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Capt. Crips Haze smoke report


I had the pleasure to sample alittle of Capt's Haze that just happened to be bestowed on me by a friend.....


1. __[8]__ Visual Appeal

Rate the visual appeal of the buds from 1-10 unappealing-excellent.

2. __[7]__ Visible Trichomes

Rate the visible trichome content from 1-10 none-totally covered.

3. Use an X to indicate the colors that are present in the trichome
heads under magnification or list the percentages of each color for
a more precise report. Leave these fields blank if you do not have
a powerful magnifier.

Clear []
Cloudy [X]
Amber [ ]
Dark []

4. Mark with X the colors that are present in the buds or for a more
detailed color analysis rate presence on a scale 1-9 light-dark.

Brown []
Green [5]
Gold []
Blue []
Grey [ ]
White []
Red []
Rust [7]
Orange []
Purple []
Black []

5. __[3]__ Bud density

Rate the bud density from 1-10 airy-dense. For samples that are
not in their natural state leave this field blank.

6. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the aroma of freshly
broken bud where a one indicates a subtle presence and 9 indicates
a pronounced presence. Delete the existing space when marking a
descriptor in order to maintain the columns in alignment.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [ ] Licorice [ ] Peach [ ]
Berry [ ] Floral [ ] Mango [ ] Pepper [ ]
Blueberry [ ] Fruit [ ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [ ]
Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [ ]
Cedar [3 ] Grapefruit[ ] Menthol [2 ] Pineapple [ ]
Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ]
Chocolate [ ] Hash [ ] Mold [ ] Skunk [ ]
Citrus [ ] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ ] Spice [ ]
Coconut [ ] Leather [ ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry[ ]
Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

7. __[9]__ Aroma

Rate the aroma from 1-10 repulsive-delightful. Use freshly crumbled
bud for best results.

8. __[0]__ Seed content

Rate seed content from 0-10 none-fully seeded.

9. __[0]__ Weeks cured (Not Known.....)

If known enter the number of weeks your sample has been cured.
If desired repeat SSR after an additional two weeks of curing.


The bud has a very appealing look while in the bag,, it's very light as weight goes, buds are Airy but very appealing,, opening the contents your greeted by the wonderful aroma thats just a hint of what's your in store for you.


Address these questions while smoking.

1. Please use a clean instrument for the evaluation. Enter information
below that will identify the instrument as follows:

Bong, Bubbler, Bamboo Water Pipe
Handpipe, Large Pipe, Long tube steamroller
Joints- Smoking brand papers, Deluxe and Blue

Smokes great, the smoke is smooth.

2. Use numbers 1-9 on descriptors that apply to the taste where a one
indicates a subtle presence and a nine indicates a very pronounced
presence. Delete the existing space when marking a descriptor in
order to maintain the columns in alignment.

Ammonia [ ] Earthy [ ] Licorice [ ] Peach [ ]
Berry [ ] Floral [ ] Mango [ ] Pepper [ ]
Blueberry [ ] Fruit [ ] Meat [ ] Petroleum [ ]
Bubblegum [ ] Grape [ ] Melon [ ] Pine [ ]
Cedar [1 ] Grapefruit[ ] Menthol [3 ] Pineapple [ ]
Cherry [ ] Grass/Hay [ ] Mint [ ] Rotten [ ]
Chocolate [1 ] Hash [ ] Mold [ ] Skunk [ ]
Citrus [ ] Iron/Rust [ ] Musk [ ] Spice [ ]
Coconut [ ] Leather [ ] Nutmeg [ ] Strawberry[ ]
Coffee [ ] Lemon [ ] Orange [ ] Vanilla [ ]

There really isn't a prolonged aftertaste, but it leaves the taste inside of your mouth with it for a awhile
3. __[6]__ Taste

Rate your impression of the taste from 1-10 unpleasant-delicious.

4. __[0]__ State of dryness

Rate the dryness of the bud from 1-10 wet-dry where 5 is ideal.

5. __[5]__ Smoke ability

Rate the smoke ability of the sample from 1-10 harsh-smooth.

6. __[6]__ Smoke expansion

Rate how the smoke expands in the lungs from 1-10 stable-explodes.

This was a wonderful strain to try and is quite refreshing... A heady cebreal type effect,, almost a fun~like thing,, can't quite put my finger on it.....
As for pain medication I'd recomend it highly,, for exsample... I had a "eyetooth" yanked the day before I got some of this too try,,, It killed the very unpleasnt pain I was having in my mouth along with my knee/body pain... Not a coucklock in the least,, (A good thing) had me able too go with my daughters shopping as they dragged me around the mall for 3 hours..... :whip:
Sorry I cannot produce a pic,,, I'm having issues with my hard drive, so no pics this time around..... Sorry.....
Next time I will....
Peace CT.....
:wave: :canabis:

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
A few pics

A few pics

Hey Cross glad you enjoyed it,,,,I love that stuff!Once you taste a true Haze flavor you will never forget it!It's one-of-a-kind.Everything was pulled a little early in this past garden and it shows in the trich department.Ah hell,just means you have to take one more hit :yummy: And I certainly don't mind that!Here's a few pics of the hazy buds :yummy:
Take care............................CC



fuck ive been waiting to blaze that nevilles for like 6 months now Capt. just never got back to it I guess, either of us. kind of funny I remember, but hell its an addiction : )

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master


I'll send you a 1/2 oz. when this next crop is ready.It will be right before the IC cup.When I get it right,it's F'ing awesome!Super-Super Spicy,that good kind of spice!
Nothing like the Haze.The Hazester,Hazerama,Tha Haaaazzzeeeee :yummy: :biglaugh: :canabis:


Nice report, I have been really wanting to try some Haze and some other Sativa doms. I want to smell what you are describing!

Capt. Crip - Nice pic you got there


^^I spoke before editing... I couldn't spell this morning first cup of Java,,, and....
lol, I neglected too say that I had just medicated before writing that this morning....
Sorry about that,, it was a "wake and I'm pain free during da day">>>.................
Then cooked breakfast and all the trimmings, grits, pan~cakes, eggs bacon etc,,, for my daughters....
cross I noticed you have a partial amputation. does this still cuase phantom pains? what strains are the best for it. I am always trying to find a better med strain. does the superfruit from captain help with the pain. too bad it's not available.


Well yes....

Well yes....

pseudochile said:
cross I noticed you have a partial amputation. does this still cuase phantom pains? what strains are the best for it. I am always trying to find a better med strain. does the superfruit from captain help with the pain. too bad it's not available.

Indeed it does, phantom pain I mean...
My Brachieal Plexis <sp> nerve was torn/ripped in half much like what happens to a nylon rope thats pulled apart until its torn in half....
The main nerve is like that I'm told.... It was irrepairable....
So my "partial" arm is basicly useless, even for a prostectic arm.... I cannot feel "real" pain or sensations below my shoulder blade area. Or move it,, it just kinda "hangs there"...
Ahh, but the pain,, it's not even funny... some days it could be something like some body is bangin my funny bone, or hitting my hand with a hammer, but the far worst by far is the itching,,, that is what drives me really crazy.... :eek: Like have poison Ivy/and bug bites all over my "arm/hand" and someones is teasing the itching with a feather,, AND THERES NOTHING THERE TO SCRATCH!!!!! AGGGRRRRRHHHHHHHHH! :eek: :rolleyes:
But I've found cannabis too be my savior in that Dept, as no certain strain helps the most, cause they ALL do in that Dept.... Stops the phamtom pains... Most likly due too this, I'll try to dig up the link again if I can find it... But theres a gland deep within our brain that processes info in that dept,, and well from what I understood, It goes kinda haywire when no more info is coming from the part of your body that was amputated....So it generates it's own..... Hence what your "feeling"..... I think cannabis, THC or something in the chemical make~up of our beloved plant "shuts off or suppresses" the gland that sends the "false" singles... Thats just my opinion though...
But I also suffer from "real" physical pain as well.... To many too get into details here now.....
I hope you get lucky in your Quest for the fabled SuperFruit,, look on seedbay every now and then, there may be some up for bidding once in awhile, or a fellow member thats willing to make/part with a few beans....
Because that is a truly AWESOME medical strain.....
The BEST I've ever seen or had a chance to sample....
Peace and good luck in your endeavors...


