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Cannabinoids Kill Cancer and Our Government Has Known for 36 Years!


I have always thought as much. It's funny how doctors hand you scripts for dangerous drugs and smirk off cannabis use. Pharma ass kiss much doc? Hey doc, why do your patients die because you want a pharma golf trip to Hawaii this year, rather than researching and pushing for a true cure? Doc....we know you don't believe the reefer madness why DO you avoid Cannabis research and treatment?



Stay vigilant bro, realizing your own facts about cannabis is the only way to go about this fight now, instead of stating facts to BULLSHIT we should ask them questions of logic, very nice example.


Active member
Researchers in Dr. Raphael Melchoulam's laboratory have been conducting similar research as the laboratory in Spain.....

The research is available, but since the FDA will not release raw quantities of cannabis to be studied by US laboratories, cannabis research must be done in other countries.....

Dr. Lyle Craker of University of Massachusetts has attempted to secure the research materials, but has not yet succeeded.....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


so, how do you benefit from them tho? eating raw leaf, hemp seed oil or butter method and bake it?


Active member
Researchers in Dr. Raphael Melchoulam's laboratory have been conducting similar research as the laboratory in Spain.....

The research is available, but since the FDA will not release raw quantities of cannabis to be studied by US laboratories, cannabis research must be done in other countries.....

Dr. Lyle Craker of University of Massachusetts has attempted to secure the research materials, but has not yet succeeded.....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:
somebody should send him some


Active member
this country is so ass backwards in all regards....freedom has gone to shit...its all about big business controlling the politicians and they all get golf trips and summer homes off products that kill millions. yet pot growers who sell gods best medicine are imprisoned.....

makes you want to move..but WHERE...

Ben Tokin

Television and radio stations are nothing more than businesses. They operate to make a profit. Their income is generated in a number of different ways these days, but primarily it's through business ads. Ever notice how many pharmaceutical ads run every day?

The media is tied to big business and wealthy special interests. Unions, political parties, insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, etc. They own the programming. They own the political parties. Most people don't realize how selective news and entertainment programs dictate their buying habits and political views. We are all just dumb consumers and voters being told what to buy and who to vote for....and we just do as we're told and don't question anything.

Maybe some day the light bulb will be turned on and it will become very clear how manipulated we are.


LISTENIM THE CHOIR BELIEVE ME! Ive read sooooooo many reports/studies/testimonials that Cannabis is a potent ANTI CANCER DRUG. I also find it ironic, that a plant that was skrted into the dark, subverted from mankind or at least attempted to be taken from all of us FOR what , Paper interests, timber interests, PETRO FUELS purposes, Petro chemicals are a chief cancer causing agent. It would seem by righting the wrong that man thrusted on mankind when it took hemp from us, could; fix the problem by restoring it back to mankind. Killing the cancers that we got by chasing the plant away! BUT could someone please tell me why people like JOHN EDWARDS EX WIFE dont seek alternative treatments. People always argue this with me when subject comes up, Oh well why didnt patrick Swayze go get cured IF ITS CURABLE ASSHOLE? What can i say i dunno HE IS AN IDIOT, nobody told him, he doesnt use interenet, etc.? I dunno i cant imagine that cannabis is NOT THE CURE, it seems fairly obvious that it is A CURE to most whom use heavy doses over short periods of time. Why are people not embracing this? I mean if your CHOICE is EAT A BAR OF HASH or Chemotherapy, HASH PLEASE! Seems a no brainer, yet the whole fukn cancer industry will treat numerous people with agents not to disimilar then MUSTARD GASS, Today, tomorrow and beyond.


On the hemp oil website:

One pharma rep is questioned as to what percentage of drugs they manufacture for the treatment of cancer. Response: ~80%.

They are in the cancer business. Period. If a wikileaks ever happens that those fucks know and are hiding it so as to continue to operate as they do, there is going to be some MAJOR headhunting.

