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CBD crew reliable, stable?


I understand that but haha, try telling a kid they cant smoke weed and see what happens. This strain would be better for their brains than some kush. If only it could be an option to the youbg tokers

Sativa Dragon

Active member
I understand that but haha, try telling a kid they cant smoke weed and see what happens. This strain would be better for their brains than some kush. If only it could be an option to the youbg tokers

This is true, and likely still better than booze for all the trouble it causes, fights, DUI's, teen pregnancy. But the Gov, has a strangle hold on the booze trade and taxes the shit out of it and really still doesn't do enough to educate kids on the health risks of booze, Oh but weed is really bad by the way.. lol!!



Green Mujaheed
I have their Z7 (tested at 10%THC and 15%CBD) and I love it. Good smoke, with very complex flavor, and a nice calming & relaxing high.
I've been on darn pain-killers since quite a few years and am currently in the last days of my shifting from codein to cannabis (oh boy did the Cup help for that!).
For pain management, I prefer to ingest it so I have to find the right dose, but this morning I brew a tea with 0.3gr. The flavour was insane strong and had me drink only half the cup. Felt no pain during the day, being from the last twitches of withdrawal or from my back itself, just a light & warm buzz wrapping the whole body with clear & relaxed mind.

And this IQ thing.. It's rather the society they grow in that makes them IQ go backward, certainly not the Healer of Nations !

Irie !


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am happy to hear that you are getting of the Opiates, here is another article you should read about children and cannabis use.



That is fine that there is some science suggesting that pot damages young brains.

No proof though. If you have a brain that is going thru the process of becoming schizo or similar, you would try to find relief by smoking herb eh?

If you want to turn your brain off an veg out you will use pot or other very heavily to do that yes?

I am suggesting pot is more of a symptom of problems than the cause.

The lower iq guys were heavy users as I recall. Doubt they read or do much mentally out of disinterest. If you coast along like that for a decade or 2 will your iq drop? I think so.


I think most people don't understand what CBD's effects are, that's why they blame the CBD strains to be "weak", judging by their psychic effect.
It doesn't make you relaxed/tired/sleepy, it's not like a late harvest. It's not the heavy indica high. These effects are results from the combination of serveral cannabinoids (and their acids and metabolites). Not of CBD alone as the "CBD-rich strains" cliche and charts that display only THC and CBD suggest.
CBD is, so to say, an anti-high. It blocks the mental (trippy) effect of THC and leaves you with slightly buzzing head and the feeling that something's going on inside of you but you cannot feel what exactly. It's not fun, no impact on the thinking and emotions, just a tingling buzz. You can actually feel frustratingly normal, more normal than you normally are.
This from many experiments in the past with fathered-by-hemp bag seeds.

Sing it brother yoss. Im no fan of high cbd's or the cbd crew mixing this no buzz crap in with strains that are intended for the high effect we all associate with good smoke. Yoss is right, these strains are confused and the buzz - if there is one just plain sucks.

CBD's seem to help some people in the medical community and thats where it should be kept. Sorry but i dont smoke for medical reasons. I want to get high and CBD's are the anti high. And yes... cbd's do antagonize thc. Maybe kids with autism need it but no thanks from the stoner section.

Nothing over 1:1 should be allowed on the retail market and instead should exist in some specialty market for medical purposes..


Active member
this is a fine example of

this is a fine example of

Sing it brother yoss. Im no fan of high cbd's or the cbd crew mixing this no buzz crap in with strains that are intended for the high effect we all associate with good smoke. Yoss is right, these strains are confused and the buzz - if there is one just plain sucks.

CBD's seem to help some people in the medical community and thats where it should be kept. Sorry but i dont smoke for medical reasons. I want to get high and CBD's are the anti high. And yes... cbd's do antagonize thc. Maybe kids with autism need it but no thanks from the stoner section.

Nothing over 1:1 should be allowed on the retail market and instead should exist in some specialty market for medical purposes..

This is a fine example of a very closed mind and a selfish narcissistic mentality........
Great..........and hey ya know what? it is called a choice.....if you do not like like them, then do not buy them.....simple......it would seem as if your iq were 1:1......:blowbubbles::tumbleweed:

Gert Lush

Active member
@Yoss: +1

It seems its the weed for people that wanna smoke, get the taste and not get high...
Hilarious statement, but I suspect true-ish.

From what I've seen the initial commercial (not the medical, yeah, the commetcial) appeal was driven to a large extent by people who wanted to smoke... but didn't like the effects! There was (and probably still is) this myth that CBD somehow gives a chilled indica buzz, and eliminates the racing mind effects of THC!

There is an anxiolytic effect to CBD, but as already pointed out, it is at the expense of the high.
This is a very interesting thread, especially since I didn't even know the CBD crew already has several strains on the market. While I have no reason to doubt the bold and public claims of Chimera and the CBD Crew, I did find a 3 strain test grow of CBD crew strains that seems to indicate that the occurence of CBD rich phenos isn't nearly as consistent as claimed. Please note that the growers test results are from a cannalytics home test kit and not a gas chromatograph. A quick google search can easily find this test grow.

",, so the tally ended up being 60% CBD Critical Mass (6/10), 20% CBD Nordle (1/5), and 0% CBD Widow (0/4).

Small sample size but shocking none the less!"

