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can't stand people anymore....whats my problem?

The outside is always a reflection of the inside.

We live in a vibrational reality. The people in our lives are our vibrational matches. You cannot attract into your life what doesn't match some or even many aspects of yourself.

When you're feeling great, easy-going, light-hearted, people aren't so bad. But when you're irritable and easily annoyed, everyone is a gnat, a fly, a fucken pest.

The only thing you can do is maintain your own vibes and keep yourself uplifted through appreciation. Find things to celebrate and appreciate throughout the day. ANYTHING. No matter how mundane or simple. The more often you find things to be glad about, the better you feel RIGHT NOW. And it's the NOW we are living in and through. This NOW paves the way for the next NOW. If this NOW sucks, then we are paving the next NOW to suck.

For the most part, people do suck very much. People are scared to be alone and so they put up with all sorts of different kinds of assholishness just to avoid being alone.

Yea, and they can't keep their fucken mouths shut, either. Can't stand a moment's silence. Any moment of silence is automatically an "awkward" silence...and it's a drag.

But fuck 'em. As I said, the better YOU feel in the NOW, the less bothersome or loathsome them other people are. When you're feeling great, you realize everyone's doing the best they can no matter how shitty that may seem to be. You feel pity for them rather than disgust.

You gots to be willing to be whatever the bad voice in your head says you are. Such a willingness doesn't mean you are that bad, it just means you ain't resisting it. It means "So what?" It means, "Yea, okay. So what if I am this & this & this? No one's perfect. I got good qualities, too."

We are only irritable because we is hating on ourself or our life.
Lack of appreciation for how good we actually have it.
Lack of understanding of just how much fucken worse things could actually be.

:blowbubbles: :ying: :cathug: :tiphat:
When I start to feel this way,I realize just how much I do need people around me.If I pick apart all the short comings of others,I'll dye a lonely old man,and I certainly don't want that.


I went to the school of hard knocks and ended up doing over a decade straight in prison in mostly dormitory conditions for stealing to supply a cocaine addiction. Its a strain to make friends for me. I tend to see through falseness and realized that most people are manipulative, greedy and transparently self centered to the point of nearly being feral. I really just prefer the company of my girlfriend or being alone. So I can feel where your coming from. I try to make my friends in areas of interest to me...my only acquaintance I really socialize with is a fellow grower. It helps if you put yourself above pettiness and ignore and be tolerant of others faults and try to see the good in people if there is any.

-~Wind Walker~-

Active member


I went to a music festival (which also included other forms of art) recently and the amount of complete garbage was overwhelming. Towards the end, I went out of my way to stay away from people and not talk to them.

I did meet some nice people, but they were far and few between. Several people I talked to who worked for the festival and just in general seemed to really appreciate me vs the rest of the dregs. I dunno, maybe im an alpha dreg.

Funny, 'cause I talked to a friend afterwards and he and I both agreed that the best thing to do was a fist bump with someone and leave it at for most people. I do realize however that many of these people are just there to party their asses off and can attract an element that just does too much drugs (Holy shit, did I just say that).

It was funny though how unabashedly selfish people were. A woman in security says when I go through the gate "I want you to come back here when you are done inside and I want to try your sticks out". She coached baton in the past I found out from speaking with her. One dude I just met, flat out says "You should give us some of your food." with no trade to offer or nothing. Both the above mentioned interactions happened in the VIP section. Inside the venue this little c_nt says to me "I want you to guard this hammock". which I replied "no". Where abouts this fart of a chick proceeded to scream at me "You will fight for this hammock." I am over 6' 1" and in very good shape mind you. I then proceeded to tell her definitively "Stop trying to tell me what to do", and "I am not violent person". Where abouts she came over to my hammock and shook my hand in an attempted apology I guess. I was half tempted to say "leave me alone" and or "fuck off" at that point.

I was glad I could just chill and veg in the VIP tent where I could just be left alone towards the end of the festival. Beside the fact I danced my ass off with little sleep and my ankle was KILLING me.


Desert Hydro

Active member
i am a cynical asshole at times. a lot of times people really bother me. people think that i am stuck up at times but i really just prefer being around the people i like. i hate the fact that i have no one to talk to about the things i love. this is a very clandestine passion and it can sometimes make everyday life and socializing very hard. it would be awesome to have someone here who i could socialize with about growing. thats why i have an account here! it keeps me balanced. i can talk about what i love and feel like people listen and care and in the outside world i dont feel the need to talk about my passions haha


it seems that smoking growing combined with certain personality traits can really accentuate a dislike for people

self marginalizing in the end


I speak from experience when i say that growing can really bring out an intense dislike or distrust towards ppl. For me its mostly not wanting ppl to have any thing over me that they can use against me, so i tend to shun company and keep mostly to myself, except for few others. You can't trust 99% of ppl, and your a fool to think otherwise imo. But, while I do agree that there's a lot of total c**** out there in the world, there is also a lot of great people who can enrich your life. When i watch shows like the Joe Rogan podcast (which i highly recommend btw) i see the sort of people that id love to be friends with and hangout with.

