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Catapillers are destroying my crop! Help please!


I'm at my wits end all my plants are infested with lil catapillers of all sizes and they are doing alot of damage ive tried BT,malathion,pyrethren and spinosad. Spinosad seems to work best as nothing else had any affect but still its not good enough ive still got alot of em popping up and I can't keep up with the damage because I have 17 plants and they are all super cropped and big I need a solution please help me! I know there has to be something I can do, I mean what do the big farms do? I need help please!!


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Cannasuer said:
I'm at my wits end all my plants are infested with lil catapillers of all sizes and they are doing alot of damage ive tried BT,malathion,pyrethren and spinosad. Spinosad seems to work best as nothing else had any affect but still its not good enough ive still got alot of em popping up and I can't keep up with the damage because I have 17 plants and they are all super cropped and big I need a solution please help me! I know there has to be something I can do, I mean what do the big farms do? I need help please!!

Are you really just trying to kill all those people you are "Caregiving" to ? With friends like you ..... FFS... the dumbest thing I have ever read on a MJ site ever.

WTF are you doing spraying poisons on weed ?

You need shooting, not helping. :fsu:


New member
ChaosCatalunya said:
Are you really just trying to kill all those people you are "Caregiving" to ? With friends like you ..... FFS... the dumbest thing I have ever read on a MJ site ever.

WTF are you doing spraying poisons on weed ?

You need shooting, not helping. :fsu:
Wow CC, great advice! The guy asks for help and you deliver!!

Have you tried predatory insects?


Hes just a dumb cashcropper. No Care Given just give and take.
You could just pick off as many as you could first rather then spray poison.
You could really hurt some people with them chem weed.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
snoogans said:
Wow CC, great advice! The guy asks for help and you deliver!!

Have you tried predatory insects?

Hi snoogans, are you an alias for a certain "west coast mmj caregiver" by any chance ?

Strange first post ......

Predatory Insects are too good for this creep, maybe lower him into a cage of starving rats.

Someone who asks for help, claiming to be a "caregiver" of MMJ, who then admits he greedily sprays toxic chemicals on plants he claims to be helping sick people medicate with ....WTF ???


Well-known member
Malathion? wtf are you crazy. I'm saving this post in case I ever get busted for growing. We gotta grow our own. Read up on what malathion can do; especially if you are a pregnant woman. I wonder what the Mexicans put on the brickweed?
Malathion? I didnt think anyone from cali was that stupid. the worms cant ruin your plants because you allready did do the med community a favor cut them down and throw them away.


julsbagell said:
Malathion? I didnt think anyone from cali was that stupid. the worms cant ruin your plants because you allready did do the med community a favor cut them down and throw them away.

Let's see which idiot to reply to first! Malathion is safe it degrades in 7 days, pyrethren is organic and also breaks down in a week, spinosad is the safest rated of all the poisons and is also organic,BT is also organic and is perfectly safe. All the poisons ive used so far are rated at the lowest level of toxcity.
Do your homework before you talk shit to some1 and make yourself look like wanna be know it all that doesnt know shit.


Schlossi said:
Hes just a dumb cashcropper. No Care Given just give and take.
You could just pick off as many as you could first rather then spray poison.
You could really hurt some people with them chem weed.

Really? Just pick em off huh? Ok well I would if had 1 or 2 small plants but I have 17 bushes that have about 100 tops each so hand picking is not an option number 1 and I'm sorry if I dont bugs crawling and shiting in the buds that are being sold at bud pharmacies essentionaly, I'm using all omri certified organic products listed at the lowest toxicity and I follow the directions as far as not spraying too close too harvest. I dont think malathion is organic but it is safe if you use the ortho brand and mix it properly it has a 7 day residual that's it and its gone.


P-NUT said:
Malathion? wtf are you crazy. I'm saving this post in case I ever get busted for growing. We gotta grow our own. Read up on what malathion can do; especially if you are a pregnant woman. I wonder what the Mexicans put on the brickweed?

what the fuck are doing smoking weed if your pregnant any fuckin way? WTF?
I have read up on what the malathion I used can do and that's the only reason I used it! Because of how safe it is! There are two types of mskithion a and b I think its something like that and ones illegal for general public and one is safe and breaks down in seven days.


snoogans said:
Wow CC, great advice! The guy asks for help and you deliver!!

Have you tried predatory insects?

Thank you, and no I havent tried predators. What bugs could I order that will go after catapillers and do a good enuff job because almost every cola is infested with big 1s lil 1s tiny 1s I hand pick as much as I can but I'd be out there out there 2 weeks straight and still not make any headway. No I need a solution now and so far its spinosad that's working a lil bit but not good enough. I stand to lose a couple pounds atleast to catapiller damage and mold caused by their shit. So I appreciate the help.
I agree with the crowd! Not the sharpest crayon in the box. If youre trying to do all of this organically, I would've first got myself some predatory insects like praying mantis or Trichogramma Wasps. Maybe do your homework before you go off the handle and spray every poison possible. Praying mantis would've worked for you the very first time instead of all that other bullshit! Are you trying to help people or hurt them? I would say keep all that weed and smoke it yourself! All you gotta do is google predatory insects and then look what works for catapillars. But now you got all that poison on there and it would kill all of your benificial bugs too.
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Organic Rooster said:
I agree with the crowd! Not the sharpest crayon in the box. If youre trying to do all of this organically, I would've first got myself some predatory insects like praying mantis or Trichogramma Wasps. Maybe do your homework before you go off the handle and spray every poison possible. Praying mantis would've worked for you the very first time instead of all that other bullshit! Are you trying to help people or hurt them? I would say keep all that weed and smoke it yourself! All you gotta do is google predatory insects and then look what works for catapillars. But now you got all that poison on there and it would kill all of your benificial bugs too.

