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Canada 4th Best Place to live in the World


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
You're right. Winnipeg is a much nicer place to live than Vancouver. :nanana:

In all seriousness, though, Winnipeg is a very nice place to live if you don't mind winter. We've fared better through the economic downturn than almost anywhere in Canada, and much better than other countries. Our summers are usually among the best in the country with sunny skies and hot temps. We have awesome inland beaches with dunes for miles and the freshwater fishing is unbeatable. Furthermore, the cost of living is so much better here than many other major cities, especially Vancouver and Toronto. You'd practically have to be a millionaire to buy a nice home in Vancouver. Here, anyone with a good career can get a nice house to raise kids. I like the mountains in BC, but I'd rather live here. BC is nice for trips, but I would never live there (OK, unless I won the lottery. lol). The one thing I have to say I'm jealous about is that we don't have the Jets anymore. But one day, we'll have our NHL team again.

Hehe, I'd pick Canada over Norway any day. lol.


This paragraph makes me think of the Saturday Night Live skit


Winnipeg is horrible. I was born there and spent 19 years in that hell hole. Winters are horrible. -40 with windchill. Summers are hot, its a shame you can`t enjoy them due to the bats..i mean mosquitoes everywhere.

No downtown night life. Any time you go out you have to remember that there will be 50 fights at the end of the night due to the fact that people have nothing else to do other than drink and fight. What exactly is so fun in Winnipeg...the Forks...lol...Spring Hill...


Houses are affordable. Its cause the core stretches from Inkster to past portage. 50% of the city is low income housing. There`s a reason houses are cheap. You have to house all the people that come to work in the sweatsh...I mean factories.

Violence is everywhere based on capita to capita ratio.

No hockey. Enough said.

Beaches...lol. Winnipeg beach and Grand Beach, come on man. At least be honest with yourself.

Winnipeg is the armpit of Canada.

The BEST thing about Winnipeg is going to cottages..Most are located in Ontario in the Whiteshell...lol

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Southern Ontario it is then lol

we don't suffer from bat sized skeeters, but we have enough wasps, that they could all get together and lift large children away.

The other thing we suffer from are...tourists!!


Southern Ontario it is then lol

we don't suffer from bat sized skeeters, but we have enough wasps, that they could all get together and lift large children away.

The other thing we suffer from are...tourists!!

lolz .....lifting children away....so true ..... hahaha....

you guys do that that wind that rips across the flat areas nicely in southern Ontario... lol... huge drifts.... I was driving around Blenheim/Ridgetown area with drifts going over the hood/roof of my car hoping that I was staying on the road...the road looked like the drifts.... couldn't see anything... was about a good 10 seconds before the snow would clear off the top of the car.....haha... it was the most exhilarating session Ive ever had....

what about Muskoka.... black fly heaven in the spring... mosquito air force in june/july...... its regular vacation country..... hahaha


Active member
This paragraph makes me think of the Saturday Night Live skit


Winnipeg is horrible. I was born there and spent 19 years in that hell hole. Winters are horrible. -40 with windchill. Summers are hot, its a shame you can`t enjoy them due to the bats..i mean mosquitoes everywhere.

No downtown night life. Any time you go out you have to remember that there will be 50 fights at the end of the night due to the fact that people have nothing else to do other than drink and fight. What exactly is so fun in Winnipeg...the Forks...lol...Spring Hill...


Houses are affordable. Its cause the core stretches from Inkster to past portage. 50% of the city is low income housing. There`s a reason houses are cheap. You have to house all the people that come to work in the sweatsh...I mean factories.

Violence is everywhere based on capita to capita ratio.

No hockey. Enough said.

Beaches...lol. Winnipeg beach and Grand Beach, come on man. At least be honest with yourself.

Winnipeg is the armpit of Canada.

The BEST thing about Winnipeg is going to cottages..Most are located in Ontario in the Whiteshell...lol

:laughing: I knew my post would get some of you going.

OK, you got me on the mosquitos. I forgot about those nasty little creatures. You are right that in BC there are much fewer flying pests (except for the choppers of course lol).

Did those little gang members really scare you in Winnipeg? Give me a break. The street gangs are a bunch of kids and the bikers leave everyone alone. I think I recall a spree of gang related killings in Vancouver this summer, don't you? I'm sure not scared to walk around here at night. I guess it kind of depends on your perspective. I don't really care about night life because I'm raising a family. If I do get a night off, a house party is good enough for me (hate the bars anyway).

Give me a break about affordable housing in Vancouver :moon:. There is none except the crappiest roach-infested holes I've ever seen. In Winnipeg, you could get a beautiful home in Lindenwoods or River Park South for the same price. The 50% low income housing is a figure you just made up. lol. You know, I've had numerous family members and friends move to Vancouver (because of our shitty weather), only to come back a year or two later saying that they could not afford to live there. I mean, a school teacher can't even buy a house in Vancouver other than a shit-hole.

Another thing is Whiteshell is a provincial park IN MANITOBA, not Ontario. lol. I've been to countless beaches in BC and none of them are as nice as Grand Beach, Victoria Beach, Patricia Beach, and many others in Manitoba (Winnipeg Beach sucks). Rathtrevor was pretty neat, I will admit, but everything else was pretty lame. Even the beautiful Okanagan doesn't have as nice beaches (I'm talking the fine, white sand and huge dunes).

