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Whos is trying to blow up the gas pipeline

Dr Dog

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DAWSON CREEK, B.C. — When Christine Mortensen heard about a second attack on a pipeline near Dawson Creek, she didn't need to stretch her imagination to speculate how such an attack could affect her.

Within a 10-minute walk in any direction from her home are pipelines, wells and a stack that on occasion flares natural gas day and night, shooting a banner of flame into the sky.

“It is just way too close to home,” Ms. Mortensen said yesterday in her front yard across the road from an EnCana site dominated by a flare stack. Like others in the region, she is worried and frightened by the attacks, which RCMP say are linked and occurred after a threatening letter was sent last week to local newspapers demanding that oil and gas interests leave the area.

Yesterday, RCMP explosives experts were combing the site of the second blast, which was discovered on Thursday morning after two workers doing routine maintenance work heard a hissing noise, depressurized that section of the pipeline and called police.
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The first blast occurred on Saturday night and was discovered by a hunter who came across a two-metre-deep crater beneath an EnCana pipeline in a stretch of bush about 50 kilometres southeast of Dawson Creek.

The second occurred nearby, at an EnCana site only a few kilometres off the main highway between Dawson Creek and the Alberta line. Like the first, it caused minimal damage to the pipeline and no injuries to workers or area residents, resulting in black humour among residents about a hapless bomber.

But both targeted pipelines carry natural gas that contains hydrogen sulphide, a potentially lethal chemical, and residents are unnerved by the prospect of other explosions.

Both EnCana and the RCMP have increased security around oil and gas operations, but it's impossible to guard every facility all the time, RCMP spokesman Tim Shields told reporters yesterday.

The attacks took place in an area of the province where oil and gas activity has boomed and where some residents have complained about the wells and pipelines springing up on their pastures and fields.

EnCana on Thursday said the natural gas in the pipes contained a very small percentage of hydrogen sulphide, about 0.07 per cent, and that the amount of gas released was very small and did not present a danger to the public.

The post-blast specialists will try to recreate what happened and determine what kind of explosives were used, RCMP spokesman Sergeant Tim Shields told reporters yesterday.

I wonder who is behind this. I dont see it being Islamic Terrorists, but who wants this gone?

The gas it carries is lethal, sour gas will paralyze you then kill you, but they are attacking the pipeline where there are no people. What is the purpose of this? POssibly some disgruntled Encana employee? Does not make any sense other, than to raise the price of heating gas this winter, but from what I understand, the price is regulated from the spring before. So it would affect next years prices?


I wonder who is behind this. I dont see it being Islamic Terrorists, but who wants this gone?

The very worst kind of terra-ists---Canadians! They're so damned friendly and accommodating that you just never see it coming, unlike those dirty islamo-facsists! :biglaugh:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I don't know for certain how remote that area is but imagine if you'd moved there to get away from it all....... then the pipeline comes through, OK, opportunity for decent wages and a boost (albeit temporary) to the local economy....... then terrorists/eco-terrorists move in to make living in the middle of nowhere a daily worry.......

that bites.


it was this guy

he wants to bring some publicity back to dawson creek


Active member
Stoner4Life said:
I don't know for certain how remote that area is but imagine if you'd moved there to get away from it all....... then the pipeline comes through, OK, opportunity for decent wages and a boost (albeit temporary) to the local economy....... then terrorists/eco-terrorists move in to make living in the middle of nowhere a daily worry.......

that bites.

i do know for certain how remote Dawson creek BC is, and I work in the natty gas industry now.

first on Dawson creek....sorry if this rubs anyone wrong, but i hate the fukin place.

mile 1 of the alaska highway...ive ben thru there driving 6 times, and i stayed there once for a week and once for almost 2 weeks....(both times w/ vehicle repairs, not by choice...id never stay ther for 1 second but to get petro)

its nothing but a shithole, and a cpl crappy ass hotels, and a cpl shitty restraunts........only decent place to eat is the hortons by the canadian tire....we stayed both time at the george dawson inn across the street (ill give it to them they are decent folk at that hotel)..free breakfast every morning.

the wind blows constant, peeps arent friendly, and it was about a mile walk to the only salvation (Gov. LQ store for overpriced/taxed booze)..we left the weed at the border.

we ate alot at the "alaska inn" good food, and the whole place smelled like weed.

other than that we spent a few days where we never even got out of bed at the hotel...and i mean literally never got out of bed (watched cosby show and avril livigne vdeos on sum canadian mtv network.

canadian tire is good in whitehorse, but suks in dawson creek...and if u drive that route..go thru DC as fukin fast as u can.


Active member
ohhh an whos fukn w/ the pipeline is prolly pissed off people who have the wonderful new experience of having a compressor station in their backyard, and they dont have mineral rights, so they dont get royalties...so they get pissed and sue, and make up all kinds of excuses on why the compressors are so bad

(for the record i wouldent want a compressor station in my backyard, but ive never heard a person who owns the mineral rights and gets a check complain.)


Active member
ok i reread the article.

she lives by a gas plant.....

...there is always a flare.

the field pressure went up, and the "hissing noise" is the relief valve at the plant going off (she should be glad 4 that)...

the plants i work at have relief valves that go off when the field pressure goes above 600#......but our field pressure is usually about 100# ....300# max.

she should be happy to hear that...it means a gas pipe wont explode in or around her propety.

our compressor stations move about 200 million cubic feet a day, w/ many cat 3616 compressors and sum 3608's...i know what im talkin about.


Active member
if she lives by a compressor station and the compressors stop for anyreason then the field pressure goes up, and it can cause pressure to escape thru that relief valve.

if your on site and even if u know its gonna happen its scary.

so i can assume she thinks its wrong.

ive was on scaffolding w/in this past week in godley texas at a gas plant and had everything shut down at a plant (esd)... contractor fukd up, and had to hear the fukin relief valve blow and my heart jumped more than a few beats.

when the compressors stop the field pressure goes up cuz your not moving gas anymore...thats why the relif valve opened.

i hope this isnt over anyones head.
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