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Can't sleep, no not at all.......

U could try some serious sleeping tablets like ambien or dormicum... problem is you become reliant on them. I would consider going to a specialist though cause there is usually always a reason for the insomnia which u might want to get looked at !

Good luck :) Hope it comes right cause its terrible not being able to sleep


When you have your evening smoke session, shut off all of your electronics and distractions, you will be surprised how sleepy you will get from smoking some herb without any outside stimulus.


Well-known member
i have not slept a full nite since i kicked heroin 18 yrs ago next month.i get about 2hrs then awake the nap then awake then toss turn then nap then awake and finally i get tried of being tired and i get up have coffee and start the whole routine again day after day after day.but atleast i dont do heroin anymore


i have not slept a full nite since i kicked heroin 18 yrs ago next month.i get about 2hrs then awake the nap then awake then toss turn then nap then awake and finally i get tried of being tired and i get up have coffee and start the whole routine again day after day after day.but atleast i dont do heroin anymore

Oh Jah! I FEEL for you, I really do!! I NEED my sleep and as I get older I seem to get less and less but 2 hour jaunts would drive me insane!

Very Glad you are not riding the horse anymore, 18 years is phenomenal!

Hope you and Stoner4life get your sleep issues in check but just had to give you some love and respect for your trials and tribulations!

Keep on keeping on, it's all you can hope to do!! Jah Bless!
sleep is for the dead
good suggestions (porn) cause I hate waiting in bed just to fall asleep.
give yourself a sleep schedule, drink some beer before bed and hit the vape or go for a 10 mile jog or fuck, fucking tires me out no doubt.
don't fret and do something stupid like going to perkins


Active member
blue light keeps you alert.

all light, really, but blue light specifically.

blue light is in your computer screens, tv screens, flouroescent bulbs, etc.

also blue light is the main light during early morning/midday.

try to sleep in a perfectly dark environment. all light leaks sealed.

you shouldn't be able to see your hand in front of your face.

if you need a light, keep it low to floor... no/few receptors on the top of your eyes for blue light.

im talking put tape over the cable box light, the red light on the tv/vcr, all clocks. everything black.


Well-known member
yeah turning off all lightsources could help... read a book long time ago, where they tried to figure out the natural biorhytm of a person, and they did all kind of stimuli tests on persons locked in "lab grade environment", and they found out that light even at low intensities, can fuq up the natural wake/sleep mode...

also, check your caffeine intake... for me it's very hard to fall asleep when i consume caffeine (energy drinks or pills, even at morning time) keep me buzzed till late at night, and often have to drink beer and smoke alot of weed, to get to sleep...

also, watch out with sugar, if you consume soft drinks... sugar seems to make one hyper and such -> no way to sleep...

hope this helps...


ps.: worst case, get some herijuana or similar cultivar which is known to put you in braindead/sleepmode, and only puff it before bed...


Active member
Sorry to hear about your troubles with insomnia. In the past and in similar cases, the only thing that would knock me down for good 8 hours straight was 25mg of Seroquel. This is the smallest dose (some folks take up to 600 mg) and truly does the trick. Very similar to Cannabis in some aspects, red eyes, cotton mouth and munchies.

In any case, please seek medical help if it continues. Lack of sleep will mess up your nervous system and eventually leads to psychotic episodes, anxiety and depression.

Best of lucks my friend!

i second seroquel. i take 300mg and sleep like a baby


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
blue light keeps you alert.

all light, really, but blue light specifically.

blue light is in your computer screens, tv screens, flouroescent bulbs, etc.

also blue light is the main light during early morning/midday.

try to sleep in a perfectly dark environment. all light leaks sealed.

you shouldn't be able to see your hand in front of your face.

if you need a light, keep it low to floor... no/few receptors on the top of your eyes for blue light.

im talking put tape over the cable box light, the red light on the tv/vcr, all clocks. everything black.

funny that you'd mention blue light, I just bought a new alarm clock w/a giant blue display screen shining right over my bed.......



Cannabrex Formulator
I am one of those lucky folks who need only 4-6 hours a day, and can function on 3 in a pinch for a few days in line.

Of course, the flip side of not needing sleep is that it happens to be one of the symptoms of being bipolar and batshit crazy......but it seems to work for me.

But in terms of insomnia, if it stems from psychological/stress reasons, no temporary stop-gap measure will help for anything lasting...you must resolve what is eating your brain.

I once tried to help someone who was suffering intensely from extreme insomnia....she had not had more than 90 minutes sleep in line in months and months. She had been given every pharma sleeping aid you can think of (as well as Dilaudid and a whack of other heavy things) and none of them helped her. Neither did huge doses of THC administered via Cannabrex capsules.....because she had some major issues she was suppressing and not dealing with, and they were eating her alive.


Active member
I know how that is, got 4 hours of sleep last night.

Go to GNC or a vitamin shoppe and pick up some ZMA. It always puts me to sleep, and I stay asleep. Matter of fact, stack that with some quality melatonin, and you will go down haha.

For long term, order some Phenibut or Picamilon, take a heavy dose of that a few hours before bed and you WILL go down. When you wake up you will feel super refreshed. Its basically legal xanax/ valium that's all natural.

Sometimes I bang my head against the wall really hard, that works too. Only joking !

Best of luck, I woke up because I lost circulation in some of my toes and they were burning, so I jumped in the hot tub at 7am when its fuckin 5 degrees out.



Active member
Some of these natural remedies sound worthwhile...until you can get some, I'd use Benadryl.

Can't imagine Valerian Tea, if it tastes like Valerian capsules smell, how can u choke it down?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Don't start messing with antihistamines just to fall asleep.

Valerian root stinks... but works... without screwing up your body.

Melatonin is a second option.

Edibles would be my first.


love machine
ICMag Donor
I can feel you bro,

I sleep cpl hours a night,,, for the past 10 something years

If hash and some oil doesnt do it for me, i call up my punching bag in the back yard

or run a clp miles around the blocks ,,, take a hot shower afterward .... if you make your body beg for a break/ you'll be able to sleep for some good hours



Active member
Don't start messing with antihistamines just to fall asleep. Why not? Seriously, would you elaborate?

Valerian root stinks... but works... without screwing up your body. I am open to this, it's cheap, natural and widely available. Could you please suggest something other than Tea? A brand of capsules, perhaps? If it must be tea, can u suggest a brand?

Melatonin is a second option. This is also pretty cheap and widely available; definitely worth a try; I plan to also keep my eye out for the Melatonin/L-theanine combo suggested by Mr. M above.

Edibles would be my first.

:thank you: Ooh, Ooh, I just had a great idea...normally I'd avoid knock-out indicas like the plague, but my idea is to grow a couple to have on hand to use specifically to combat insomnia. :dance013: :dance013:


Well-known member
i think when i was a dope fiend i did the rip van winkle routine and nodded for 7yrs and must not need it now.haha.i cant take any of the knock you down meds like nyquil tylenol pm's ,that shit knocks me down for 2hrs mabee and then its like im on coke ,i get wired up ready to run around the block but my body wants to stay in bed

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