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Canon MPE 65mm Macro Images


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ICMag Donor
MPE 65mm Macro Landscapes​

Welcome friends and foes, I hope you are all well today. I’ve dug deep down into my hard drives and pulled out some pixels I’ve been hording for a couple years now. Some captured fall 2010, spring 2011, or fall 2011. Hording only because I’ve either been in to poor of health or couldn’t find the time to get them processed and uploaded to share with you. I’m sorry for the delay but if you lurk with me I hope you’ll be pleasantly surprised and that will make it worth tagging along. In just my fall 2011 folder I have over 1,400 files to go through so this will take me some time, the thread may get to large and be closed before I’m finished-hope not-if so I’ll start version II. Most likely I’ll be shooting more pix before I even get these all uploaded so let’s guess years..​

These images were all captured with the Canon MPE 65mm macro lenses.​

I rent this lens a couple times a year, one reason-I don’t have the bucks to buy it and the other- macros are the only thing you can shoot with it. You can’t do pix of your honey by the pool or me riding in the PBR, macros only, that’s it.​

Please keep in mind, these are the images I like! The pix each have some quality that caught my eye. That could be a tiny sliver of light, a nice bokeh, or out of focus effect with-in them. Possibly a unique twist to a pistil or something that was unusual that popped out at me. Then….again, they might just be a good macro image of cannabis that has no artistic qualities at all. Macros I consider the toughest cannabis pix to capture and get right. Sometimes I luck out and get a good shot or two. An average shoot for me is 200 frames in an afternoon, or until my pain puts me down, and I only save to my drives one of every ten frames. So this is only a small sampling of what it takes to get a decent shot.​

I hope you enjoy them…lurkers loved, questions answered if possible, your images allowed only if shot with this lens, I’d like to keep the thread specific to the MPE 65mm. Criticism accepted and of course some appreciated lol. Friendship respected and humor encouraged….thank you for your views and comments..DD.​

first to the show..my Cripple Creek from fall 2011​


...and REZ HazeDog-ChemDog Haze

.........my Hummingbird Red



The macros came out good! Got to love a macro lens but you are right, they can be expensive for a one trick pony. Have you tried reverse mounting your reg zoom lens yet? A LOT cheaper to do you just seem to get a slightly smaller DOF and obviously need to do all focusing manually. I can send you some links if you want a little info...

As far as this lens, I think I remember you saying you were not really a fan of the technique but I would love to see how a DOF stacking shot would turn out, especially on the Hummingbird Red. There is so much depth to visually explore that unfortunately gets lost to the short DOF of doing macros. Do you think the softening the sharpness once they are stacked would bring back at least a little of the "natural" feel?


Senior Member
ICMag Donor

...Have you tried reverse mounting your reg zoom lens yet? ..Do you think the softening the sharpness once they are stacked would bring back at least a little of the "natural" feel?

Everyone..many thanks for the immidiate response and appreciation of my art...wow, I'm honored.
WasntMe..I've tried every type of reversing you can think of. Some of my reversing lenses and techniques are better than these with this lens. I've also used enlarger lenses on bellows..just about everything buddy.
As far as stacking..YES..I did some with the MPE a couple years ago but did not have the right tripod-etc. to do it correctly. I think stacked images with the MPE would be fantastic now that I know what I did wrong. The next rental I'm considering doing some. For now we have these...Peace..DD


I was just sitting here thinking I wonder when that guy with the nice greenhouse pictures will be back. I couldn't remember the name, checked my sub'd threads and there it was doobieduck. I'm glad I did.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
The Knarley Macros..

The Knarley Macros..

Bohem exactly..thanks, Skip an honor to have you aboard, thanks for thinking of me Primo..we has starts going for the greenhouse too!

We have today some naughty knarley macros of the Hummingbird Red. Thanks for your views and posts..DD





ICMag Donor
I just "filter all" on such threads! (no offense to other posters) Carry on!

Question on lighting though> are you setting back lights, ring flash, natural??? Thanks!



New member
Fine work sir! Ive been trying to get good macro shots for a while now and I must say yours are perfect. Mine are less than. Ive just been using one of those 45x illuminated jobbers from Amazon held up to my camera lens and it is near impossible with a very small circular field of view. It actually works better with my phones camera but its still a bit shit when looking at yours.

I know these pics are a few years old but do you remember if these plants were ready to be harvested? Many pics of "your trichs should look like this when they are done" are not exactly clear to me. These are very clear and was wondering if they were taken when the plants were ripe and ready to pluck.


very very nice

those black and whites look amazing, would be awesome to have a full size framed one in the house!!



Cannabis 101
very very nice

those black and whites look amazing, would be awesome to have a full size framed one in the house!!


Thats what i was thinking! black and white mmmhmmmm...
where can I place my first order?
i already have your book stickky all i need now is DD's posters ;):thank you:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Answers and appreciation..

Answers and appreciation..

Thanks everyone for your appreciation of my art!
...are you setting back lights, ring flash, natural???
DF I use several techniques and can't tell you which was used in which image but let me tell you one I find the best. Sunlight! If you can shoot in a window in early morning or late afternoon with the low angle of the sun crossing your subject that works well. I use two 200 watt daylight bulbs on Smith Vector stands in combination for crossing light. I'm using an O-Flash, which is like a ring flash, a lot now too. Google it n you'll find it. I add two remote Canon flashes to my set up at times at different angles.

Might I say it's still a crap shoot for me after all these years. I shoot tons of pix, change the lighting, shoot more, run in and look at them on the PC, then go back and change everything, then start shooting again. I- still to this day- don't have a consistant method for macros.

DoobieD thanks for sharing your beautiful macros!! All the best !:)
Doc many thanks...

...I must say yours are perfect. I know these pics are a few years old...Many pics of "your trichs should look like this when they are done" ...
Hey Bolloks welcome...thank you for the complement but really buddy they're not perfect. I have some that are much better and I'll luck out again soon and maybe get a close to perfect one. The Hummingbird Red was last fall and the pix were shot at the chop, a couple days drying. I prefer "wet" shots as I call them. Fresh off an indoor grown plant still ripening. I'll have some wet pix in this thread soon, but outdoors until srping.
..those black and whites look amazing, would be awesome to have a full size framed one in the house!!
Thanks..they do make nice 16x20 prints. I'm working on getting those avaliable.
..where can I place my first order?
Working on it everyone..an eBook, coffee table book, and prints...but that all takes bucks and the Doobster is disabled. That slows the process as well, Peace and thank all of you..DD