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Canna-Honey? Someone help!, lol

I am such a stoner, lol... Im going to try straight 100% honeycomb honey in a water bath tomorrow. Im just trying to figure out what my bubblehash to honey ratio should be. Say I want to do 10 tablespoons=10 "doses". Should I use a gram of bubble? More? less? I have read that .2g in Flameons canna-capsule thread over on cannabis.com says is almost too potent. IF decarbolaxation and everything else is perfect.
I heard water bath method I should have my candy thermometer in the honey at 225deg for about 3-4 hours.
Sound about right?
Thanks for all your help and ideas guys!
Ipsiss...you gotta get some Wormwood for that Absinthe to be "real". We had it in holland, and it was grain alcohol like you said, but "real" absinthe the guy said has wormwood in it. He served it in a glass with a slotted spoon on it which he placed a sugar cubes, lit it on fire, then pured the absinthe over the cube into the glass...Kinda crazy ass buzz, lol


well...the way I think about amounts, is that it lasts a few times longer, so you need a few times more than you'd smoke.

absinthe - it is a crazy buzz. there can be all sorts of active herbs and spices in there, but yeah definitely wormwood. it's really gotta be distilled too for it to be decent imo. I used a variation on a dale pendell recipe.

225f for 3-4 sounds solid to me. oh and consider dissolving the hash in a tiny amount of hot high proof (grain/vodka) alcohol first, and then adding that to the honey. lil o me found it didn't dissolve properly on it's own.

can't wait to hear how it all goes! :)

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I only simmered it for about 30 mins if I remember correctly. I think it only got to about 180-185 degreees. My cany thermometer broke, so this is an assumtion. The water bath was at a just about to boil temp.