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CAT vs DOG, Whats your favorite

CAT vs DOG, Whats your favorite

  • Cat

    Votes: 94 38.4%
  • Dog

    Votes: 151 61.6%

  • Total voters


I like both cats and dogs, but prefer dogs.

I kind of think of a dog as a family member: loyal, reliable, mutual friendship which is assumed and would put himself in harms way to help, as would I for another family member.

I like cats but think of them more as a friend: can be cool and affectionate but can be flaky, selfish.

I like the way cats behave, have more of a wild quality to them, their behaviour is so similar to big cats, stealthy and elegant.

However I much prefer the personality of a dog, also you have a much wider variety of choice when picking dogs. The breeds seem to differ a lot more. I like Labs, Newfoundlands, Huskeys, Akitas.


The thing that kills me about Dog lovers that hate cats, is almost all of them have some big ass dog that barks his fucking head off all night, and they are completely numb to the sound of it. And they think it's sooo cool when they kill a cat in the backyard.

Dogs are great if they are well trained & taken care of, and if they shut the HELL up when told to. But overall, I think cats are better companions. I have owned many of both and Ive come to the conclusion that dogs are dumb enough to be friendly to anyone that feeds them, and they require constant care. Cats are self sufficient animals, especially if they go outside and dont require a litter box like mine, and they make you work for their affection because they are not stupid enough to trust and love just about anyone, making it feel like a true bond.

I am a lover of all animals though dont get me wrong. I dont like die hard "cat people" anymore than I like die hard "dog lovers", they are all kind of weird in my opinion. If you want kids....have kids.

I realize this is a touchy subject, but I strongly disagree that dogs are stupid animals. If they are left untrained, any animal is stupid. My dog knows almost 100 vocal commands because I work with him. He never needs leashed and never goes more than 20 ft from me, I defy anyone to show me a cat that will take long walks outside with you, leash or not. I also disagree that they will be friends with you because you feed them, mine wouldn't take a steak from a stranger, I guarantee it.

Just because an animal shits in a box doesn't make it intelligent, they'll shit in your mulch too, and sand boxes, and your neighbors gardens. Show me a cat that will stop someone from breaking in your home, or protect you (and not a panther or tiger, none of us could handle one of those). All I have to say is 'Help ********* Help!!' and my dog RUNS in, teeth showing, ready to protect me. He would die before he let anything happen to me, that's worth a million dollars to me. Cats are about serving their own needs and wants (self-sufficient), dogs are about serving your needs. Refer to that as 'stupid' if you want, I call it loyalty.

The majority of the time, the intelligence of the dog is not only inherent to the breed itself, but to the owner and their willingness to train their dogs, which most people don't do. What I'm seeing a lot of these days is young people buying tough dogs because they think it's cool to have 3 pit bulls or rottweilers, but without training them, they are just loaded guns. Half are inbred and are too unstable to trust fully. I also don't blame barking dogs at night, it's their fucking idiot owners fault for leaving them tied to a tree all night. Dogs have been bred through the centuries to be companions to humans, not to sit alone 23.5 hours a day, they are lonely like people and want company, they are pack animals and require it. Tie a cat to a tree for a few weeks and see how they react, I assume most would hang themselves within the first few days. In fact do this, don't train a cat at all (like most a-holes with dogs) and see how they are, I'll bet your furniture, speaker grills, window dressings and screens will be completely shredded within a month, and they'll be pissing and shitting in a corner of your home. Squirting it with a squirt bottle is training you know. And surgically ripping it's claws out is just a lazy cop out to training.

I've owned many of both through the years, cats are pretty and cool and all that, but my dogs have been like my children. They go for rides in the car, and to cook outs, mine even goes to work with me, and he surfs! If he was a little younger when I adopted him, I would've trained him for competitions. I like that kind of companionship in an animal since I spend most of my day alone. And in response to the statement above, I can't have children, not sure if I would've had any if I could.

Ps. And Resin, your dog is beautiful. Just a solid good looking breed, very nice. And she is the original 'Party Animal'!! Hehehehe:)


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I realize this is a touchy subject, but I strongly disagree that dogs are stupid animals. If they are left untrained, any animal is stupid. My dog knows almost 100 vocal commands because I work with him. He never needs leashed and never goes more than 20 ft from me, I defy anyone to show me a cat that will take long walks outside with you, leash or not. I also disagree that they will be friends with you because you feed them, mine wouldn't take a steak from a stranger, I guarantee it.

Just because an animal shits in a box doesn't make it intelligent, they'll shit in your mulch too, and sand boxes, and your neighbors gardens. Show me a cat that will stop someone from breaking in your home, or protect you (and not a panther or tiger, none of us could handle one of those). All I have to say is 'Help ********* Help!!' and my dog RUNS in, teeth showing, ready to protect me. He would die before he let anything happen to me, that's worth a million dollars to me. Cats are about serving their own needs and wants (self-sufficient), dogs are about serving your needs. Refer to that as 'stupid' if you want, I call it loyalty.

The majority of the time, the intelligence of the dog is not only inherent to the breed itself, but to the owner and their willingness to train their dogs, which most people don't do. What I'm seeing a lot of these days is young people buying tough dogs because they think it's cool to have 3 pit bulls or rottweilers, but without training them, they are just loaded guns. Half are inbred and are too unstable to trust fully. I also don't blame barking dogs at night, it's their fucking idiot owners fault for leaving them tied to a tree all night. Dogs have been bred through the centuries to be companions to humans, not to sit alone 23.5 hours a day, they are lonely like people and want company, they are pack animals and require it. Tie a cat to a tree for a few weeks and see how they react, I assume most would hang themselves within the first few days. In fact do this, don't train a cat at all (like most a-holes with dogs) and see how they are, I'll bet your furniture, speaker grills, window dressings and screens will be completely shredded within a month, and they'll be pissing and shitting in a corner of your home. Squirting it with a squirt bottle is training you know. And surgically ripping it's claws out is just a lazy cop out to training.

