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~Cannafornia Style~◆Area51~Kiddie Pool PPK◆VERT~Evolution~


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ICMag Donor


I'm going to get glued soon too :party:

Did DHF leave on his own accord?

Dude props on the garden - everything looks great - I have had teh same leaf claw and some of it tbh is genetics - just weaker plants - but if it is a N overload then :shucks: Advanced Nutrients :D

Loving post 2276 MAN the frost is ridiculous! :respect:


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
I'm going to get glued soon too :party:
:groupwave: Love to see it spreading like wild fire.... :woohoo:

Wish I was ready to grow her out... Going to kill me to wait on her.
She alone could take care of personal smoke supplies for a solid year or 2 with ease... From what I hear at least... lol

Might get me some Micro glue runs under my belt while I see what happens next in life... Think... Big rig Oil pan, micro pool 6" doughnuts with stacked 65W CLFs... lol

Did DHF leave on his own accord?

Kind of sudden like... No hints sent my way... Been keeping an eye out for a fighting post or something like the straw that broke,bal,bal...

It's not like he had pictures so I dont get the nuke...
Oh well....

Dude props on the garden - everything looks great - I have had teh same leaf claw and some of it tbh is genetics - just weaker plants - but if it is a N overload then :shucks: Advanced Nutrients

Loving post 2276 MAN the frost is ridiculous!

Thanks man... Yeah I got something going on causing a little claw but overall they look great... Even Border haze is perking up since I spread out the floods....

I cant see it being over N as I only use Jacks hydro and Cal/n and have been dropping the cal/n over the last month...

Perhaps a PH lock out of some sort ?
It could well be up there... Have not checked either in months...
Checked the PH for the 1st time a few days ago and all pools said 5.6-5.8 but that with a cheap china... Strips are to close to tell...lol

I let the heat rise for a couple days not to long ago...
Other than that... No issues noticed...
Fairly smooth ride except for the corner of pool 2...

Then again.. From what I hear... Once you get a claw they dont un-claw so most of whats there was from early on and now im afraid to cut them as I cant slow them down anymore... lol
I need to cut and shut asap.. Tick tock.... Would really like to be confident as to what the cause was though...
Being 55% sure it was Lack of air flow + heat + High RH + Over watered... lol Then before shes ready... Hit her with pollen and make her shift gears... Not nice at all... But I still need my falvors from her... Grr get ta work....

You called it on the genetics...
Well not the BH or pools going but on the Sativa Loca as you call her... She's a Heavy Mexican leaning genetic open book...
Just what I was hoping for...
I got me some spicy flavors hunting to do but could totally see her being a finicky eater or weaker genetics involved...
There are other phenos and it only take 1 diamond in the ruff..
Finding it interesting that we share a phenotype with so few popped...

I thought Border Haze would be more of a handful than shes proven to be so far..
So what do I know..lol

I know what I want and she's got part of it... lol


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Meanwhile the seeds are looking good...


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Active member
Hey AD the problem could be with the jacks. They have a pretty high N number and halfway to almost the time of flushing u should barely (if any) be giving the plants N.

So you have to figure u have been feeding the plants N since the beginning of veg. I would guess by how dark green you leaves show that it's over ferted from N. Bring your EC or ppms down and see if it corrects it. Like if jacks calls for a teaspoon drop it down to half or a Quarter teaspoon.

I got the same ram horns claw my last grow in coco when I checked the runoff ppms they were through the roof. Now IMO that if you were in soil using jacks u would feed probably 1 time a week. I know yours is like hydro but the plants I don't think can use all those nutrients every feeding which I am sure is often.

I don't know just my 2 penny's I know soilless mediums is a whole other beast. Either way your plants look good brother.


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Could well be...
I've been using jacks + Cal/n @ 1 TBSP each per 5 gallon bucket
EC @ 1.2-1.3,till about 30 days ago.
I dropped the Cal/n to 2 tsp then 2 weeks later and now @ 1 tsp-leaving
the base jacks at a heaping 1 TBSP...

3/4 tsp PH down per bucket as well... Keeping the PH in mid to high 5's

I thought I was feeding lightly...lol

Cant wait to go no till, living soil with tea's... Id much rather be playing with worms but jacks is soooo easy to use and if bought in bulk,soooo cheap...lol

Always good bro...
Yeeeah I was wondering why you weren't going organic. It's SO cheap and totally in line with your low maintenance approach if you get a diverse mix. You already use beds so you're just screaming for it. Didn't want to be rude and ask though. Thanks for clearing that up.