On the flipside its important to develop yourself as a human being so you become an interesting person to be around also. Interesting, cool, trustworthy solid folk are not going to want to spend time with a boring miserable person yo

For me, the bottom line is, after spending 5 - 7 years alone with little human contact just my animals, truth is i do miss the company of good human beings. While life can easily be spent in relative solitary confinement, i do not think its healthy for long periods.


-~Wind Walker~-

Active member


Everyone has different likes dislikes etc.Depending on Circumstance

I dislike being woken up at 2am in the morning.

The story.

So yesterday these "people" move into the condo next door to me. I rent a nice place to say the least. So, I was leaving for a ball game and was thinking about introducing myself but we all know how that can go. So at the game I have a great conversation with this couple I met. Although our team lost it was fun.

I get home around 10:00 PM and proceed to take my OTC sleeping pills and try to get some sleep. I opened my windows to get some fresh air in the place and proceed to accomplish my mission, I zonk out. Thankfully this night I doze off in quick amount of time. Now my condo is on a street that gets a medium amount of foot and vehicle traffic therefore there is a moderate amount of noise that comes from the street.

While in dream land I keep on hearing this faint noise like kids laughing, being silly or goofy, ya know kids have energy and make some noise. So in the back of my mind while sleeping I'm thinking its a nice late summer night, must be kids walking by riding their bikes down the street. Like I said the street has a bit of traffic on it. So,the sounds are still going on into the night, hmmm must be alot of people out. Then later sound of voices and laughter keep on getting louder and louder.

Now I am awake and pissed off to say the least. And now that I am awake, I can keenly hear this consistent voice laughing and speaking loudly in my parking lot. I look at my clock. ITS FUCKING 1:40 AM! I finger open my blinds and this woman is basically laughing and hooting it up on her cell phone. I realize quickly, SHE IS MY NEW FUCKING NEIGHBOR. I threw some shorts and a shirt on and stormed down my stairs, opened my door and charged outside into the well lit parking lot.

From about 15 ft away, I point my finger at this pile of garbage and say in a stern firm loud voice (I didn't yell mind you). "I am only going to tell you this one time, you make this much noise at this hour again I am calling the police" (realize this, I don't ever want police involvement in my life). "This is a quiet respectful place, it is 2am in the morning and you are being too loud". "Again, I'm only going to say this once, happens again I am calling the police."

She didn't even take the cell phone that she was cradling with her shoulder down. Didn't even aknowledge what I said. Didn't even apologize. All she did is skulk back to her fucking condo.

My guess is this bimbo is at least in her mid 30's. I could understand if she was younger as they say young, dumb and full of cum.

Guess I ain't smoking any more hand rolled cigarettes on my deck anymore (it faces their windows and sliding glass door).

Talk about an introduction!



Game Bred
our shared hobby tends to make one suspicious,reclusive and intolerant of stupidity.

we also have a society incapable of seeing beyond their own nose. ignorance is lauded as a virtue(i blame facebook). empathy has become gauche'.
i spend the majority of my time with plants,dogs and horses.


I went to the school of hard knocks and ended up doing over a decade straight in prison in mostly dormitory conditions for stealing to supply a cocaine addiction. Its a strain to make friends for me. I tend to see through falseness and realized that most people are manipulative, greedy and transparently self centered to the point of nearly being feral. I really just prefer the company of my girlfriend or being alone. So I can feel where your coming from. I try to make my friends in areas of interest to me...my only acquaintance I really socialize with is a fellow grower. It helps if you put yourself above pettiness and ignore and be tolerant of others faults and try to see the good in people if there is any.

