many ways. I begann to feel less stressed out when I take it regularly.

I have not heard of CBD making other meds more effective until now. This is very interesting! So does this mean that people can reduce the dosage of their other meds?

Berberine is said to help diabetics instead of metformin. We have discussed these issues in this thread, not sure which page it is one though.
I am a recent convert to CBD for various medical reasons. It has replaced or significantly reduced several medications. However I won't take drugs that CBD may interfere with, just not worth the risk imo. I don't think you should look at CBD as a way of "making other meds more effective", but rather interfering with the absorption of those other meds. At least that's my understanding.


The Haze Whisperer
Lester Bornheim, a research pharmacologist at the University of California in San Francisco, was among the first scientists to study the metabolism of CBD. In 1987, he was awarded a NIDA grant to investigate the effects of phytocannabinoids on cytochrome P450 enzymes. THC and cannabinol (CBN) also inhibit CYP activity, but CBD, of all the plant cannabinoids studied, is the strongest cytochrome P450 deactivator.

“It’s a very unusual enzyme. Almost all other enzymes are designed to fit a single substrate and carry out a single chemical process resulting in a single product,” Bornheim noted, whereas numerous drugs are substrates for cytochrome P450, which seems to function like a generic breakdown mechanism for a wide range of exogenous and endogenous substances.

In 1999, Bornheim addressed the annual gathering of the International Cannabinoid Research Society (ICRS) and drew attention to the possibility that CBD could interfere with the metabolism of many medications. A year earlier, a team of Canadian scientists identified certain compounds in grapefruit that inhibit the expression of some cytochrome P450 enzymes—which is why physicians often warn patients not to eat grapefruit before taking their meds. CBD, it turns out, is a more potent inhibitor of cytochrome P450 enzymes than the grapefruit compound Bergapten (the strongest of several grapefruit components that inhibit CYPs).


Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
I think most doctors just don´t know anything about medicinal use of cannabis , let alone any details. In addition,many of them don´t even want to know.
It will be many years before they learn about it at med school.

I look into natural blood thinning way now and then as I have an above average amount of red blood cells. However, I also consume a lot of water, herbal teas etc.
Apparantly ACV is good and you can use it to make fresh lemonade. Braggs tastes best btw :)
ACV is excellent , the braggs has the recipe for haymakers punch, its acv, ginger, and honey I believe, its great stuff. That was my main prelockout and workout formula back in my gym days, as it helped keep my body loosen up, and flush out toxins and lactic acid from the body aiding in faster recovery. any brand in addition to braggs that hasn't been distilled is full is usually full of probiotics and other good stuff as well.


Well-known member
ACV is excellent , the braggs has the recipe for haymakers punch, its acv, ginger, and honey I believe, its great stuff. That was my main prelockout and workout formula back in my gym days, as it helped keep my body loosen up, and flush out toxins and lactic acid from the body aiding in faster recovery. any brand in addition to braggs that hasn't been distilled is full is usually full of probiotics and other good stuff as well.
wow, thanks! I didn´t know about this recipe at all
I checked their website again but they had changed it and a lot of info including customer reviews were gone :(
Is this particular recippe still on their website? I´m def. gonna give it a try. If there is a body which needs loosening up then it´s mine! lol
I have really bad muscle tension all the time :(

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
wow, thanks! I didn´t know about this recipe at all
I checked their website again but they had changed it and a lot of info including customer reviews were gone :(
Is this particular recippe still on their website? I´m def. gonna give it a try. If there is a body which needs loosening up then it´s mine! lol
I have really bad muscle tension all the time :(
Heres a link to a site with full description:
You can substitute the molasess, for honey or syrup, basically any sweetner, more natural the better.


Well-known member
Heres a link to a site with full description:
You can substitute the molasess, for honey or syrup, basically any sweetner, more natural the better.
thanks for the link :)
This recipe is almost like my recipe for the lemonade I like to make: (no ginger but lemon instead)

recipe for 1 pint ( about 500 ml )
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon ACV (Braggs is best)
1 tablespoon Agave
top it up with really cold water (or store in the fridge for a while)

Btw if I make a larger batch in advance to store in the fridge I tend to use a slightly different ratio

I also followed this link in the article

Verdant Whisperer

Well-known member
thanks for the link :)
This recipe is almost like my recipe for the lemonade I like to make: (no ginger but lemon instead)

recipe for 1 pint ( about 500 ml )
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon ACV (Braggs is best)
1 tablespoon Agave
top it up with really cold water (or store in the fridge for a while)

Btw if I make a larger batch in advance to store in the fridge I tend to use a slightly different ratio

I also followed this link in the article
Just don't overdo it with the vinegar as it can make the teeth sensitive or use a straw possibly, Thank you for the recipe :) The fire cider recipe is very similar to super tonic recipe with the hot peppers and horse radish, and garlic, ect supertonic also has ginger and onions in it. My friend Ernie gave me this recipe, it works good in place of hot sauce.


  • HealthTonicRecipe.pdf
    120.8 KB · Views: 103


Well-known member
Just don't overdo it with the vinegar as it can make the teeth sensitive or use a straw possibly, Thank you for the recipe :) The fire cider recipe is very similar to super tonic recipe with the hot peppers and horse radish, and garlic, ect supertonic also has ginger and onions in it. My friend Ernie gave me this recipe, it works good in place of hot sauce.
yeah you´re totally right about the teeth stuff. Too much acidity is bad for teeth (but great for the rest of the body once it´s inside)
You´re only meant to use 1 tablespoon per 200 ml MAX in order to make it safe. So I decided to apply this rule to using ACV as well.
I use a pint glass and just fill it right up with water.

If anybody wants to be extra careful I would cut down on the ACV rather than the fresh lemon juice .
I suppose you can also use less agave but this is down to personal preference.
You gotta experiment a little to find out which ratio you like best :)

Ever since I tried making my own FRESH lemonade I have not purchased a Fanta or anything similar called `lemonade´!

Before I discovered that I could also use ACV (Braggs or similar) I used to use 2 tablespoon lemon juice plus agave - nothing else. It also tastes great but I think the ACV gives it a bit more zing ;)
Whichever you prefer- both versions a really healthy
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Well-known member
"making other meds more effective", but rather interfering with the absorption of those other meds. At least that's my understanding.

Yeah Its not worth the risks IMO. It inhibits an enzyme in the liver and slows down the decomposition of warfarin... which can lead to to much warfarin in the body over time.

Cannabis is such a great medicine... but not without its flaws :)