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CAUGHT: Alibi's and justifications



When caught directly in the grow, good luck. I would try to argue "I didn't grow it, I just found it and was about to call you guys and report it when you showed up. Make sure you have an arrangement for bond money in advance.

But if caught in the area, here are some excuses I have prepared.

For trips during the dark hours, I have bought a couple dozen night crawlers, (worms). I put a dozen in my little bucket with some dirt and Im just hunting night crawlers.

Day time.

A leash. There must be a dead deer or something because my dog keeps comming down here and rolling in it. I was looking for her.

I'm hunting ginsing, see my bag.

If there's water, Im fishing and have a fishing pole and LICENSE.

I always have someone reachable by phone who I have discussed my alibi with that can confirm my story by phone.

There are lots of creative people here, so lets here what your plan is for getting caught with feathers on your mouth?


All good stuff silverback! I'd say the ginseng is a good one(especially around my parts - Ky). I think I will always carry some books and materials for collecting ginseng with me this summer. Thanks for the good advice - it's got my brain churning now!

Y'all take care now,
I grow mostly on my own land (woodlot) so have a legal right to be there. Here MJ is growing everywhere since half the highschool kids are running around in spring with their ATVs planting furiously. In the fall I stuff my plants into a garbage bag and if I meet the police it will be "Jeez ossifer, am I glad to see you, Little pricks have been growing pot on my land again and I was just on my way to the pighouse, er police station, to turn it in. I'm a senior citizen with no criminal record so it would probably work.
I think the leash idea is beautiful. Just keep it in your back pocket, produce it if ever needed. "Rover won't come back with you here scaring him Officer".
I dislike growing on my own land. It's an invitation to a search warrant, and I sure don't need that. I do grow just off my land on the 80 year old widow's property. Search her. Nothing to find, and it will add some excitement to her life.


Dang, your initial response to the law will determine whether or not you go to jail and whether or not your lawyer can mount a defense. I thought my ideas were weak and I was hoping to hear some better ones.

If you guys are gonna latch on to my lame excuses it doesnt look hopefull. we're probably all in real trouble.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Good stuff...I like how you think SB. Preping everyone for possible situations. Better to be prepared and appear confident with your statement than all over the place. I like my dog is loose I mlooking for it. Fishing is good,bird watching, scouting deer etc. However Im always on some one elses land, and trespassing to boot. So the uncontrollable explanation is good..the dog is loose etc. However be warned if caught at a site that contains mj....DO EXPECT your home to be searched! The fact of what is found at your home can make or break you. Clean house and keep it clean.


Active member
This is a good subject. I feel pretty guilty with my shovel and bags of soil sometimes. I guess when you are planting you just better not be seen. One excuse I have is if I were to be digging and were approached id say I was looking for leaks. You know? Little onions.

If I'm caught just wandering my excuse would be Looking for good hunting land. Although I don't hunt. I don't know... thats the best I got.

Sometimes if I think there are cameras I will wear a Halloween mask.

good luck explaining that right?
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Vol Funk

DirtDevil said:
This is a good subject. I feel pretty guilty with my shovel and bags of soil sometimes. I guess when you are planting you just better not be seen. One excuse I have is if I were to be digging and were approached id say I was looking for leaks. You know? Little onions.

If I'm caught just wandering my excuse would be Looking for good hunting land. Although I don't hunt. I don't know... thats the best I got.

Sometimes if I think there are cameras I will wear a Halloween mask.

good luck explaining that right?
Just make sure it's not gorilla/bigfoot mask ;)

or deers antler


all praises are due to the Most High
leo: so what are you doing here in this national park?

me: growing marijuana.

leo: hehehehe, good one, have a good night sir.

me: good night.



know your area well enough to know who else is on it at any given time
a good way to do that is spend alot of time there when your not growing or even nearby enough to see people or hear them. thats what i plan to do anyway but my situation allows it. never the less, keep taps on an area. investigate and research. gps photos are good enough now days to spot a frequently used path, sometimes. when i was thinking about moving i had to take alot of things into consideration. one of which was nearby people/homes if there was a plot housing a bunch of 20 somethings id prolly not want to plant near, that or id expect trespassing, or be run into while i was trespassing.
If carrying soil in my big backpack.... I'm planning a trip to climb (insert semi-local mountain) in a few weeks, just trying to get some training in and dirt was the heaviest thing I had laying around my house.

If watering... that's just water to drink officer, can't carry enough in this heat.

If caught with shovels... I'm a university student doing a little research on soil horizons for my soils class. "Awesome C horizon out here sir"

If at the site... run!


Try to work at night. Cover of darkness is the best unless you are scared of the dark.

Just Run and dont stop running until you cant run anymore then run some more cuz the chopper will be right above you any minute now. If you dont stop how can they catch you? Remember you are in their backyard, they work there everyday and hate growers!

Dont break the first rule: Dont come in contact with LEO, him and his friends are LIARS. "Oh if it's just a little MJ we dont care, just tell us where it is."
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Active member
Along railroad tracks I would pretend to be a rail fan. Maybe wear a hat with a railroad logo on it, carry a scanner (scanners can be used to listen to railroad operations... most rail fans carry one. it wont look suspicious if you just tell the cop what it is and why you have it). Hanging around railroad tracks can make you look sketchy to begin with so be careful.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
This really depends on where you are, but just say your dog ran away and you live in the area. He give a name and description and start calling for her, after a while of calling, the person will probably be sympathetic and tell you if they see your dog that they'll bring him/her to the address that you supply.


Hi everyone,
There's some good thoughts comming through now.

Arrowheads are common in many areas and collection can provide a good alibi. I have a few dirty ones in a little sack and I say I have found them there and was looking for more. Arrowhead hunting is common here. I have actually had forest service agents engage me about arrow head info rather than asking about pot when being engaged near a grow.. Take 30 minutes and learn something about arrowheads. You can buy them if you need some to bait your bag with. A digging implement is justified with arrowhead hunting.

Darkness is one of my main tools. Most of my work is done at 4;30 - daylight. Especially in more public places.

If the grow is near blackberries which are everywhere here, during june and july, I carry a little bucket and pick a few and then I can say Im either hunting for blacberries to pick when they get ripe, or they are ripe and I pick a few. This excuse works well for about a 4-5 week period. Mulberry trees are prevelant as well and they rippen in summer.

Later in the year, I can say Im hunting Paw-paw trees or in the fall, looking to pick up walnuts or hickory nuts.

Im still thinking. sb
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We and a buddy were caught bringing out soil to a spot, though it was bagged in trash bags not potting soil. I though quickly and told the officer that we were building bike jumps. Then someone drove up and said someone at the gas station nearby drove off without paying and the officer let us go.

The most important part of lying is sounding confident when you do so, if you stand around with your thumb up your butt and act stupid you might actually run yourself into deeper trouble.


Well-known member
The best advice I have for that is boating. If you have a canoe or kayak they are great excuses. Look up federal laws.

1. Which rivers are owned by the public?
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the bed and banks under all rivers, lakes, and streams that are navigable, for title purposes, are owned by the states, held in trust for the public. Title in this context means ownership. This public-trust ownership extends up to the ordinary high water line, (or ordinary high water mark,) encompassing what is commonly referred to as the submerged and submersible land, as opposed to the upland. This type of navigability is called title navigability.

9. What if the river is only physically navigable during the wet season of the year?
It still qualifies as navigable for title purposes. But a normally dry creek bed or "wash" that is only temporarily navigable during extreme weather does not qualify. (If it's normally dry because of upstream dams, then it does qualify. The legal test is based on the river's natural condition.)

20. What about walking briefly on private land while in the process of navigating a river?
Federal court decisions seem to allow for this but have not been conclusive. Some state courts have found that the public has the right to walk on the river bank, either as part of navigation or for other reasons. Also, some state laws allow certain trespasses under certain urgent conditions. If you are unable to proceed down a river due to unique circumstances, or due to an emergency of some sort, state law may allow what would otherwise be a trespass.

22. What about getting to and from the river?
Normally there is no right to cross private land to get to or from a river (except perhaps in extreme cases as mentioned above.) For example, there is no right to walk across a farmer's field to get from a public highway to a river.
However, the state has a duty to maintain public access routes to rivers under certain conditions, as part of its public trust duties. Courts have found it unlawful for a state to close off an existing public access route when there are not other public access routes nearby.
A common problem involves highway bridges over rivers. The river, if navigable for title purposes, is public land up to the ordinary high water mark, and the highway is public out to the edge of its right-of-way. Usually there is enough space to legally park next to the highway near the bridge. But the adjacent landowner may build an impassable fence up to the bridge abutments and post "No Trespassing" signs on the fence, so people can't get from the highway down to the river. This is unlawful; there is a right of passage from the highway to the river. Courts have ruled that when one public route meets or crosses another, there is a right to proceed between the two.


All kinds of good dialog here. A few of my grow spots are right by a nice river and I am an avid fly fisherman so I think I will always have my travel rod and light vest with me. If I get caught with soil or something I could always try and say I was building fish habitats.....or not. :bashhead:


Active member
"I'm looking for that body that I left out here last year..." usually works.

No but seriously I am an avid birdwatcher and I also like to hunt for wild edibles. Carry a field guide on either subject with you. Thats ALWAYS a good reason to be in the woods especially with the amount of eagles that live near where I grow.
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Well-known member
No need for carrying in your ferts if you plant over the body. The ferts walk in.
Just kidding.