Like I said all the poisons ive used have the safest rating possible. The sun an oxygen break down the chemicals in a short period of time, I also follw the directions and stop spraying anything 4 weeks til harvest. So my buds are perfectly safe I'm smoking the kush now and so is every1 else and its taste bomb looks bomb and does the trick so obviously I did something right!
I'm outdoors and praying mantis would be cool if they ate a couple hundred a day! And wasps need a source of nectar or they hatch and fly away, the only plants I have on my yard in my pot plants. Its not a matter of a few catapillers its thousands of them all sizes and colors and they are doing damage. And as for keeping all my bud myself yea right 15 pounds to the neck!
So I was thinking about this thread again this morning and thought I might say a lil more. Myself and all of these other people arent getting on your ass just to be a dick or for entertainment purposes.......I/we are just trying to make a point. What youre doing is unacceptable for the MMJ community. Do you plan on telling your customers that you used every kind of pesticide in the book? I highly doubt it! We just want you to do the right thing and using poisons isnt the answer. Theres no reason you should be upset with anybody, they are just pointing out the facts to maybe help you out down the road. Yes, maybe some of the things said werent the nicest in the world but if you told your customers the list of poisons you used they would have alot more to say than we do and you wouldnt even be able to get rid of an eighth to a single person. I wouldnt even take it if it were free, nor would anybody else that has posted in here. It just doesnt sound like you are a "caregiver" because a real caregiver wouldnt ever use all of those poisons you used. Thats the main point....DONT USE THAT SHIT!!! Theres no reason to be offended, just trying to help.
Heres something else I just found for you and thought it would be a good read for you........

Although they are ostensibly used to protect our food supply, the negative health effects of pesticides may indicate that they do more harm than good. The use of chemicals to control pests has gone on for over a century, and only in the 1970s did the public begin to be aware of the potentially devastating effects of pesticide when ingested. As people continue to learn more about the possible adverse effects of pesticide exposure, they can work to protect themselves and their children.

The most well known effects of pesticide are cancer-related. While certain types cancer are believed to be health effects of pesticide exposure, there are other health problems that many scientists believe are linked to pesticides. Some adverse effects of pesticide include brain and nerve damage, developmental problems, and hormone interference. People who have pesticide related problems often suffer from effects of pesticide exposure that occurred through the ingestion of food, exposure to airborne particles both in buildings and outdoors, and through contaminated soil or water.

Heres a sight for you that might be of interest.


yeah, your bud might taste great and get you high like its supposed to, but how do you know that the pesticides are gone? You really dont, now do you? Think about it.....theres everybody in this thread saying WTF are you thinking and not a single one saying yeah, go ahead and use all that shit. I give up, just be sure to tell all of your clients that you used a LIST of pesticides on the weed they are smoking. Good luck!
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Hey bro, I helped a friend get rid of a bad caterpillar infestation using BT ONLY.

What kind of BT did you use? Was it the kurstaki variety? How did you apply? Did you use a high pressure professional sprayer and get the tops and bottoms of the leaves? How often did you apply and how long did you use it for?

I ask these questions because in my friend's case, it took just over 2 weeks to start to get things under control. He also spent many hours every day picking off all the caterpillars he could see. It's a lot of work but in time he was able to get rid of all of them.

Hope you take into consideration what everyone said about putting chemical pesticides in your flowering buds. Regardless of how safe the package says it is... I wouldn't go as far as putting that much trust in them to feel safe smoking these buds. But that's just me.

Good luck.

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215 User

Use some SAFER catapillar spray & in 2 applications they are gone......
(organically certfied)
Used to go thru this every year until I sprayed at sundown heavy 2 summers ago.

Save what you can!


unless you only smoke what you grow then you have smoked bud where pesticide has been used,every1 has and unless they did something wrong or used something they shouldn't have then you would never know. Pyrethren is from chrysanthimums, spinosad is also organic both of them break down and become inert by harvest. I spent alot of time researching different pesticides and the only one I was reluctant to apply was malathion but if I hadn't of applied when I did I would of lost my whole crop and I do tell the clinics I vend to everything that has been used, if its totaly organic or if I used chemical ferts which I dont anymore because its for medicinal purposes and all the poisons ive used when used correctly are perfectly safe if you buy fruit or eat vegtables from the store then your eaten stuff that has had the same pesticides I used on it.
I only used malathion once and that was on my kush plants that I just finished harvesting today but I harvested some kush that's ready now that malathion was used on and its fine the ashes are nice and white and soft.
I flush my plants with clearex for a week then pure RO water for a week I also wash down the plant at 6 am every other morning with pure RO water, not only to wash off any impurities but to facilitate the flushing of the chlorophil so I think I'm safe and my product is safe enough for every 1.

If you grow outside and you dont plan on using any pesticide GOOD LUCK!! You'll need alot of it. Luck that is.

Its one thing if you have a couple plants but if you got a garden that yeilds 15 or more
pounds your talking 60 pounds of wet bud to comb through looking and picking off bugs its just not feasable that's all I'm saying and I was hoping for help but I guess not.

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