I like to lurk on your thread rather than post much. Don't have much to say except I've always had a soft spot in my heart for kiddie pool beds and I like watching this long running record. I'm glad to see the method's staying alive with all the "latest and greatest" hype around. One of my old good friends (who helped teach me to grow) learned how to grow this way from his dad. It's the epitome of a KISS method straight from the 70s that's still alive and well. Least, that's how I think of it.


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Yeeeah I was wondering why you weren't going organic. It's SO cheap and totally in line with your low maintenance approach if you get a diverse mix. You already use beds so you're just screaming for it. Didn't want to be rude and ask though. Thanks for clearing that up.

Oh man... I tried to start in Organic soil my 1st grow ever...
3 years ago...lol I just wanted to grow some weed since
I was allowed under the laws eyes..sort of..lol

I didn't have a clue and made some really hot mix
that simply fried everything...
Add that it was all under CFLs and ended with mites...lol
I was going to just go back to paying for my weed..lol

That soil is still in my yard just cooking away,
full of worms and all kinds of good shit now(BTW)lol

Right at the end of my run this Imaginary Friend
pops in and lays the PPK thread in my lap..
Say take a look and check out this dude,that dude...
Im like Okay...
That's my experience with soils, so far...haha...

The dude I got my main stock of clone and seed from at the beginning of this adventure made some really good points
that I used to come up with my 5 year plan...

One point was to finish where i want to start...

I want to know I can use hydro when/if needed and the
ultimate goal or graduation from hydro will be a tree...
1-3 lbs per...lol

I said "Graduation".. I have a ways to go,still...
Im using the easy of the PPK + Jack to focus on the plants growth,training,bugs,mold,heat,VDP,stress and a few good
things as well but mostly everything I don't ever want to
see again yet I do want to see once... Don't worry...
Im not using the seed runs for the mold,bugs or other
heavy stress tech's beyond De Fanning...

Mean while I have a great start to season 6 baking out
back and getting better every year...
Nothing growing in it just sitting under a tree in a barrel
till a few months ago... Now,
I poured it under the tree and covered with leaves...lol
Should be something to work with.

So yeah I want soil but and willing to wait till I can focus
on it rather than the plant for a couple seasons... 6-7...
Patience is a bitch but im getting there,i guess...lol
Wait what... haha

I like to lurk on your thread rather than post much. Don't have much to say except I've always had a soft spot in my heart for kiddie pool beds and I like watching this long running record. I'm glad to see the method's staying alive with all the "latest and greatest" hype around. One of my old good friends (who helped teach me to grow) learned how to grow this way from his dad. It's the epitome of a KISS method straight from the 70s that's still alive and well. Least, that's how I think of it.

Glad to hear it has nothing to do with the fact
I will respond with a page of this and that most times... lol
Was getting worried I might post a bit much.... ;)

Im glad you popped in,SirStynkalot...
Your welcome to lurk as ya like,
be it silence or loud clouds that float ya boat...

I know the silent lurk well as I find it hard to add
much more that "Kewl" comments on most
stellar show's I lurk... lol

All the Positive Vibes are felt none the less and are
appreciated the same... Mucho!

I never really thought of the kiddie pools being
used in the 70's but now that you mention it...

Freaky how Evolution,brings pieces together...

Old school flavors sought in Old school Kiddie Pools...
Just gets funner,every day!:woohoo:
Thank you for sharing the story,Classic!
You just made my day and I took picture of my garden
this AM and was already having a good morning...lol

I better sign off before something hits..lol

Shine that!... :friends:


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Hoods been off the clone for a couple days and growth is beginning to speed up... Being on a ppk system I would expect it to take off soon...

I just remembered... I need to change this bulb over to a 6500k..lol

Meanwhile... Ive got some colors showing up...

Im having a lot of fun with all the lighting effects in some of my pictures.. lol



Active member
... Even Border haze is perking up since I spread out the floods....

This comment right here leads me to believe you were likely over feeding them. Most heavy sativa leaning lines exhibit a somewhat extreme sensitivity to over and under fertilization, particularly with nitrogen. This is more noticeable in a fast hydro type setup, as by nature they allow greater access to food through multiple or constant feedings. The claw you are experiencing is almost always due to two things, too much N in the mix, or VPD issues usually due to high heat and/or insufficient humidity. Heavy sativa lines are just generally more prone it to than most hybrids and indicas.

... She's a Heavy Mexican leaning genetic open book...
Just what I was hoping for...

This line right here might have just changed what gets popped next week :biggrin:. I LOVE Mexican sativas :joint:

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