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Cannabis Withdrawal


Well-known member
Cannabis improves your health. It has more benefits than I have time to list but you can quickly find overwhelming evidence that the 400 plus compounds in cannabis include inflammatories, anti fungals, bronchial dilators, pain relievers, anti depressant and many many more things that treat conditions we suffer from but never address. When we get used to not suffering from these conditions, stopping the medication will result in us feeling worse, not because we miss the buzz, because we need the medicine.

THIS ^^^^ 100%

St. Phatty

Active member
I can quite honestly say that I have never experienced any withdrawals (jonesing) from using cannabis...
What the threadstarter describes is more like my withdrawal experience with opiates and not cannabis .....no weed, you might get a bit sad, no opium and you are literally climbing the walls.

Once I went over to the house of another med patient in Sonoma County, CA.

Dude seemed quite all right at the dispensary. He was growing pot on the roof at his wife's house. Went to their place, sat on the roof and watched the plants.

He had run out. I had a 1/2 ounce of old White Widow & gave it to him.

A day or 2 later I get a call at 7 AM in the morning and the man is telling me, "you owe me man, you got to show respect".

I backed out of that phone call. It was really surprising.

He was smoking about 10 grams a day, and then completely ran out.

What I saw was just one little tip of the iceberg. I don't know all of the meds he was taking.

I also got the impression from talking with him - that at some point Cannabis can become a source of anxiety, for some patients.


Active member
What you are experiencing is very real and actually pretty common.
Crazy how people will try to minimize your reality based on their anecdotal experiences.
Not sure why they have to jump to extremes and compare to opiates.
Pretty pointless.

Common withdrawal symptoms:
Problems Sleeping

Dysphoria, a feeling of general unease or dissatisfaction
Craving for resumed cannabis use
Stomach pain


Sometimes can take a couple months to feel "normal" again.
Hang on, drink and eat well. Work up a sweat daily.

Most of the symptomes mentioned here( i marked with bold text) are also symptoms of sleeping disorders, symptoms people get regardsless if they use cannabis or not.

in time, with prolonged sleep deprivation comes diarea, body gets bloated, you start drinking more water/go more often to bathroom, huge nightly sweating like during high fever, muscle tension/spasms/aches, head aches etc, etc.
Sleep deprivation also effects your mental behavior as you have more trouble with keeping a focus, thoughts start running wild, it affects your memory.

So, as a person who's beensuffering from BAAADDD sleeping disorder for almost 15 years, i wonder if they got these cannabis studies abit "up side down" = that they are counting symptoms from prolonged loysy sleep as "cannabis withrawal symptoms".

I'm not claiming some people wouldnt get some of the same issues with cannabis, but it seems to me people in general do not understand how badly sleep deprivation can fuk up your body and mind.
..and i get to suffer from all of these symptoms regardless if i'm smoking like a chimney or i don't smoke for months, there's no difference.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Cannabis improves your health. It has more benefits than I have time to list but you can quickly find overwhelming evidence that the 400 plus compounds in cannabis include anti inflammatories, anti fungals, bronchial dilators, pain relievers, anti depressant and many many more things that treat conditions we suffer from but never address. When we get used to not suffering from these conditions, stopping the medication will result in us feeling worse, not because we miss the buzz, because we need the medicine.
:thank you: :tiphat:

It's amazing to read all the issues people have, and their reactions to ceasing treatment with cannabis.


cannabis absolutely does induce withdraw like symptoms, of course not as serious as opiates or alcohol. dehydration is a major factor and likely causing the headaches, for me personally it mostly was waves of nausea/lack of appetite and insomnia followed by deep sleep with the most vivid nightmare dreams I've ever had in my life, after about 3 weeks i started feeling great tho, increaded energy and alertness, highly motivated and loss of anxiety/paranoia.


Namekian resident/farmer
Addictive personality is the answer this pertains to everything that may become an addicting habit... food, foodlike products, exercising, sex, hoarding and anything can be perceived addictive... cannabis itself is NOT addictive but having an addictive personality can be easily mis-construed...
If your back hurt before weed, your back is going to hurt x2 coming off weed for a few days. If you were irritable before weed you'll be x2 irritable coming off weed for a few days. Withdrawal symptoms of weed are nothing more than a perceived increase of the original symptom which brought you to weed in the first place. Boredom is a major one.

Smoking once a day every few days doesn't count as being "on weed" You're probably poisoning yourself. Store bought grow products have undisclosed pesticides and other shit built into them.

Lost in a SOG

If someone is using cannabis to favourably balance their neurotransmitters they will not feel great without but it this doesn't mean to say cannabis is a dangerous drug, or anymore dangerous than anything else humans indulge in.

If you take someone's coffee, chocolate or black tea or sugar away they will get a withdrawal because these things, like many addictive things, mess around with the concentration and sensitivity of receptors on cells throughout the body and very frequently within the nervous system.

A great many have genetic predispositions or the acquired need to boost their dopamine and without your favourite greenman to burn for you you may well feel shitty. Very few people on the planet will actually have the exact same genes that deal with neurotransmitters being expressed so what causes a strong addiction in one person will not necessarily in another and what causes a withdrawal in one person might not at all in another.

For people wanting to help with withdrawal/toxicity or wanting or stop using cannabis/tobacco/alcohol/caffeine I would strongly advise performing a herbal liver detox such as dr. Schulze protocol as this will make life a lot lot lot easier, I do this amongst other things with clients wanting to stop taking anything they feel they addicted to or that is damaging to their health.


atomizing haze essence
I can quite honestly say that I have never experienced any withdrawals (jonesing) from using cannabis...
I have same experience.

I read that:
A meta-analysis of studies, which involved more than 23,000 individuals, found that 47% of the participants who used marijuana regularly experienced cannabis withdrawal syndrome.

so it
means that 53% of them didn't experience any of it.

they also say:
Additionally, individuals with mood, anxiety, and personality disorders, and those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are more likely to experience more severe withdrawal symptoms than those without these mental health disorders.

which means that the more healthy you are, the less of it you get.


Well-known member
I had a break from weed 10 years ago.

i was fatter then so as i lost weight it came to make me high again.

I sweated it out for a month, stank like someone had spilled a can of Heineken over me.

Never again! :biggrin: