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Cannabis Act

Joe Mama

First difference is cars are lethal and cannabis has never killed a single person.

Second difference cars are used on public roads with people all around, growing at home is totally private behind closed doors.

The government might want to control us, but even they know there is a limit.

Oh yeah, Bill Blair def knows his limits. lol. Try and tell that panel that its a "private issue, behind closed doors". They will rattle back all about child safety, organized crime, diversion, risk of fire , greater risk of violent robbery, mold, etc,etc,etc. All of which they consider PUBLIC issues. You seem to think you live in a free country or something.lol. Jethro thought licenses to drive wouldnt exist. His cousin thought that hunting licenses were a rumor. His sister/aunt thought that building inspectors where impossible because, " Houses iz privates. Ima building on my own lands". Im curious about 1 thing only...How are you related to these people...LMAO!:tiphat:


Seed Whore
Oh yeah, Bill Blair def knows his limits. lol. Try and tell that panel that its a "private issue, behind closed doors". They will rattle back all about child safety, organized crime, diversion, risk of fire , greater risk of violent robbery, mold, etc,etc,etc. All of which they consider PUBLIC issues. You seem to think you live in a free country or something.lol. Jethro thought licenses to drive wouldnt exist. His cousin thought that hunting licenses were a rumor. His sister/aunt thought that building inspectors where impossible because, " Houses iz privates. Ima building on my own lands". Im curious about 1 thing only...How are you related to these people...LMAO!:tiphat:

If their witch hunts had anything to do with health and safety. Then why don't
they search every dwelling where alcohol is found to protect the kids? Mold issues?
Funny they don't search every place where tomatoes an cucumbers are growing.
I guess Cannabis is the only plant that has mold issues.

The long gun registry was a boondoggle that was
scrapped and these witch hunts are just as valid.

It's a power trip end of story.
So I have to concede the point of only being allowed four plants in your home regardless of whether they are flowering or not. My friend in a corporate lawyer...

I have a gr. 10 education and I spelled it out in plain fucking english for you.

Your welcome, ingrate.

Funny thing is I have dropped a grand on seeds in a year only to get two really impressive plants,

Who is duping you out of all that cash, Matt Riot?

If you cant get enough weed growing four plants your either incompetent grower or have a real addiction. FYI planted my first seed in 81

Only truly incompetent growers can't vet seeds before purchasing them.

no one will want to buy seeds

I am banking heavily that you're wrong. Fortunately, everything you've said is just that, wrong.

Joe Mama

If their witch hunts had anything to do with health and safety. Then why don't
they search every dwelling where alcohol is found to protect the kids? Mold issues?
Funny they don't search every place where tomatoes an cucumbers are growing.
I guess Cannabis is the only plant that has mold issues.

The long gun registry was a boondoggle that was
scrapped and these witch hunts are just as valid.

It's a power trip end of story.

If it was "illegal" alcohol or you had a still running, they would search house. If mold was present and children exposed, the COULD get into that as an issue as well.
I agree, its not about health and saftety. Its about squeezing every dome they can outta Cannabis users now or put them in a cage,
Try putting a vegetable garden in your front yard or giving them veggies to the homeless. Thats when Bi law enforcement will show up.

Again, the fact that licensing and authorization will be needed is in articles in the news. One Jodi emery wrote is in paper today. People with an actual intellect understand whats in black and whit in the C45. Its hidden well and crafted in as to be disguised but, its there. Make no mistake about it! Licenses and permission is needed under MANY acts to perform what they call "legal" activities. i just dont understand wtf you guys dont get about that?lol.. Its denial, plain and simple..

The highway traffic act makes it legal to drive. Same way C45 will make Cannabis legal to grow. WITH AUTHORIZATION! That comes in the form of applying and submitting to BOTH levels of government with accompanying fees to carry out the enforcement aspect as per the c45 bill in accordance with the Public mandate.

Ill set up a Paypal and Bet anyone of you, or all of you who got the balls 100 dollars a piece about who is right on this. Put up, or shut up...

Joe Mama


12(1) Unless authorized under this Act, it is prohibited

What does that mean?

It means that , under the act, separate from the act but using it as the governing power, you will need AUTHORIZATION! Acts DONT provide AUTHORIZATION. THEY DO! Just like the Highway traffic act.

Define Authorization-

noun 1. the act of authorizing.

2. permission or power granted by an authority; sanction.

3. a legislative act authorizing money to be spent for government programs that specifies a maximum spending level without provision for actual funds.

Authorization is written over and over and over again. WTF dont you get?

Then they go on to tell you that inspectors will be employed then break down there powers in dealing with PRIVATE homes and property.

