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Car Blazing?


Is it just me or does having a session in the car send you to the moon? Me and a few partners were debating about the amazing way weed doesn't choke you out with the windows up. You couldn't stand being in a car, windows rolled up with four guys smoking are burning anything else in the world. I don't care if it' s from incenses to cigarettes to air-freshner. If it gives off a stench it will run you out of a car. To qoute my buddy, "It's just majical man."

Can you get any higher than sittin in the Chevy in the garage..?

I'm to high to make a poll..lol


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
the only time i puff it out in the car is when on my way to the movie theater.. Get nice a puffed out... niiiice..



Denial N Error

It does now...
This one time, we smoked 4 blunts in a Geo between 4 people. They were all different flavors of wraps and strains, so you never knew what you would taste next. It got to the point were you couldn't see the person next to you, all of a sudden a blunt would just appear from the smoke. I almost got out of the car a few times because I couldn't take a 'normal' breath, but we finished them all (about an oz). We then rolled the windows down as we were leaving and left a trail of smoke for at least a 1/4 mile.

Im callin BS. No one smokes 4 blunts in 4 diff flavors. Thats an insult to blunts.


i love blazing in the car. its a great place to smoke. music, comfy seats that RECLINE, ashtray, easily hotboxed... just all around great times.


It does now...
This one time, we smoked 4 blunts in a Geo between 4 people. They were all different flavors of wraps and strains (each person threw in some of their harvest), so you never knew what you would taste next. It got to the point were you couldn't see the person next to you, all of a sudden a blunt would just appear from the smoke. I almost got out of the car a few times because I couldn't take a 'normal' breath, but we finished them all (about an oz). We then rolled the windows down as we were leaving and left a trail of smoke for at least a 1/4 mile.

oh brother! i know how you feel!

Once I hot boxed in a small 4 door chevy nova (the 80's style) with 5 people each of us smoking a blunt to themselfs.... by the end of all 5 everyone in the car had their eyes closed because the smoke stung our eyes so bad (driver had their head out the window to see).....lol yeah and the smoke trail was about 1/4 mile long also!!! (all 5 were swisher's baby!)

keep smoking SHO!


Active member
blunt blunts blunts

blunts blunts :)

I love to blaze, but not if I'm the one driving, you crash the car because your too fucked :)

but If Idid / I tryed to just have 1 joint, nothing else

I remember I would be dumb and carry a pipe, bad idea
a joint you eat and it's good

and there's nothing like taking a stroll, alone or with some chill person, or a gang

and just smoking and looking around
good times

but here if they arrest you they can tow your car, and you can get a driving under the influence charge


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I havent hotboxed since I was a teen.

One time when I was 15/16 me and a friend smoked out my room 10x10ft. There was a 3rd person in there but didnt directly smoke any herb, this kid was stoned when he left. :D

My house used to be the spot to hang out for all different sorts of young folks. Now I have little to no social life. :joint:


Is it just me or does having a session in the car send you to the moon? Me and a few partners were debating about the amazing way weed doesn't choke you out with the windows up. You couldn't stand being in a car, windows rolled up with four guys smoking are burning anything else in the world. I don't care if it' s from incenses to cigarettes to air-freshner. If it gives off a stench it will run you out of a car. To qoute my buddy, "It's just majical man."

Can you get any higher than sittin in the Chevy in the garage..?

I'm to high to make a poll..lol

I don't know about you, but almost every time I've baked out a car between 4 people, I cannot breathe at all. It gets to the point where every breath is like 30% weed smoke. Some people can handle it though.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

It was the 70s and a friend owned a nice '59 Impala we used as our partying car, it was conspicuous as hell especially with the crew it always contained, if it was 4 of us we'd get 3 joints rolled, 5 of us we'd have 4 joints going. back then we called it marathoning.



ohh man...I had a Mustang that I would hotbox on the daily...

every night I would burn down in my car and listen to Coast to Coast Am with Art Bell/George Norry...seriously though, when I heard that beat kick in at the beginning I would light up a joint, or a bowl and keep smoking until the show was over at 3 AM..I remember one night in the winter of '03, I listened to C2C until it was over and then passed the f'k out until sunrise...oh man..good times fo sho!

I remember a night in '02 when I got in an argument with the lady...I grabbed my stash of herb and drove up to a nearby mountain/forest area at like midnight..I went all the way to the top where you could see the whole sky in all its glory...I would star gaze for a while and then roll up another one and hotbox my 'stang..

that Mustang always smelled like weed no matter what..it was called 'the weed mobile' for a good reason


Active member
I've had it where you crack the windows and INSTANTLY it REEKS in a 20 foot radius... billowing smoke out the windows.

the whole oz a blunt thing is meh, I rolled an eighth into a great owl (i think thats what it was called?) blunt back in the day and couldn't see the dash after passin it around with 3 others.


Back in the day we used to just drive around the town smoking blunts, when there was nothing else to do. Not that smart, surprised I never got a DUI for it. But now I car blaze only when its needed, like before snowboarding or something.


It does now...
This one time, we smoked 4 blunts in a Geo between 4 people. They were all different flavors of wraps and strains (each person threw in some of their harvest), so you never knew what you would taste next. It got to the point were you couldn't see the person next to you, all of a sudden a blunt would just appear from the smoke. I almost got out of the car a few times because I couldn't take a 'normal' breath, but we finished them all (about an oz). We then rolled the windows down as we were leaving and left a trail of smoke for at least a 1/4 mile.

i believe you smoked blunts with 4 people, but you didn't roll quarter ounce blunts of chronic and between 4 people crush an ounce. even BIG heads can't smoke an ounce like that...fuckin kottonmouth kings between 5 people smoke an ounce a DAY, and here you come in one sitting?

i have a feeling you smoked 4 blunts of midgrade weed, with flavored wraps, and are exaggerating the story for effect. :)
A few months ago, me and 3 pals drove to "viewpoint" (some londoners will know), this place had an amazing view...

I honestly can't remember how much dro we had but (probably just under half a z..), me and my pal in front stuck 6 rizlas together and rolled a HUGE spliff man. Sat back and smoked that thing with the windows up...

...couldnt take it much longer, but when SmokinSHO said "all of a sudden a blunt would just appear from the smoke"...it was pretty much like that, had to put the window down after a while because it just got too much. we smoked it pretty quick aswell...jammed in my mums old nissan micra for about an hour after, listening to some Royksopp..good times...

...and i know this is silly...but i absolutely LOVE driving when im stoned...everything from the glowing road markings, to the frowning old man next to you at the lights!