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Can't sleep, no not at all.......


Active member
i got some extra percocet. that and a few shots of tequila always work for me. excersize too as much as you can. i have a hard time falling asleep but have no problems passing out LOL

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I knew you had one.

Benadryl is also a preferred mild sedative over tylenol PM and other sleep aids because it will not have a toxic affect on liver like acetominaphin.

a lot of people in the nut house are recovering alcoholics with shitty livers.

if you aren't going to bring any facts to substantiate your claims then maybe you should keep your comments to yourself

Please stop posting. Benadryl is toxic to the liver and liver damage is common with overusage.

I'm sure shitty livers abound in the nut house.

I brought facts.

You brought mispelled bullshit.

Call me crazy but I like to see people leave their bodies in relatively good shape.

I'm out of this thread.

S4L I'm in your corner and if there's anything I can do please let me know.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

OK, I got some melatonin and the Valerian tea, I also have Ambien on hand but I try not to use it too often because it doesn't promote me sleeping beyond 1 to 2 hours, it's really only good for helping me fall asleep initially.

I woke up from a nap @ 12:09pm today swearing that it was still the night before & it being midnight, my windows are blacked out allowing no natural sunlight in my room. when I opened the door to see sunlight I was shocked/confused. I worked it out & realized that I'd slept for 3.5 hours and that it felt like I was drugged heavily from it too.

I'm hoping to get 4-5 hours sleep tonight which I'll be attempting shortly, it's 1:30am now, I've drunk 2 cups of tea and taken the melatonin.



just do some go old fashion exercise, do like a thousand sit ups and push ups and smoke a bowl makes me tired every time


Active member
usually 2-3 beers and a half dozen bongs hits with some hash oil on them, and im asleep by 6pm lol.

i find it easier to sleep during the day than night. for some reason i get active at night, during the day i feel tired and sleepy from smoking weed and sitting in traffic.

but damn 3.44am diner runs...you have insomnia my friend. try melatonin and more hash hits, or maybe a vicodin.

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
OK, I drank the tea, took the melatonin & even snarfed down an ambien to get myself 5 hours of shuteye last night.

I'm aiming for no afternoon naps of any duration today so that I can get as much sleep as possible tonight again. Thnx for the advice guys.......



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

that Valerian root tea smelled/tasted like I'd steeped a weeks worth of dirty socks in swamp water, I went to 5 shops before I found this:

which I hope will be as effective as the tea I drank last night.



Active member
good exercise and a good diet is all you need.

fix these too things and you'll be sleeping like a baby.

also -- NEVER watch TV or bring the computer to bed with you.

you need to keep your bed for sex and actual bed time only.

as stated above make sure your room is dark. i have shades on my windows so good i think its 4 in the morning when its 2 in the afternoon. really helps with sleeping.

do not start taking a lot of melatonin. use it on the occasion but if you take enough your body will stop producing melatonin and you'll have to keep taking the pills to sleep. melatonin is a natural compound produced by your own body. its in almost every living thing. most if not all over the counter melatonin pills contain WWAAAYY to much melatonin for your body. and actually lower doses of melatonin actually bring on sleep faster.
nokuy -- 1 every night is way to much for your body. no wonder you can't sleep anymore, bro. seriously your bodys probably stopped producing it on its own considering you get like 20x the amount needed for sleep every single night.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I took a fall in the dark @ work one night into a hole that was dug yet left open and uncovered. my back is shot, 100% disability bro so exercise is out for me. every time I exert myself I pay for it with crazy lower back pain and nerves firing in my legs bringing on the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life.


Madrus Rose

post 69
try picking up one of those support-belts you see them wearing at home depot , they do a little in the support dept but more importantly just keep your back warm when going thru the day . Buy a good one too , they have them all over ...and will offer some relief & keep your back warm...

* saw this hokey "Dr Ho" infomersh last nite , for this blow up , expandable back wastebelt

actually looked like it would be a good thing & work pretty good ...but last night it was only $24 including the pump on the info mersh ...now seeing it listed for $159 . Frigging infomershals , hate those rippers , they nail u on the "shipping & handling" everytime . I was willing to pay $24 to try it , only if they guaranteed me on the phone not to charge $100 to ship it out !!

PS : get those large size down pillows (or just good ones ), greatest thing for winter & aiding in sleep ever bought . Needed all the while those longer pillows u can hug onto & adjust your back sometimes putting one between the knees , etc . Back problems really suck ..


Active member

I took a fall in the dark @ work one night into a hole that was dug yet left open and uncovered. my back is shot, 100% disability bro so exercise is out for me. every time I exert myself I pay for it with crazy lower back pain and nerves firing in my legs bringing on the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life.

I understand if you got back problems and can't go out for a jog everyday like most people can. I don't know the degree of your pain, and pain tolerance, or anything like that but even a little bit of stretching can help too. But like I said I'm just giving some advice I don't expect to know how your back feels, and what you can/can't do.
More importantly though your diet is everything. A healthy diet will improve your sleep a lot. i don't know what your diet is like now, and for all i know you eat better than Jack Lalanne but if you have a bad diet that could be a major culprit as to why you can't sleep. And since you are disabled to a degree this is something you can at least change.
i'm surprised by the amount of sleeping aids used on this site. i used to have problems sleeping too. started exercising more (do if you are able), eating well, going to bed at a regular time (its not natural to stay up all night, and sleep all day), and having a regular sleep pattern all will help. you have an natural body clock but most people ignore it now because we live in a 24/7 society with computers, televisions, etc. that keep us up later. hell even something as simple as the light bulb as managed to keep people up later. used to be when the sun fell so did you, and when the sun rose you did as well. i guarantee you hardly anyone under the age of 75 does that anymore. if you don't bring those things to bed with you you''ll start to fall a sleep a lot faster.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
MR, my back is a 'done deal', if I stand more than 30 seconds w/out support (something to lean on) my back starts to spasm, it's way beyond a belt helping at all. I have my house set up to allow me to use my walker & to cook off a tall rolling stool.

on my worst days it's no less than a 5 minute effort to put on a pair of socks.......

I have a comfo-rest bed and an iJoy massage chair, some days I'm crippled beyond the belief of friends that stop by. you know the pain chart in the doctors office that goes from 1 to 10? I invented the 12 pain level, the nerve slipped out in my left leg one night so badly and suddenly that the extreme JOLT of pain caused me to throw up on the spot, luckily enough I was walking past my kitchen sink when it happened. it became so bad over the next 30 days that I couldn't even eat, I was down to 100-150 calories intake per day. I lost 48 pounds in 28 days without leaving my bed or chair, friends had to come by my home to walk my dogs for me as I couldn't get to the door myself. it's that bad.
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