I have my knives sharpened.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I have always thought as much. It's funny how doctors hand you scripts for dangerous drugs and smirk off cannabis use. Pharma ass kiss much doc? Hey doc, why do your patients die because you want a pharma golf trip to Hawaii this year, rather than researching and pushing for a true cure? Doc....we know you don't believe the reefer madness why DO you avoid Cannabis research and treatment?


I had a friend go into a doc's office and she actually said to him" I'm going to Hawaii for a couple of weeks for a drug seminar and I only have to spend one hour with them and the rest of my time is free. Oh yeah I guess I should fill out your forms they have been sitting on my desk for months" She also put her hand up infront of this persons face and said don't even talk to me about cannabis I don't want to hear it! Yeah the doc's are being paided off and this whole "Do no harm oath is BULLSHIT!!!!!
There is a drug testing lab for cannabis in Mississippi for the USA and they can run this lab but if they get any good news they can't tell anyone. The Feds don't allow it and they try and stop every test that comes through. It's bad enough that our Gov. are lying through their teeth but when you go to a doctor they are supposed to be there for you and not some drug company. This is a very corrupt system no matter how you look at it. peace out Headband707

nome de jardin

New member
I'm not sure it is quite as corrupt as it appears although there is no doubt some of that does go on.

Doctors seem to run a play book now. High blood pressure? Take some meds. High blood sugar? You're dibetic, go seem a specialist.

It's like a help desk reading through the steps of a manual when your computer craps out or your satellite quits.

There doesn't seem to any "problem solving" or "figuring" any more. You got to do that for yourself IMHO.


Many, if not most GP MDs are "gate-keepers" ...

Many, if not most GP MDs are "gate-keepers" ...

I'm not sure it is quite as corrupt as it appears although there is no doubt some of that does go on.

Doctors seem to run a play book now. High blood pressure? Take some meds. High blood sugar? You're dibetic, go seem a specialist.

It's like a help desk reading through the steps of a manual when your computer craps out or your satellite quits.

There doesn't seem to any "problem solving" or "figuring" any more. You got to do that for yourself IMHO.

Many, if not most GP MDs are "gate-keepers" ... either for their private for-profit medical group, the medical industry hospital groups, or the "healthcare" insurers/HMOs. The "gate-keepers" issue whatever volume of run-of-the-mill pharmaceuticals the DEA and their State Medical Boards will let them get away with. The "gate-keepers" or the medical industry hospital groups own the separate diagnostic & testing clinics who they send patients to. The "gate-keepers" decide for the "healthcare" insurers/HMOs which medical specialists to refer their patients to. Doctors and specialists at every level get their "pound of flesh" in fees from the patient | victim.

While the progress made in medical treatments has been remarkable over the past 100 years, it has focused on treating symptoms instead of offering cures, and on dispensing a poisonous witches brew of pharmaceuticals instead of maintaining good health. The price tag has risen at a logarithmic geometric progression, limiting excellent medical care only to the most wealthy or politically connected -- for everyone else, their medical care has advanced little beyond that time when "surgeons" were barbers with a jar of leeches and a vial of laudanum. That is the state of medicine in the USA today.


NH sounds like a great place to live, seeing as how

NH sounds like a great place to live, seeing as how

NH sounds like a great place to live, seeing as how they have not only legalized Medical Marijuana like forever, but they will be re-legalizing cannabis and hemp this year, 2012 at the very latest.

And NH even has their own publicly owned non-profit State Bank that they conduct all State business from, providing low or no-interest loans to the State and Localities for needed improvements to public infrastructure.

Oh, wait -- that's in some other, alternate universe ... :tiphat:


Many, if not most GP MDs are "gate-keepers" ... either for their private for-profit medical group, the medical industry hospital groups, or the "healthcare" insurers/HMOs. The "gate-keepers" issue whatever volume of run-of-the-mill pharmaceuticals the DEA and their State Medical Boards will let them get away with. The "gate-keepers" or the medical industry hospital groups own the separate diagnostic & testing clinics who they send patients to. The "gate-keepers" decide for the "healthcare" insurers/HMOs which medical specialists to refer their patients to. Doctors and specialists at every level get their "pound of flesh" in fees from the patient | victim.

