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Carolina Reaper HOT Pepper


ICMag Donor
I don't think it affects cannabis...lol...

And I could be wrong - but septoria will spread to other pepper and tomato plants - and to my knowledge can't be cured but only constantly battled against. It will infect the fruits and cause them to get spots that eat away the outer layer and make them susceptible to rot and decay...


You don't have to toss the soil they are in - but you do have to FULLY compost it. Meaning it needs to hit minimum of 165 degrees an have that temperature maintained over a period of time to truly kill everything in the soil. That means you have to cover it with thick black plastic and turn it a couple times a week, etc. Also means you'll have to wait until summer before such temps can be reached just by composting in the sunlight...

Grew the ghost and scorpion this summer ,whew thats some heat made some sauces etc and while extremely hot still enjoyable yet feisty, had some sauce made from the reaper pepper and it was no fun ,the burn was permanent and my entire mouth was numb. Absolutely jacked up for an hour after haha, nice peppers gents!


Pagan Extremist



some guy
Buffaloam makes a damn good fungal compost. made a tea with that and kelp and everything in the garden was a lot happier than when I made a tea with homemade ewc and kelp. Peppers are very perky right now.

Keep in mind that that is the hand of a 6'5 person….lol….


ICMag Donor
Just get comfortable...at that size, from seed, you still have about another 6 months before you have a pepper... ;)

Some of the slowest growing things EVER....hahahaha.

I've got around 30-ish on my largest plant at the moment - all at various stages of maturity. But they are all still green or oddly enough...purple, which I guess is technically "chocolate" or "brown"...I keep wondering if I don't have a chocolate reaper in this particular expression...which would mean it's not a TRUE reaper...I hope not. I keep waiting to see if they go from a purple tints to bright red - but typically, any others I've grown just went green to red with maturity...there was NEVER any of this purple highlights...

But you know...I did mark on the side of the pot, that this particular plant showed purple on it's leaves as a young seedling...I had one other do that as well...only for about 4 or 5 days...but, I did make note of it simply because it was different than the siblings...

I'll have to put some pics up.

Looking great out there...fellow Reaper growers!! :respect:

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Well-known member
The purple color is anthocyanins. Some peppers show a lot of dark anthocyanins in immature fruit. It will disappear or get masked when they start to turn red.

Edit: The red is anthocyanin as well
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Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
The purple color is anthocyanins. Some peppers show a lot of dark anthocyanins in immature fruit. It will disappear or get masked when they start to turn red.

Edit: The red is anthocyanin as well

^That. If it started in infancy and grew out of it, it was probably just a suntan from the lights. I had a few seedlings do this earlier in the year.

Harvest time!

Some type of Morouga - haven't tasted yet, probably a random cross. Open pollination sold as iso... some pepper seed growers are as bad as a few cannabis seed growers XD

Sold as a Morouga, thought it was a bhut or naga jolokia, but now leaning towards Fatalii. Heat level is around 1/2 a jolokia, very "chinensy" chemical flavour.

Douglah 7 Pod - actually looks like it's supposed to somewhat, though the "Fatalii" and this both mature to a brown. I was just antsy and harvied early :p

I love the blood-maroon colour


ICMag Donor
The purple color is anthocyanins. Some peppers show a lot of dark anthocyanins in immature fruit. It will disappear or get masked when they start to turn red.

Edit: The red is anthocyanin as well

Exactly. This is my expectation and hope.


and here is the same pod that I pictured earlier, just to give a frame of reference on how slowly they actually mature. It was actually the first pod to stay and not drop, so it is the most mature on the plant, probably about a full two weeks more mature than the ones pictured above:


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Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Wicked look tail DF!

It's a crappy cellphone peeetchur buuuuut...

Fuck that was good. Half a head of garlic, salt, pepper, creme chizz. After the Douglah stopped burning, I mow-powed the long thin ones, then rounded it up by restarting the fire with the bright red Morouga.

My ass is a firey hell today. Life is good XD
I would love to grow some of these, as well as other peppers. I absolutely love hot/spicy foods, and would love to grow a variety of different peppers.

Would anyone happen to have any extra seeds they could mail me? I would be glad to return the favor once I harvest peppers.

I'm currently not able to order them from Smokin Ed's and would love to get started growing them ASAP.

Thanks in advance to anyone who is able/willing to help me out with some seeds :) I have the perfect place to grow them year round and can send seeds back to whoever sends me some, as well as provide others on ICMAG with seeds/peppers free of charge ;)


some guy
Reapers need something like this for their long ass root extension....God damn.
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Pagan Extremist
Already flowering huh?... Kinda small, but I reckon you have had that fella outside... Dont be a dumbass like I was... when it flowers, pluck one off and pollinate the other flowers... I sat there just watching flowers form and fall off wonderin when peppers would start showin up... was a solo plant and indoors...

some lovely looking plants, i didnt get my hands on a c.r. like i wanted but i got a cut of scorpion that took a bit to clone finally getting some new growth out of it. has anyone had any luck getting some chocolate bhutla? i know its not 100% stable but still want to try it.


Active member
Just picked up a pack of Carolina Reapers, excited to try 'em out! Is it possible to grow these indoors, or is it best to start them inside but finish them outside in the summer? If I can grow them indoors, will T5s suffice? What sort of light cycle do they need to be on? Will topping / training do me any good, or should I just let them do their thing?