I feel ya on that. Same here.....without the decade stint though.
I have 0 family. 0 friends. 0 girlfriends. And I love it this way.
Everyone manipulates or speaks lies to meet their own selfish ends. People only befriend people who have something they want or need in their lives. Its all fake. Its all evil.
I would never entrust myself to any man knowing whats in the heart of man. Its better to be alone, than it is to be around the presence of another person. They always work you. An angle here, an angle there. Piss off and scatter 7 ways.....:thank you:
I hang out with people. I have ALOT of aquaintances. But no-one I would trust 100%. Ever. I dont even trust my Mother.
She talks more shit and gossips and lies and manipulates more than anyone I know. She would sell her own son for a cigarette.
Its usually family and those you have loved that stab you in the back and hurt you the most. We can even sabatoge ourselves and be our own worst enemies. LOL So can we even trust ourselves?
Even the people that love me the most, dont know how to love me the way I need. It hurts to be enlightened.
The truth stings really hard if you have enough courage to face it.
In order to really..I mean 100% really love someone...the right way...takes unselfish sacrifice, to become a bond servant, by choice, to love and honor and think of them better than yourself.
Not too many people are willing to do that, so relationships always end up they way I said at the beginning of my post.
Relationships built on situation ethics. Not love. These relationships sink pretty fast.
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3rd-Eye Jedi
i used to be the same way and then I realized it was me

I was the source of all the projected discord, paranoia and isolation

you are not living a full life if you have to make social compromises to stay safely medicated

I made a conscious decision to address it because I had lived the grower lifestyle for so long it my personality was changing and I feared it would become permanent.

Now over time my I have overcome my introvert nature and it has paid off in the end, even as far as weed goes. In fact it taught me more about the medical nature of marijuana because I was able to seek strains and tailor its use to facilitate social adaptation. It was a vehicle in that transition as well.


My experience along these lines... Since I began using MJ for my health issues, it is like the layers of my shields/filters have been dissolving. This is a good thing, but it is also a very uncomfortable thing.

I have way less tolerance for stupidity. Ignorance is fine - I deal with ignorance all day, it's no big deal. In fact, I enjoy educating people. However, willful stupidity just annoys the shit outta me.

I, too, have become very dismayed with the insular selfishness I see, everywhere. I have a theory about it...

I attended a class (through work) on communication styles, and one of the points brought up, is that being under stress will cause someone to become MORE of what they naturally are... for me, in specifics, it means I talk more, and I try to fix everything/one around me. When I'm not under stress, I seem a lot more normal ;)

Anyway, I think that our entire society is feeling the effects of chronic stress, and everyone is just polarized to what they naturally are... and selfishness is a very healthy response to stress, as one MUST take care of oneself - however, when the stress is chronic, then the selfishness also becomes chronic.

I remember reading some sociology study once about how people are designed to live in a village size of about 300. More than that, and we get overwhelmed with how many people there are, and we lose "touch" with more of them. There is supposed to be these layers of our social lives, where we have one or two intimate friends (not sex, just the ones that you can open up to), maybe four "buddies" we hang with, our family, and then another larger group, maybe 50 or so, people that we see as neighbors, where we know most of the names, what kid belongs to what parent, and we notice if something is wrong with them - disaster, health issues, losses, etc., - and they watch out for us, as well.

Our current society seems much more geared for huge, mass groups of people. This is overwhelming to our social brain (for lack of a better term), and resultant "mental illness" has become the norm.

I could go on about social media, texting, and the shallowness of a life lived online, but I'll stop here, as I could ramble forever on this subject.

TL : DR - Large groups of people are stressful. Try just socializing with a couple of people at a time.


Active member
I feel ya op. I don’t even have to utter a word to anyone for days on end now. Sometimes the loneliness gets to me but just only until the very next time I have to ever interact with ANYONE.

I left my buddies, family, and hometown at 26 and joined the Air Force after my friends, family and other shit had all gone to hell. Then I never went back except to visit my folks and my kids who I finally got. Then after moving every 3 or 4 years and having to drop close relationships I found just made making friendships and leaving them just too painful. So after a few moves, I clammed up.

Now I’m retired and live in the sticks and can’t even see my nearest neighbors house when the trees leaf out. I only talk to my kids, grand-kids, and a few people when I absolutely have to now. For a long time I thought it was me and I was wrong doing that being so anti-social.

But I know not everyone is an asshole and it is the loudest assholes that are the ones that are heard make it seem like everyone is like that, but they’re not. And where I live now, way down south in the land of cotton in this bible thumping bullshit, redneck, stupid-ass, uneducated area, and they seem to like being that way too, the people ARE mostly assholes.

But as I’m getting older (58 now), I’m finally beginning to understand that when you are younger you care what people think about YOU. That’s just crap. Now I am more concerned what I think about THEM. And it seems to me you have plenty of reason and evidence why you don’t like people, especially in this pop culture, celebrity adoring, materialistic, media controlled, crazy-ass society we have here. You are NOT wrong and you have plenty of company.

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