While the progress made in medical treatments has been remarkable over the past 100 years, it has focused on treating symptoms instead of offering cures, and on dispensing a poisonous witches brew of pharmaceuticals instead of maintaining good health. The price tag has risen at a logarithmic geometric progression, limiting excellent medical care only to the most wealthy or politically connected -- for everyone else, their medical care has advanced little beyond that time when "surgeons" were barbers with a jar of leeches and a vial of laudanum. That is the state of medicine in the USA today.

Right on brother. Agree %100!!
... and then the gatekeepers.

Realizing their keys have become worn and faded, unsuited for the times. Start sending cancer patients to cannabis clinics... for what is termed...ehm ~ Palliative care.

So combine a highly questionable plant as far as legislative measures and control and regulation with a very powerful drug form extracted from it such as these pheonix tears and golden oils and the such.

This reminds me of a former european gatekeeper of the last decade.... K
When all science fails them, when the medicine they have known and trusted gives them no solace, when the peers they have worked with for decades look at them like just another patient they cant help, thats when doctors come to cannabis clinics like the one ive seen here in the Czech republic for help... and Id like to mention that its almost always too late at that point. Most people coming in for treatment have had half there bodies removed and now so as not to scare persons out of treatment they are renaming chemotherapies to biotherapies and instead of cutting with knives, they are cutting with lasers... except it seems the laser gets pulled out twice as often as the knife used to... practice makes perfect...

Whatever is going on its obvious shiva is going to show us what we are made of, as it would seem most forms of cancers are psychologically instigated and so unless one looks at the root cause~ the kundalini of the matter... all the gamma knives and biotherapies in the world wont repair.. the original problem. Which shows us in some ways how shiva works with these amazing cannabinoids of hers... not to mention some terpenes are apoptosis inducing and antiproliferative, so not just cannabinoids... IMVHO, shiva helps to open the mind and look at the root of the problem, not only helping to cure the body but also the soul. Not a single med Ive had in a packet could do that for me, that gate just never opened up for me i guess. Which shows why individual approaches to treatment with cannabinoids are important as one mans poison is anothers cure...


A mildly long PS- after three application of 55percent high thc plant extract and 45percent mostly CBG extract a certain demyelinized patient is wiggling their toes... This patient biotype asked for such a treatment as a classic 50/50 mix would have not motivated him to get off his feet. Had he been a more agitated person in general, it would have been a different mix with a different high thc strain...

So on a side note I ask you dear gate keepers, is it a single strain we are aiming for or a combination of strains... or is each person going to be different... and also a note to mention... when I take a strain and rework it, relabel it...lets say medijuana, and then market it as one of the best pain meds around~ Is it possible that if I didnt actually properly select through it with actual pain and cancer patients to see if it isnt stimulating nerves unlike its supposed sister line herijuana, well then wouldnt it be likely that when such a strain is grown by patients and taken care of all year protected from winds and rain, thieves and police thieves... nauseous with cancer eating through the insides this patient goes out to care for the plants, and then almost a year later tries to consume it for meds... trusting the marketing he tries the medijuana medication and finds it stimulates the pain in his nerves. So he takes it to a local clinic to get tested, after numerous patient reports and chemical analysis, it is quite profoundly shown, this medijuana definitely has an effect on anxiety and nerves~ and not a good one, at least not for pain patients or cancer patients, whom have much better experiences with herijuana... and so as we go back to the drawing boards... I thank you all for taking the time to listen to my long needed rant in this chosen thread, on these chosen topics...and please forgive my bruntness Ive had a long couple of months... take care folks and stay healthy, and dont forget to STAY ALKALINE...LOL


CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
There are so many things you don't know about our government. If this surprises you then you really need to open your eyes to alot of other things.