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teen arrested selling pot door-to-door


cant stop wont stop


does anyone have that THUG avatar from OG handy? Ive been looking for that

lmfao!! Dude, i almost forgot about that kid! Comedy Gold on OG..
someone has to have that pic and hopefully an old thread


this story seems to stupid to b true the foo must've been on yadida(coke) or shit(meth) n he must'v been FEENIN bad tryn to get money

Y would he go around at 3 a.m door to door n straight up ask hey u wants some marijuana?

Jus sounds fishy like kid was set up or sumthing i jus don't understand how he thot he wouldn't b caught?

They said he was intoxicated they dint say on wat tho i doubt anyone high off ther ass would b like hey i'll jus walk to every house n see who wants to buy some i kno people so paranoid they won't answer the door if ther high

i'm not so paranoid i'll walk down the street smokin a blunt but thats not all out not giving a fuck like how that kid did it he jus plain dint giv a fuck about thinkin

if you've sold bud b4 you know it ain't that hard to sell some but u gota b aware of the snitches jus wait for people to come to u..... unless u have no friends or friends of friends...

Y would sum1 high go askin for trouble? jus seems like the piggies are covering something else up unless this foos really jus that stupid