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Cardboard Box Grow


Active member
Bro, I seriously hate to be the bearer of bad news, but no one else is. Trust me, I aint hatin.

But this is a fire hazard. And it looks like your lights are too close to the pots and the pots are too big for the box (plants would grow too high, if the box doesn't catch on fire before they grow that tall)

I'm not trying to discourage you at all. But I think it would be more discouraging to go through with this and not get what you expected.

Here's my advice:

Scrounge up some plywood and 2x4's and build a box. All you need is a hammer, some nails and a saw. Or just find a cabinet/dresser/armoir/etc and modify it.

Lights look fine, keep 'em... Just move them up higher (make a taller box too, at least 3 ft)

That's it. If you can get some seeds from a seed bank, that's excellent. If you can get some better soil (check the organics section here) that's great too.

Good luck man. I wish you the best. See you around.


Hit the nail on the head with that one. Paper and lots of heat hmmm i think if you addd oxygen you get fire lol that could be badd Duhhhh

Dont try this one at home folks. unless you liek to find creative ways to go out intot he next world :woohoo::fsu:hahahaha:woohoo::fsu:


Active member

White, and others, I too been watching this thread...
I'm glad you broke the news to this aspiring grower .... gently....
I grow,, it's like this, just waaaaay to many things are apt to go wrong in a Cardboard box..
Like another poster said, Electricity, Lights, heat, CARDBORD, water, (watering plants & humidity), DO NOT mix...
Nothing wrong with it, yeah, it'll work... But it's a HUGE FIRE HAZARD also...

Gantz,,,,... YES, it'll work, but I'd rather be able to SLEEP good, or not be paranoid if I leave My grow area, wondering, if I'll come back home to a burned down crib..
There~in My friend, is the Difference..

When growing it's
SAFETY First, because then, it may breach your,
Dude!, I'm 40 something, broke as hell, it took Me almost 5 months to scroung My Materials etc to get My first box, (My current one)...
LOOK on Criagslist in the freebie section for a old dresser, cabnit, Amoire, things like that...
I wish you Luck.....
Not downing or Dissin ya, just, man.... thanks White, someone needed to say what needed to be said,Unlike that "other" Forum, I dunno... People HERE, I like to think, people here; care and watch out over each other, ..,this is what makes such a great thing about being a member of this community @ times. Guy, Please!!!! Get your box squared away, Maybe,,, by then,,, a couple peeps might hit you up with some decent gear, instead of growing "bag seed"...

Peace and Light

Well said any seasoned grower who reccomends this is seriously not thinking straight (stoned) lol cuase as much as it could work the chances of shit going rong espeiclaly in a noobbies watch is astronomical. With that being said if your gonna try and grow at least have somewhere to do it better thena fuckin paper box.


Smoke weed and prosper
read the whole thread ... check out my input http://icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=2104400&postcount=40 - this one should be a good read. and if you can write that while being stoned...you're not smoking real weed.

i said i grew in one and it worked like a charm LLCB but if you say my advice isn't sound enough then would you please show me some proof of that experience of yours in relation to cardboard and cfls that gives you the right to say i am wrong. As a matter of fact please tell me and THoC (click on it) that we are mad to do grow in cardboard boxes. Come on! the man is growing for some time now... how can he harvest in a cardbord box? why hasn't it burned down?
Tell me LLCB! WHY?????


This is for anyone who comes across this thread before it's deleted and decides to say how bad cardboard boxes are:

Shut tha fawck up.

No offense to anyone (especially LLCoolBud, thanks for stopping by man, seriously no offense)

But the argument has already been settled and bringing it up again will do no good.

Gantz, I've always had respect for you. And anything in this thread that could lead you to believe otherwise... ignore it. No one said you can't grow in cardboard, hell you can grow in a box made of super hardened shit. It doesn't matter. Well, it does, but whatever. We were just helping out IGrowMySmoke by giving him a more secure alternative for just a little cost.

Anyways, so I never have to write this again, I am sending in a request to a mod to delete this, and it's IGrowMySmoke's request.

He's starting a new thread for his upcoming build. Hope you all stop by.




Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
This is for anyone who comes across this thread before it's deleted and decides to say how bad cardboard boxes are:

Shut tha fawck up.

No offense to anyone (especially LLCoolBud, thanks for stopping by man, seriously no offense)

But the argument has already been settled and bringing it up again will do no good.

White, I love you but, shut it before you get someone killed. This thread and it's title can NOT be ridiculed enough. I don't care what changes he made. HE FAILED TO BIN THIS DEADLY THREAD! Suggesting that cardboard box growing is anything less than a deathtrap is beyond braindead, it's evil.

Do NOT grow in a cardboard box or listen to anyone who tells you it's safe. They are not your friend. They are trying to get you killed!

I Grow My Smoke

New member
White, I love you but, shut it before you get someone killed. This thread and it's title can NOT be ridiculed enough. I don't care what changes he made. HE FAILED TO BIN THIS DEADLY THREAD! Suggesting that cardboard box growing is anything less than a deathtrap is beyond braindead, it's evil.