Im giving you the straight truth. I cant even believe some of you think this isnt happening or are such denial or believe you are so smart that it just isnt true. IT IS! Get it in ya!!!

Any takers on the bet?

Joe Mama

It would say..." Unless authorized BY this act" if the act provided the authorization. IT DONT!!!

It says ' UNDER the act"!!

You people need legal dictionaries and some common sense. Under an BY, are two VERY different things in legalese.


uuuummmm, now i feel pretty dumb.

It's alright it's a sickness, a type of addiction: cannabis seed collecting disorder(CSCD).

I suffer this illness as well. Sometime I even find keepers and kill them anyway, just so I have to look for even better(and get more seeds!). I am a sick man.

If you lose your house, family , and can't eat because of cannabis seed collecting disorder, seek help. Until then just keeping growing seeds out. I'm no doctor, but think I figured it out. HAHAHA


It would say..." Unless authorized BY this act" if the act provided the authorization. IT DONT!!!

It says ' UNDER the act"!!

You people need legal dictionaries and some common sense. Under an BY, are two VERY different things in legalese.

Keep reading, you need some practise anyway.


Well-known member
Strive for excellence, LP's could get on board, I had recommended the same type of thing to lps before but they didn't bother when they can get cuttings, wonder how the mildew and root aphids are doing for them now...


honey oil addict

12(1) Unless authorized under this Act, it is prohibited

What does that mean?

It means that , under the act, separate from the act but using it as the governing power, you will need AUTHORIZATION! Acts DONT provide AUTHORIZATION. THEY DO! Just like the Highway traffic act.

No it doesn't. It means that once this act is in force, the aforementioned practice is authorized by the fact the act is law.

get it?

Joe Mama

No it doesn't. It means that once this act is in force, the aforementioned practice is authorized by the fact the act is law.

get it?

Cultivation, propagation and harvesting — 18 years of age or older — without

Unless authorized under this Act, it is prohibited for an individual who is 18 years of age or older (a) to cultivate, propagate or harvest, in their dwelling-house, any cannabis plant that is more than 100 cm in height, not including any part of the plant that is not normally exposed to the air;

(b) to cultivate, propagate or harvest any cannabis plant at a place that is not their dwelling-house or to offer to do so; or

(c) to cultivate, propagate or harvest any living thing, other than a cannabis plant, from which cannabis may be extracted or otherwise obtained, or to offer to do so."

Explain the language in section (6) highlighted in red?

The previous post was section (4)


Active member
I'm not 100% certain they will license people for home production but I wouldn't put it past them.

They're not going to issue licenses to the general public. They'll claim it becomes too hard to enforce the laws, increases the likelihood of black market diversion, makes unacceptable security risks for the general public if the plants are detected, etc.

They'll then turn around and say that now you've got your legal cannabis anyone who steps outside of their monopoly is trying to supply children, is a tax cheat, is inviting dangerous criminals to your neighbourhood, etc. which they'll spam all over the news as evidence to get the public on their side which they'll then likely use to get access to smart meter data so they can target home growers.

There's no room for us in their world as we are a direct threat to their bottom line and that's not going to be tolerated. They'll call on the government to continue the war against us and they'll win in the end too. So as much as it sucks for you guys thanks for being the example to the world we all needed. Hopefully the rest of the world wakes up and sees the horror show going down in Canada before we pass our own laws :comfort:


Seed Whore
I'm ordering another kilo of Hemp seeds soon.

If there's reports of mass plantings this year somewhere in Canada it wasn't me. :laughing:

Lets overgrow them.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Fuck what a horrible thread. I can't tell if you're arguing about the Act or trying to prove whose clown shoes are bigger and shinier.



keep up the clown act for all to see,
no wonder the man pulled the wool over some eyes,
the cognizant dissonance bein' what it be,

comin' together united against this insane act,
is what we must do for weed to be free,
we gots the numbers, they can't argue that fact,

dis-info by the MSM be plain as can see,
hypin' this, that an the other,
puttin' fear in their minds of those that don't know about tree's,

all we can do,
no matter where you are,
is educate others, both near an afar,

ignorance and rage all seem to be the norm,
maybe, just maybe in time we can inform,
all those wantin' to be lemmins'

all lined up to see,
what might be the latest offering,
from your friendly corporate LP.

Joe Mama

Still Crickets about the " without Authorization in (6), eh?LMAO! Im telling ya people, I know whats up...

I agree with the likely hood that the 4 plant idea is completely scraped out. BUt, as it stands, you will need " authorization" and inspectors are whats coming per that bill. They even lay out inspector powers dealing with PRIVATE homes and property.

Call this thread whatever ya want..Im still right..lol

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