I did some research,, ,, but hope this gives alittle insight... My "One" Doctor who KNOWS how I "mentaly" feel thinks I'm BI~Polar......
Phantom limb pain is a phenomenon experienced by 50% to 80% of the amputee population. It is described as any feeling intense enough to be called painful, emitting from the amputated portion of the limb. These feelings are individual and varied. Some phantom limb pains have been described by patients as itching, mild warmth, burning, and squeezing.[1] The pain can be infrequent, experienced less than two weeks out of the year; or it can be chronic and debilitating. A constant uncontrollable itch on the bottom of a phantom foot left an amputee suicidal.
A recent survey of 2,700 amputee veterans showed that 69% had been told or their physician implied that the phantom was all in their heads. As late as the 1970s, most literature stated that phantom sensations were created from a psychiatric disturbance due to the loss. However, many studies have since shown that persons with phantom pain are no more or less likely to suffer from psychological abnormalities than the population at large. Many amputees have been sent to psychiatrists for physiological conditions. [4]

One of the oldest and more common beliefs involved the cut nerve endings in the stump. The cut nerve ends grow nodules which are known as neuromas. These neuromas continue to generate impulses. The impulses flow through the spinal cord into parts of the brain. These brain areas include the thalamus (a central way station of the brain); then onto the somatosensory areas of the cortex, the presumed centers for sensation. This is the classical concept of the brain, where neurons fire and transmit signals from the nerve endings through the spinal column to the

brain and back as sensations.


Here's another from J.Hopkins uni......

Fifty to 80 percent of all amputees experience pain in their stumps or
what feels like the missing limbs long after surgical wounds have
healed. Now new research from Johns Hopkins suggests the two pains have
different sources, bringing us a step closer in understanding what types of
drugs might help.

In a study examining stump pain vs. "phantom pain," researchers observed
that the powerful pain reliever morphine significantly relieved both stump
and phantom pain, while the local anesthetic lidocaine relieved only the
stump pain.

Hope this helps...
See? I wasn't crazy when I mentioned the "itching" IT DOES make you kinda want too end it all after having that feeling for a few days stright,,,,, TRUST ME.....
first off crossthread you made me hungry for some grits... have to make the hubby run out to the waffle house... lol

I'm not an amputee, but I broke my fifth digit in a car accident in 92. I went through months and months of physical therapy and was never able to use it again. I now call it my hook. I broke the pinkie right above the knuckle at the base of the finger on my left hand. The finger twisted to the left. I had pins in it, they did surgery on it, and had retractation splints on it, but I still can't use it. Every once in a while I get this burning, itching, or stinging sensation in my finger. Sometimes it lasts for hours and it's the most annoying thing. I actually sometimes wish they had jus cut the damn thing off as it even makes typing a pain in the ass sometimes, it gets accidentally hooked on things and oh dayum does that hurt. I try to massage my husband and I have to lace it over top of my other fingers or try to hold it in the air and massage with the other three fingers. Imagine having your pinky permanently bent at the main knuckle and only being able to move it back and forth. I waved to someone and it looked like I was throwing up gang signs.
Capt. Crip... have you tried the Arjans Haze from the Greenhouse? I have some seeds coming from a friend who went to the cup and wanted to get some feedback on it. She smoked it and she said it was the bomb. I wanted to get some additional opinions.

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Ms. Herbal

Ms. Herbal

I have not tried any of the "new" Grenhouse seeds.I know that Shanti left there for mr. nice seeds.Arjan probably does have a lot of genetic material around their old facility although I don't think he can re-create the strains of the "old" Greenhouse.(White strains)I imagine he has a lot of variations of Haze though and this Arjans Haze will probably be outstanding.Theres a lot of positive talk of the Hawaiian Snow although I think it's a reworked Neville's Haze.
I hope you have great results with your grow just be sure to take a clone of each specimen.Please let us know how it goes.
Take care and be safe.........................CC
Thanks for the info... I didn't really know about the different coffee houses and breeders etc. until recently so it's interesting learning to say the least. My friend is friends with Arjan and they hung out an partied a couple months before the cup. At that time, it didn't even have a name and he wouldn't say whether or not it was an indica or a sativa or devulge any information on the fruit. My friend said when he smoked it, it was some pretty phenom smoke. Then another friend of mine hung out with him when she went to the cup, she was with my other friend when they hung out prior to the cup so she knew of him before the ccup as well. She pretty much said the same thing. I've never heard of it of course because it's new, so I wanted to know what some other people thought about it. I already know that people don't think he rightfully won the peoples choice at the cup, but I'm not debating that. I just want to know more about the bud!


Hi Capt Crips, Great report on the haze. I just finiahed one myself. Went 89 days, man was I hurting. But it turned out pretty great. Thanks for the timely (for me) smoke report.
so is the perps yours rob or did you just get it gifted? do you agree that it is incredible on its own right or is the purple kind of a novelty factor? would you still love it if it wasn't purple?

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master


Smokey,Crossthread provided the report ,,,I just supplied the bud!

Be sure and send a clone also;)


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