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Canadian Border Tightens



Soxy, you are so proud. For your information I took a plea bargain in a very complicated case, I was not Even Drunk, but I had to do sometime to minimize my risk. You think your country is so great, but all of your big cities are on the American Border, Your roads suck, and you have so many people sucking off of your ****ed up social systems that you have to sponsor engineers and doctors from the third world to work in the USA to pay the taxes for your lazy asses. I know this 100% first hand, I hire these poor people that have to send all their money back to Canada to pay for that ridiculous system you are all so proud of. I bet a box of Horton doughnuts You do not even have a job. What does Canada make that is known around the world? Not your bud for sure. You see in the USA we make Space Shuttles, Cars, Airplanes, and many other things. I cannot think of one thing that I would buy in Canada that I could not get better in another country. **** you.
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What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Sausage said:
Rosy That photo pretty much sums it up.

Kharma Girl

We are very much judged / stereotyped by the stance of the politicians of the country we come from.

I see your point, but please understand I do not take kindly to a country that makes me feel like a terrorist. I was searched 4 separate times and the dogs were put on the car twice. Most of the border agents were very rude.

I feel very strongly about being made to feel unwelcome in a country. For the last decade I have been made too feel like an outcast and been subject to undeserved descrimination because I made some mistakes when I was 19 years old.

I am not sure how things are in Canada, but here in the US, the illegals aliens are getting better treatment, financial assistance, free health care and more opportunities than a regular citizen or person with a felony for that matter. The US government flat out told the people of the US, they won't help us if there is a major disaster. Look at the refugees of Katrina.

Anyway I have nothing against the people of Canada. I use to chill with a Canadian that lived in Toronto and went to school in Windsor. He was a really friendly person and I am still in touch with him. He told me that most of the drug dealers he knew were Americans living in Canada.

Did not mean to get in a political debate, just wanted to share my experience!


Yeah im with you on this, Being lied to saying the dog smelled cocaine in your car " i didnt no dogs could tell you what they smelled." Then having the dog sniff you up and down, and being told the dog had a hit on 2 out of 6, but all six were STRIPPED search, and still nothing found. Then told to go back home we are denying you entry to our country.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Well, if Canada is so horrible, why are you complaining about not being to get into it?

By the way, I am not lazy. Right now I am working 6 days a week. Probably work just as hard as you, Randude. Why do these things always turn into insult fests? Is it really necessary? What's the point in insulting other countries? Can't we all just appreciate where we are and what else is out there? I feel you are being unnecessarily rude and I'm not sure why.

P.S. We're known for hockey, eh? :D


Kharma, I guess when soxy insulted me, and without provacation I felt compelled to vent. I just wanted to go to a hempfest up there or something and because of a technicality I cannot, and I cannot even appeal it. The books are closed for 5 years. I am sorry I insulted your country, the insult was directed to that ass SOXY. He totally judged me on one sentence of my own without any of the facts.
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How the hell did i insult you DUI man???? Your the dork that blew over the limit and now you blame eveyone other than yourself for misfortune. You dumbassed prick, you come on here and try to defend the fact that you got caught driving over the limit and flame me? **** YOU LOSER. Like i said before we got enough punks driving around and killing folks while over our .08.....your lame assed excuse dont cut it piss tank....STFU :bashhead: X 10000000000


soxy is apparently a flaming boy toy or something. He likes the cut and run policy. I bet his pot is useless, if he even has any.


I went back and forth many times while living in seattle, and had some interesting experiences for sure.

My bottom line message is, going to canada is awesome! Vancouver defines the term "world class city" in my opinion, and I am from San Francisco!

Coming back to the USA is a bitch, and a complete buzzkill. One time, a border guard who looked exactly like the guy from Super Troopers, accused me of being a terrorist. He also accused my friend, an airforce guy stationed near Tacoma of having false documents and being a terrorist.

Going into canada, I was honest when asked if pot had been smoked in my vehicle, I said yes a few weeks back. They did find a dried up, crusty roach in the backseat but did not hold it against me because of what I told them.

Another time, I was going to meet up with Steve Tuck and buy some seeds. I actually brought my own weed with me to smoke with him (it was killllllller) and while going through the immigration office I made that place smell like dead skunks. . . hard to believe I got away with that one.


Jesus H Christ.....Us Canucks have been putting with your gestapo guards since I was old enough to drive. (1967) It was always a chore to cross the border at Blaine or Sumas or Huntington. It blows me away all you DUI boys are wondering what the problem is. Now anyone going either way with a criminal record, and up here an impaired charge is a criminal record. As it should be. If you are all so concerned why not get a pardon???....sheesh. Its a new world, get used to it. Kill a Muzzie.


So do you drive when you are high soxy? I had a weed charge dropped for admitting DUI in a plea agreement. I was not drunk. Are you reading or just judging me?


Active member
"You see in the USA we make Space Shuttles, Cars, Airplanes, and many other things. I cannot think of one thing that I would buy in Canada that I could not get better in another country. **** you."

I've gotta say you just made my day. Funniest thing I've read all day.

Like soxy said, Canadians have been turned down at the border because of the slightest infraction for decades. We always just took it in stride.

Now that its somewhat equal on both sides (because of american influence) it's "oh f*ck them, there county sucks, there roads suck, there major cities are all on the border by us, there health care sucks, there social system sucks, we make space shuttles!" Wah wah wah.
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newRandude said:
So do you drive when you are high soxy? I had a weed charge dropped for admitting DUI in a plea agreement. I was not drunk. Are you reading or just judging me?

What kind of weed charge???....As for your plea bargin thats communism. So your saying you were stoned and you pleaded DUI????? WTF are you talking about?
And NO i dont drive stoned. Hell I only puff maybe 20 times a year (White Russian by the way) and thats after 10 beers.....



Soxy you are so quick to make snap judgements. You jab at me like some kind of ankle bitter dog for answers so you can go off on those. You obviously just want to make a statement. My point of the original comment I posted was that it is true, the Canadian Border is tightening. Hell, if your country doesnt need my money that is fine. There are other places to get high. As for my legal problems this year, I will get through them. I had a completely clean police record until one year ago where I made a wrong turn on a milatary base, not too high and a couple beers in me, but I took a plea to beat off the mj rap. If you need the court documents I am sure they are available to the public. I am 46 and that is my conviction of a crime. Not too bad. Can you say that soxy?


newRandude said:
I had a completely clean police record until one year ago where I made a wrong turn on a milatary base, not too high and a couple beers in me, but I took a plea to beat off the mj rap.

You are a lying sack of crap. You come on here and slam my country, and blame us for your stupid decisions? MORON....what the hell is "not too high and a couple of beers in me" mean? This is your dumbassed opinion. You are stupid enough to drive after drinking and tolking? And then take a wrong turn on a military base?...AHAHAHAHAHA! You really do have shit for brains. What if you took a wrong turn into another vehicle and killed someone, RETARD. STFU dumbo and go hang yourself...you are a LOSER.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Soxy, you are crossing a line and being very rude and aggressive. It's unneeded and makes you look bad. You are making me embarrased to be Canadian and I would hope people realize you are one off and not all are like you.

Canadian law says growing and smoking are illegal.


Un - Retired,
KharmaGirl said:
Soxy, you are crossing a line and being very rude and aggressive. It's unneeded and makes you look bad. You are making me embarrased to be Canadian and I would hope people realize you are one off and not all are like you.

Canadian law says growing and smoking are illegal.

yep Soxy back it down a notch or two

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