And the quality standard on CBD crew's site:

"The CBD-crew quality standard offers growers/patients:

100% CBD-rich seeds: all seeds germinated are CBD-rich.
For the strains that also produce THC: we aim to have THC in a 1:1 ratio with CBD. To know if you really have a perfect 1:1 you’ll need to test a sample of your flowers. When testing large populations of seeds (for example 100 seeds of the same variety producing both THC and CBD), we noticed that the average results tend to show a 1:1 ratio, ranging from 1:0.5 to 1:2
Tested products. All products sold under the CBD-crew logo have been tested accuratly and have been grown in natural conditions. It’s not always possible to use only natural products to grow our seeds, for example when we want to produce feminized seeds, but we try to serve patients with their requests, for them we are ready to do exceptions."

I've been interested in CBD rich strains for a while, but it seems like Cannatonic is still the champ, not just in having among the highest if not the highest CBD test results, but the knowledge of the phenos to help patients find the ones rich in CBD.

" In late June Whitney Eads, RN, MSN, planted 11 Cannatonic seeds which she'd gotten from Clark Metcalfe of Feminine Seeds. They grew into four distinct phenotypes, one of which —the one that turned purple, phenotype 3— was found by two different labs to contain slightly more than 13% CBD, with about half as much THC."

The others Eads describes as "light green, darker green, and a super-sativa with very thin leaves." The super-sativa tested very high in THC —above 20%, with almost no CBD."
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Active member
Absolutely CBD is for real in terms of valuable medicine. I am using Cannatonic for chronic arthritis pain and it's excellent. I think Project CBD's plants may be crosses of Cannatonic.

Not all of Cannatonic was supposed to have CBD, but both of the two females I got have it - one seems to be all CBD, the other a split of THC/CBD. It gives me the same feeling as the CBD plant when mixed with other strains.

I am interested in trying project CBD some time down the road, I don't buy seeds often though. I would highly recommend Cannatonic, not only does it have CBD but it's hardy and an oustanding yielder. I'm wondering why they haven't done another run, perhaps the original clones are not available anymore. That would be a shame.
I have been getting a strain with 5% THC and 8% CBD. Most certainly gets you high still, haven't laughed like that from weed in a while, but it was also very calm. Just an all around enjoyable high. If you find the high isn't strong enough for you, mix it with a higher thc strain. That way you still get high cbd, and its effects, but at the same time a strong high. Works great for my anxiety, but not 100% of the time. Also great for my back and neck pain. Also, I recommend vaping it, I vape it at 180*c, seems much better vaped for some reason.
Absolutely CBD is for real in terms of valuable medicine. I am using Cannatonic for chronic arthritis pain and it's excellent. I think Project CBD's plants may be crosses of Cannatonic.

Not all of Cannatonic was supposed to have CBD, but both of the two females I got have it - one seems to be all CBD, the other a split of THC/CBD. It gives me the same feeling as the CBD plant when mixed with other strains.

I am interested in trying project CBD some time down the road, I don't buy seeds often though. I would highly recommend Cannatonic, not only does it have CBD but it's hardy and an oustanding yielder. I'm wondering why they haven't done another run, perhaps the original clones are not available anymore. That would be a shame.

The pure CBD plant is valuable. You can tell there is no THC because the flowers won't get you high.

By the way, on what basis are you saying the Cannatonics had CBD or didn't have them? It can be hard to tell 2:1 or 3:1 THC:CBD to all THC if you're not particularly keen on paying attention.
CBD strain

CBD strain

I have been getting a strain with 5% THC and 8% CBD. Most certainly gets you high still, haven't laughed like that from weed in a while, but it was also very calm. Just an all around enjoyable high. If you find the high isn't strong enough for you, mix it with a higher thc strain. That way you still get high cbd, and its effects, but at the same time a strong high. Works great for my anxiety, but not 100% of the time. Also great for my back and neck pain. Also, I recommend vaping it, I vape it at 180*c, seems much better vaped for some reason.

What strain are you speaking of here?
I can't say if Resin seeds are good or no good other than their Cannatonic, but Harlequin is a poly-hybrid. If it were selfed, there would be a great deal of phenotypic spread. It originates from a breeder House of David, but for whatever reason, there have been various phenotypes circulating as clones, possibly harlequin crosses being sold off as harlequin, or possibly the original clone vs. a relative from a selfed seed.

It certainly has been out long enough to have been selfed and then stabilized, but how close it is to the original clone is another matter that depends upon the breeder and the breeder's familiarity with what 'the real Harlequin should be like' whether that matters to the end user or not.

I cannot say it is uninteresting, but it does not have attractive terpene/terpenoid profile, and it does not have desirable growth characteristics. It is a finicky plant not suited for beginners.

As for CBD being anti-high, it is partially true, but the fear of CBD lines spreading into the broader market is unfounded. I'm no neuro-scientist, so I speak in terms of anecdotes, but it lengthens any high if mixed with THC, and it has a focusing, clear-headed effect. Tolerance is another issue-- for example certain varieties either due to their cannabinoid profile or something else we are not quite understanding, tolerance build up seems to be different among different varietals separate from just the THC value or THC equivalent (from THCA figures).

It is personal opinion that CBD has a tendency to slow the increase of THC tolerance even while keeping total THC intake comparable, though this has not been rigorously tested.

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