I've owned many of both through the years, cats are pretty and cool and all that, but my dogs have been like my children. They go for rides in the car, and to cook outs, mine even goes to work with me, and he surfs! If he was a little younger when I adopted him, I would've trained him for competitions. I like that kind of companionship in an animal since I spend most of my day alone. And in response to the statement above, I can't have children, not sure if I would've had any if I could.

Ps. And Resin, your dog is beautiful. Just a solid good looking breed, very nice. And she is the original 'Party Animal'!! Hehehehe:)

GREAT post! :respect:


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
And, I decided screw it, I'm medical, let em find me! :moon:

Here's a pic of my boy, his tail is going so fast you can barely see it! :)

He is truly my hairy son. I love my monster. Very intelligent, loyal, very good with children, still working on him with lots of commands, but best dog I've ever had in my life. Like Toughgirl said, he's with me a lot, he loves walks & rides with Daddy. :)

And I DO have a kid, but the fact that I treat my dog like my son is irrelevant. I think animal "parents" are just better owners, who treat their animals better. My dog has not, nor will he ever be tied up outside. He sleeps either on my bed, or on his bed next to mine. Besides, I think "dog parents" like Toughgirl and myself are just cool people, so there! :nanana:


hahahahaha! That tail is flying!! You better watch or that dog will take off!! In defense of the breed, I don't dislike pit bulls. I've appreciated the breed since Petey from the "Little Rascals". However, I usually have a dislike for some of the people that own them, and you know what I'm talking about. If you teach a dog to be mean, and neglect it because you're trying to be gansta, then don't be surprised when it rips your kids face off. It's on the news every night here, some low life, toothless moron crying about how their dog was always really nice, until... I can assure you that wouldn't happen with one of my dogs. First off, I really train them constantly, everyday. Secondly, I never trust any animal enough to leave young kids alone with my dogs. Especially children that the dog hasn't been raised around ie, neighbors kids. Kids can provoke dogs very easily, and dogs follow a hierarchy, children are low on the poll to them. 99% of the time the dog isn't trying to kill their kids, they just want to put them in their place, but with a dangerous breed bad things can, and do, happen.

And bud, I'm with you, my dog sleeps smashed up against me every night! I would have a hard time sleeping without him. His only job is to watch over me, and he does that job very well.

Here's a picture of him when he was learning to surf, how cool is that?:):)


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I'm a sucker for all animals... Our house is home to 3 cats and 2 dogs, love all of them. Our cats don't go anywhere near me cause I used to fuck with them a lot when I was younger but every once in a while I'll get them to kick it. I can see how if you lived in a smaller space and didn't want a smaller dog cause they're a PITA a cat would be just fine.


Active member
it's just like with people some animals are just assholes and most are cool(ok actually it's the opposite with humans:D)


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
hahahahaha! That tail is flying!! You better watch or that dog will take off!! In defense of the breed, I don't dislike pit bulls. I've appreciated the breed since Petey from the "Little Rascals". However, I usually have a dislike for some of the people that own them, and you know what I'm talking about. If you teach a dog to be mean, and neglect it because you're trying to be gansta, then don't be surprised when it rips your kids face off. It's on the news every night here, some low life, toothless moron crying about how their dog was always really nice, until... I can assure you that wouldn't happen with one of my dogs. First off, I really train them constantly, everyday. Secondly, I never trust any animal enough to leave young kids alone with my dogs. Especially children that the dog hasn't been raised around ie, neighbors kids. Kids can provoke dogs very easily, and dogs follow a hierarchy, children are low on the poll to them. 99% of the time the dog isn't trying to kill their kids, they just want to put them in their place, but with a dangerous breed bad things can, and do, happen.

And bud, I'm with you, my dog sleeps smashed up against me every night! I would have a hard time sleeping without him. His only job is to watch over me, and he does that job very well.

Here's a picture of him when he was learning to surf, how cool is that?:):)

That is cool! I dunno how I missed this post! Yeah, my dog is a great dog, and you're correct, it's pathetic when people don't train their dog properly. It's funny you mention the gangster pricks, it feels like I'm one of the few people in this town o' mine who has a properly trained and socialized dog. We usually walk through alleys around here, I can't tell you how many dogs I see tied up in peoples backyards, day in and day out. It's damn sad, some of them recognize me and start whining as if to say "Take me for a walk too! PLEASE?!?"

And, as far as children go, he is the most gentle dog you have ever seen. AmStaffs are known as the "Nanny Dog", because they're very even tempered with children. I never leave him alone with children, just for the simple fact I like to be in control of the situation, (mainly for his protection, kids in general are mean to dogs) but he is absolutely a saint with kids. He has always been given lots of love, and it shows. The biggest danger they face with him is getting a whole lot of big wet kisses. :D

Pits are great dogs, they just need a responsible owner, IMO. :2cents:



I havent heard of cat owners who have a dislike for dogs, but so many people who just cant stand cats.. Thats weird really.. cats must piss off a lot of people!! one more reason to like cats IMO :D