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Well-known member
Peopel crying racism today do not know the real racism of the past.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I bet it's only the one guy above in Detroit that happens too! LOL

You are proving you don't know what racism is. Probably don't even know what Race is. Had someone tell me it's only a means to divide..

A means to divide....

Like trying to pin all racism on a political party?

Not too many people can't see what you're doing here.


Well-known member
You didn't it was @Brother Nature who did. You asked me what party racist side with today. I would say it's still the Dems by a long shot as they are the ones who use it as a tool to divide. But racisms isn't a party platform, it's an individuals hate. Really knows no racial, political, sexual, or any other category people get put in.

Peopel crying racism today do not know the real racism of the past.

what racist groups align with the democrat's?

why did Trump refer to those white supremacist groups gathering for the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville as good people too?

why does David Duke support Trump?

maybe it is YOU who doesnt understand what racism is. You have comprehension issues that lead you to believe things not said or written so why dont you Define racism for us.

and by the way, i think i know how to spot racism........i am born and raised in the South and have lived here all my life and racism is still very much alive and behind some misguided beliefs.



Well-known member
so why dont you Define racism for us.
that will be a hoot! no doubt that it will be "anyone that refuses to buy into white supremacy." funny how that works. many (if not all) of the religious right are still in denial about Jesus being a swarthy curly-haired Jew, if he really existed at all. all depictions of him are of a white guy with straight hair and a beard. :bigeye:


Well-known member
I bet it's only the one guy above in Detroit that happens too! LOL

You are proving you don't know what racism is. Probably don't even know what Race is. Had someone tell me it's only a means to divide..


that kind of thing never happens

Bank calls cops for Black man cashing the check from his boat sale​


‘Black Panther’ Director Ryan Coogler Mistaken for Bank Robber in Atlanta​

“We deeply regret that this incident occurred,” Bank of America said in a statement about the episode on Jan. 7. “It never should have happened, and we have apologized to Mr. Coogler.”


I would love to see your reaction if your bank called the cops on you for banking with them

but... that won't ever happen for some reason.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

that kind of thing never happens

Bank calls cops for Black man cashing the check from his boat sale​


‘Black Panther’ Director Ryan Coogler Mistaken for Bank Robber in Atlanta​

“We deeply regret that this incident occurred,” Bank of America said in a statement about the episode on Jan. 7. “It never should have happened, and we have apologized to Mr. Coogler.”


I would love to see your reaction if your bank called the cops on you for banking with them

but... that won't ever happen for some reason.

Well I think he's probably going to argue that he said Detroit, but we're all aware of his disdain for Chicago.... and Atlanta should suit his encompassing "any liberally governed cities" stereotyped hatred.

Can we theorize that 3Bs thinks that all liberally run cities look alike??


Well-known member
nope. right on time. i USED to be proud of being from Tennessee, but the last decade or so has diminished the respect i had for it and many of the people here. the state went from being forward looking Democrats in most state-wide offices to the mentally/morally challenged fools we are stuck with now. this was a gradual but inexorable process after the Civil Rights act was enacted. like LBJ said after signing it into law in 1965, "we may have lost the South for your lifetime - and mine." while speaking to Bill Moyers on Air Force One afterwards.