Do NOT grow in a cardboard box or listen to anyone who tells you it's safe. They are not your friend. They are trying to get you killed!

well ive had my cardboard setup for just about 10 days now

nothing has gone wrong. the paper has worked perfect. the air next the the lights is 77 with lights on. 70 without.

you CAN grow in a cardboard but you better be careful and know what your doing. im not taking the risks although others have and had amazing results.

and haha at growing in cardboard can get you killed. i really dont think a small box burning would cause a whole house to catch fire so fast that you cant get out. i mean shit, you would smell it smoldering before it got huge if it happened while you were at home.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I get it. You believe in death traps. You believe in being a destructive, evil force in this world. That doesn't mean I have to watch you drag others such as White to the Dark Side.

White, come back. Mother loves you. We all love you.

I Grow My Smoke

New member
you must be slow.

have i not agreed that this 'could' catch fire?
have i not said that im changing my setup?

actually, if it were not for white and the others who convinced me to change this, i would have the same setup.

when is this going to get deleted? hahaha

Cozy Amnesia

So did it catch fire yet?

My old roommate tried a carboard box grow last year, but he only had about 40w of T-8. I made sure it was safe, and thankfully it didn't prove not to be, but it was of course a risk.
I get it. You believe in death traps. You believe in being a destructive, evil force in this world. That doesn't mean I have to watch you drag others such as White to the Dark Side.

White, come back. Mother loves you. We all love you.

damn bro, this shit has been squashed. the only ones keeping the BS in this thread is you and LLCB.


That doesn't mean I have to watch you drag others such as White to the Dark Side.

White, come back. Mother loves you. We all love you.

Dude, I can't stop laughing. This is hilarious. And exactly what I didn't want to happen.

I promise FreezerBoy, I never left. Hell, I'm the first one that said don't use cardboard.

This must be a misunderstanding. IGMS said he's not growing in cardboard boxes again (thank God) but instead, he's switching to rubbermaids.

So, all is well. In fact, if anyone wants to help IGMS get on his way by donating anything (3 seed donors so far and I'm sending fertz.) then PM me.

And again, cardboard is EVIL. This thread should put the argument to rest. And if you have any arguments to share in this thread, please kindly keep them to yourself, we've heard enough already.


p.s. I love you all too


Cozy Amnesia

Don't use carboard.

Rubbermaids are $10 each, MDF is like $8 for 8 sqft, or, better yet, just use a closet.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I've nearly finished building a veg box in an old chest of drawers - Including lights (6 x 30w cfl) and a fan its total cost will be around 45 euros... I spent the money I saved on a 10 euro fire extinguisher :D

the bulbs were a fiver each and the fittings came from old table lamps and other crap I found in the shed (power cables)
theres an old pc fan running on an old phone charger for exhaust and I spent 10 on a small fan for circulation - I also used a LOT of nails and duct tape (duct tape is your friend) - the thermometer is out of my fish tank - they won't notice, the temps been stable in there for years.... it's funny, but once you start looking around for things that might be useful, you suddenly start seeing stuff everywhere ;-)

glad to read you dropped the cardboard box in favour of rubbermaids and good luck with your grow :)
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Active member
Not to beat a dead horse, but I had a cloning chamber set up w/a 2 foot shop light and an aquarium in a cardboard box. I thought it was all bad ass and sneaky(and safe) until the ballast on the light shorted out, and melted the shit out of the top of the aquarium. If I wasn't home, or even passed out in a drunken heap(<<<it has been known to happen), I wouldn't have smelled the burning plastic and it would have been all over. Just my 2 cents


New member
I recently ran into this threat because im intersted in micro growing as well as growing in cardboard box, i am currently growing in a cardboard box and i read this thread from start to finish about the safety in a cardboard box. Unfortunately i have seen alot of vids and grow journals of people growing in a cardboard and nothing happened. I look at it this way if im growing and doing a micro the lights are gonna be off 12/12 right? so why not just have everything on when you might be at home for a good couple of hours, im not saying everyone is home all the time but that would be a good way to look at it right? oh and by the way who says plastic is any safer? could melt and burn easier than cardboard sorrounded by mylar or foil i tried to burn foil and it never burned. well i hope all is well with the grow and i would have kept the cardboard box everyone has their own way of being creative and having their own designs and ideas. why be like everyone else be different for once


space gardener
I think you completely missed the point skunk. There is no doubt cardboard will succeed if there are no problems with equipment. Your grow space must take into consideration that things can and will eventually go wrong. All it takes is a ballast failure, bulb failure, fan failure, and that cardboard won't be such a good idea any more because it will go up like flash powder. Plywood can burn, rubbermaid tubs can burn, but they take alot more heat to do so. We all have a responsibility as growers to think of the people that live around us and their safety too. Everything can burn and cause a fire but cardboard is the least secure material you could choose. Don't let a few success stories distract you from the fact that growing in cardboard is STUPID! Please put the cardboard boxes in the recycle bin and be safe!!!!


Smoke weed and prosper
I remember posting the temperature needed for cardboard to ignite. cfl bulbs don't have what it takes for this to happen.
I vegged in a cardboard box 24 hours a day for a month and a half. i had 4 23W cfl lights and just one pc fan. the walls were covered with printer paper... and nothing burned. NOTHING. the paper didn't even change colour.

Don't let a few success stories tell you that you can grow weed...some people get busted...and some people fail at it.

Is it safe to grow in a cardboard box? not as safe as growing in a metal cabinet.
Sturdy? somewhat
Light? yes
Easy to store, take apart, transport and modify? yes
Cheap? yes

Is it stupid to grow in one? If you have the money to afford a real cabinet to work in...then it doesn't make it stupid...it just makes you a cheap bastard!

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