But, yeah, I'm still jealous about not having the Jets anymore. However, there is talk from many NHL officials that we are one of the best candidates to get a team back, so I'm hoping. Sorry Hamilton. :nanana:

With all that said, I do love BC as well. If I won a lottery and could choose any place in the world to live, it would be Penticton, BC. I just can't afford to raise a family there (I refuse to blow all my money on rent and have no equity to leave behind).


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
lolz .....lifting children away....so true ..... hahaha....

you guys do that that wind that rips across the flat areas nicely in southern Ontario... lol... huge drifts.... I was driving around Blenheim/Ridgetown area with drifts going over the hood/roof of my car hoping that I was staying on the road...the road looked like the drifts.... couldn't see anything... was about a good 10 seconds before the snow would clear off the top of the car.....haha... it was the most exhilarating session Ive ever had....

what about Muskoka.... black fly heaven in the spring... mosquito air force in june/july...... its regular vacation country..... hahaha

well dude the Ridgetown area is in a snow belt too, they get killed around the 401 hwy 59 areas

and as for muskoka, that is why I never go up in the summer


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Sounds like its the cost of housing.

Dont know what to tell you, Greens, but I own a place and im only 27. Its new and beautiful, far from a 'shit hole' and in a great part of

Also, we dont pay much attention to 'beaches'. We have the ocean.


Active member
i just wanna say i wasnt tryna diss anyone, each to there own. and the next time you're walking down magnus and salter let me know. or langside and maryland alone at 10 in the evening. or maybe flora and mainstreet? anyway, i meant "the big whiteshell", which is manitoba actually. meditation lake is the bomb. dont wanna piss on or with anyone or myself or fellow countrymen or members. country life has never been the life for me. if they stopped flouridating the water id rethink manitoba, d


I am English,and have been to both norway and canada,Canada wins hands-down,awesome place,great people :2cents:


well dude the Ridgetown area is in a snow belt too, they get killed around the 401 hwy 59 areas

and as for muskoka, that is why I never go up in the summer

lol yeah eh... i bet the lake is responsible for that one... all that moisture.... none the less it was a fun adventure.... you guys still get the rippin wind further down or no?

haha yeah... I avoid muskoka till late june and even then its pretty brutal.... but its so nice....specially when you start getting to this time of year.... its kinda chilly but there is nothing to worry about.... cept for some bears :p haha

one think i know for sure is that its not as bad as Winnipeg.... i was living there when we had the coldest windchill record... lol... was like -57 degrees... needless to say we moved that spring... lol


Active member
Sounds like its the cost of housing.

Dont know what to tell you, Greens, but I own a place and im only 27. Its new and beautiful, far from a 'shit hole' and in a great part of

Also, we dont pay much attention to 'beaches'. We have the ocean.

Wow, you must be loaded, vagpuncher! The average home in the greater vancouver area is almost a million dollars. It's $921,000 in Vancouver. Since your place is new and beautiful, it's probably worth even more than that. That's unbelievable! It's $265,000 for the average home in Winnipeg. All I know is that I could never afford a 921 thousand dollar home. You are lucky! Like I said, if I win the lottery, maybe I'll move there. lol. For now, I'll stay here and stick away from streets like salter (and that's easy to do in the suburbs).



All of Canada?

Surely, you can't compare Winnipeg to Vancover?

i get what youre saying, one is a winter wasteland during half the year, the other is a winter wasteland with poor drivers for 2 weeks of the year...without affordable housing.

someone said you have to practically be a millionaire to live in BC...well, vancouver yes. everywhere else no...it's teh same as everywhere else in canada, if youre not near a city, it's cheapo. Many jobs subsidize your living expenses in many parts of the country...my ex bitch girlfriend's friend's boyfriend gets paid 700$ extra a month for living in buttfuck nowhere.


we all share really good values most of the time.

gay rights? mostly an oxymoron in most of the world still...

MJ leniency as dr dog stated...


NOT barging into other countries to start wars based on lies.

having the world love you because youre nice...priceless. (ive heard of many americans posting maple leaves on backpacks to get along with the locals... no jokes here)

though im getting a bit peeved on the limp dick approach dealing with the USA's govt. step it up you mingers.

ps. it's not the price for the home, it's the land it sits on. my parents have a big lot, 125 feet across, 90 something deep. 75 thousand dollar home, million one dollar lot...ludicrous.
canada is beautiful, it has it's flaws but i'd rather live here then anywhere else. we do have stupid laws... but for the most part they aren't that bad. our laws one cannabis and drugs are nothign com[ared to some countries.... most people here get a slap ont he wrist and sent home. not all. but some. one thing i love about the USA is they have animal protection, they have actuall police for pets being misstreated, which around here we have nothing. u can do what u want to ur pets, cause ur toaster has more rights.... it's sad. but then again on the other hand.... i find it crazy how in the usa u can sue anyone... i heard of a guy who was roobing someones house, he fell through a skylight, was badly injured and he sued the woman..... now wheres the sense in that? he wss robbign her... here... there is no sueing everybody for anything... u fall through a skylight while robbing someone ur going to jail and ahhhaaa ur an idiot watch where u are going. every country has it's pros and cons.... but over all i love canada... quebec especially... i don;t know how people live in ontario lol. i ahev family there and the police are everywhere.... everytime i'm there i can't drive for longer then 10 mins without seeing at least 5 cops.... here in quebec ur more likely to find them parked some where hidding talking.... or doing god only knows what else lol