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Cannabutter In 7 Easy Steps!

saw a video on mahalo.com that shows a video how to make the butter without using water and slow cooking over 12 hours. I tried this method with 8 cups of butter and over 1/2 ounce of popcorn buds and a crap load of chopped trim. I added enough to make it like a thick soup. this morning I strained it and got 7 1/2 cups of really dark butter. IMO, the more canna you put in the recipe, the more potent the butter. Taste may be different. This is the first time I made it. I'm bout to make some chocolate chip cookies later :)
here's the link if anybody wants to see this way.
here's some pics of my butter


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Active member
OK - this is probably a really dumb question, but here it goes:
When simmering (for 3 hours), does the pan want to be covered? Seems to me, that you'd need to keep adding water if it's uncovered - but I just don't know. Thanks!


Active member
Hello all,

Making my first batch of cannabutter as I type....

I have not read the entire thread...but my sweet wife (whom does not smoke much) says its stinking up the house.

I think that should be mentioned.


PS. looking forward to toast and jam in the morning with my coffee


Ok. We got the butter done and I even baked some brownies with it. Today I ate some. Damn, I'm so wasted even right now. I gotta say, I have never been this high, not even close! I guess it's very potential, because I ate one and a half slices of it (about half an hour) and then I started to feel the effects. Anyway, the experience wasn't that pleasant :D The words "horrifying experience" and "inner torture" came to mind :)

EDIT: I used the butter with this:



Active member
Hello all,


My cannabutter has a slight ppcorn smell/taste...not unbearable and in some small way not bad but diffently different.



hi all,
i'm just brewing up a batch of cannabutter, and thought i'd break my long silence on this board by posting my tweaks on this recipe and asking a few questions.

i make butter about once a month on average, using only my vaporizer remains - 'vape poo,' as folks have taken to calling it. i usually wait until the container pictured is about half full...sometimes a bit less if i'm running low on buds and want some edibles, sometimes more if i haven't had time to bake cookies or if i've gotten a donation of vape poo from a non-baking friend. I use herb from my vriptech, which usually I only run through once, leaving plenty of active ingredients. generally the cookies I make are potent as heck. if i eat them on an empty stomach when I haven't been smoking, i get about as lit as i ever get. people who aren't regular smokers just lose their minds. either they pass out or they can't sleep.

so basically the recipe I use is the same as OP, except I use just 1 cup (1/2 lb) of butter and no fresh ganj - only vaped. probably the actual amount of herb is quite a bit more than the recipe though - never much less than an oz. I would add though that you never need to worry about the butter burning. that is the point of using water - so long as you keep it covered and don't let the water boil off, the mixture will never exceed 100deg. celsius, thus the butter cannot burn. also after straining you can accelerate the congealing and separating process in the freezer - just wait until the butter layer is good and hard, but take it out before the water layer has frozen. then i follow this recipe, substituting its boring old butter for my fun stuff! i would add also, that you need to squeeze the hell out of your herb when it's in the cheesecloth, otherwise you are leaving a lot of butter behind. i think this may be where the idea of making a 'milk' or bhang type substance out of the remnants might come from... in principle if the extraction is done well there should be negligible THC in the bud remains, but if you don't squeeze them hard, they'd still have lots of cannabutter absorbed in them. in my recipe probably about 1/4 cup of butter comes out of the herb as i squeeze the cheesecloth (and almost invariably burn my hands... rubber gloves are helpful here).

i also had a few questions that might be interesting to discuss, maybe some of you on the board can enlighten me.

does anyone have any solid information about what amount of time boiling is optimal for extraction? Like OP I generally do 3 hours, but I've heard up to 24 (crazy!) and I've also had success in more traditional methods, without water and only fresh bud, doing only a half-hour simmer. i would assume there's a peak, after which you're getting very little additional cannabinoids into the butter, and perhaps even degrading some of the ones already there... but who knows where this peak lies?

does anyone know about the cannabinoid composition of vaped herb, and thus of cannabutter made with it? i've heard that vaping, and presumably especially quick, once-over vaping, extracts mostly THC... so would my cookies be relatively low on that, and heavy on the CBN and CBD? though i myself find the effects similar, they do often effect people quite differently from smoking. is it just the delivery method, or might there be an actual difference in psychoactive substances? again i would love to hear some solid evidence if it exists!

finally, does anyone with a better culinary background know what's happening to the butter in this process? I can't imagine that the butter is unchanged by being boiled together with water for so long. is what we end up with actually like clarified cannabutter? If so I guess its properties as an ingredient would be different. in my experience there's always a layer of creamy beige stuff on the underside of the congealed butter - would this be the milk solids?

anyway I won't go on for longer than that. one final tip - add a teaspoon or so of honey to your cookie recipes. it slows down staling... personally I only ever make cookies because they last so long. mine are still tasty after a couple weeks sitting in the jar...

pics related: the aforementioned container where i keep my vape poo, avec vrip bowl and pokie; and the pot of cannabutter that's boiling on my stove right now.


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Just made some tonight using the double boiler method, 1oz of trim + 3/8oz of bud and 1/2 lb of butter should be some kickass cookies, will let ya know later!

Yah`mon :tiphat:

Cone Head

would it be better to use bubble hash? how much would you use?

I was actually looking through this thread about just that. Last time I made butter it was way too strong and I got very very high. Now when I smell the butter or even think about it it gives me the chills and the taste will make me gag, nothing can disguise it. I threw the rest of the butter out.

I was looking for a way to make the butter strong without the taste and I figured Bubble may be the way. Anyone done this and if so, how long does it need to be simmered as opposed to trim?


This makes me hungry just thinking about it. Great recipe! Thanks for all the great help within this thread! :)
Hmmm, Im thinking about taking a whack at butter.

I plan to use a 1.5qt slow cooker *on high for 1 hour and then set on low for 7 more hours*.

I only want to make some rice crispy treats, so one stick will be plenty.
Here is my plan:

1 stick of butter
8 grams of avb
2 grams of shake from seeded female (seeds removed)
1 cup of water.

The recipe only calls for 1/2 stick butter, so a tray of cereal treats would result in
4 grams of avb and 1 gram of shake divided into 10-12 treats.

Think it is worth it? I mean, what do I have to lose? Or should I wait until I have more avb or until I harvest a couple plants in 3-4 weeks?

(Forgot to add that I have 20 grams of dry leaves off males plants. Not sure if this would be worth adding or not)

Thanks folks!


First Cook since '75'

First Cook since '75'

It's simmering on the stove now with 1/2 oz Bubba nug and 1/2 oz bud clippings. Will let you know! This will be first test of edibles since I got my license last year.
(Bubba nugs)


New member
Hi all.
Really great thread here.I have made cannabutter in the past,I use the 24 hour,crockpot method (3-4 oz/lb. butter).My question is: How important is agitation to the process?

I try to stir my pot as often as possible,figure it can't hurt,was just wondering in anyone had any cold and hard facts on the subject(or others such as time,temp. etc.)



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