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can you roll?


Active member


I couldn't roll for shit. Then I started to roll really good burning J's that were preggo. My friend made the comment about how well they burned, but just fat in the middle. Then he showed me how to fix that. Almost 18yrs ago, and now I can roll any size, or a blunt as another friend showed me that. If you can roll a J. You can roll a blunt.

The method is simple. I don't normally break it up to much. Just make sure it is even in the paper, and make a little valley in the middle. Then roll from the inside out. I know it was mentioned earlier, but still simple...D


Everyone can roll, unless of course you are suffering from some form of physical ailment, that prevents finger dexterity.

Any individual can teach his/her self the art of rolling.

So the answer you are most likely to find, is that most people can roll, and most people do roll, massive spliffs to get them massive high enjoying the beautiful summer.

I can roll, and I usually teach others new styles of rolling, for me it came naturally, like most things, Peace.

Smoke Buddy

My great grandad was a real cowboy.. lived on the range with his horse riding herd among other cool things he did. Im in my 50s and hes been dead for a long time now.. (We miss ya Leo!) anyhow he used to tell us kids he could roll a cig with one hand while ridng his pony and proceded to show us how. He then put us all to work rolling his cigarettes for him. I could roll very well years before I ever got near weed. I still roll.. last night I rolled up a J with hash, hash oil and chem D. Thats a challenge to do well for sure... mixed the bud with the oil first then add the crumbled mashed hash... gently rolling as not to compress the material... I think the last half of it is sitting somewhere on the back porch as best as I can recall.... ;)


That's all I smoke, I roll em so fat only the gum strip is touching the other side of the paper.

W.Less Monk

well, i grabbed a new pack of papers today.
new (to me) kind of zigzags - lights?? they're 1 1/4wide, and a little longer than regular. it's cheating, but like training wheels.

not bad, huh?
did the not as much in the middle thing to start it out.
i think i squeeze too hard at the ends, right at the last after i lick it.
that will take more training.
only have enough pot for 1 more joint though.
then hazy's out of weed :wallbash:
crap, i could use some seed money to get a bag, but i had my eye on some biko bx1 from annaC.

are those cig filters in those doobs?
knew someone back in the 70s that would put a coiled piece of matchbook cover in the end.

I've never been able to roll in a normal way..

But upside down works nice for me..

You should try with the "glued part" of the paper at the bottom , it's easier to roll, try it !!
