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can you roll?


Active member
then twist one up for me.

i smoke a pipe.
sometimes i decide that i want to smoke a joint for whatever reason, taste, not having to light every hit, etc.
problem is i can't roll worth a crap.

i thought i'd show you what i mean:

see what i mean.
i don't believe that i can improve either.
not that i have a complex about it or anything, just irritating that though i've prolly rolled 100s of doobs over the last 35 years, :violin: ,and though i put out an occasional one that does not deserve scorn, i almost always end up with what i affectionately call a pregnant snake. :nono:

so jump in with your joint pics and your methods and advice.

now there's a guy here that has rolled the most perfect joint ever seen on the face of this planet.
yes, right here on icmag.
he is stoned2death and he rolled and took a pic of before it was smoked up, the perfect joint.
this does give me a complex.
he's a great guy and his rolling proves it. :bow:
this is the goal:
for more pics of of this cannibanoid wonder go here to page 9 of s2d's blueberry grow.

so post good joints or shitty ones like mine.
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Active member
speaking of snakes.
i went out in my yard last night to find this:

it now gets to join one that came in my yard last year:

that one hangs on my son's bedroom wall.
it was about 5' 5" long. the biggest western diamondback i've ever seen.


Active member
nice snakes hazy.... if you keep that up you can starts a line of boots and belts...

hazy snakes pants-uppers and foot holders.

had the same problems myself with my doobs/scoobs what ever.... I found my problem...just recently was actually because I was under rolling the J as I was making it. I always concerned about making it too tight.....

then one day I just kept right on rolling it back and forth and it came out like a real joint...man did I feel proud of that.

So no more pregnant J's and I can unveil my doobs without shame. Still working on the larger more joint looking types of joint....don't know what peeps call those.. getting there ok though



sunshine in a bag
I've never used one before, but what about an automatic joint roller? I don't have any experience with them so I can't say whether or not they suck, but if you don't think you can improve then maybe you should give them a shot..

Good luck though


automatic joint rollers work great

try licking and sealing the middle before the ends, and then fill the ends if needed.

lick and stick the middle third of the gummed part of the edge, then STOP for about 30 seconds to let the glue dry where you sealed it in the middle

after you have done that, you seal both ends, let em dry (seriously... let it dry) you can stuff the ends with whatever fell out during the rolling process.

I am sure someone can improve on that, but that how I roll.


New member
right first of all i think u may need to start rolling propa spliffs. theres no point smoking lil fanny-ass peckers like im seeing here. get sum KINGSIZE and make a fecking L-Build.

secondly, anyone who sings the praise of a rolling machine either really really struggles to biff-up, or sumply knows fukc all about what makes a good joint. They come out far too tight, usually so tight that they hadly even toke.

if u cant skin up, heres my advice... find someone who can :D


most important thing is to level out the material first (and make sure your grind/mix is even sized). I roll with a filter so it may be different for you....you MUST follow the tuck. Work from the bottom up, using thumb and forefinger on both ends to simultaneously tuck and roll. If you are not rolling backwards/inside-out, roll it almost to the glue, and then lick and stick. Don't get it too wet and don't lick until you reach this part...

I know it's shabby as far as a guideline but I'd be happy to further advise you if required. Try rolling up cut up paper so you don't waste good smoke material and keep trying till you get it, it is way easier than it looks/sounds. You will get it, man.


listen my friend start in the center and roll out towards the ends...two thumbs touch eachother in the beginning of the roll...roll out...roll the center then work out you will get it man...dont press so hard when you get to the ends
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make sure you load the paper evenly then just put your index fingers open on the back side of the paper with your thumbs in the front...your index fingers are keeping it all good then your using your thumbs to start from the center and roll your way out slowly basically getting it where you all want it then you take your index fingers from the back and hold the roll from the front and up and out at the same time your thumps are going to the ends of the paper so are your index fingers...if you can rub you index finger with your thumb...than you can roll..its just technique you lack..hope this helps man

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Active member
I used to roll prego joints too - but then this older woman I used to know showed me the error in my ways...

She said instead of loading the paper evenly like many have suggested you actually need to have a little less in the middle, that is to say load the paper up so that you have more weed on the ends and less in the middle. Then roll like normal and the pressure from your fingers will produce a nice even joint, everytime.

Another tip is to roll it on a table or tray, not in your hands over the tray, in this case you want the herb to be evenly distributed on the paper and then just roll it up sorta like you would roll clay out. If you've ever seen a cigar maker work you'll see that they roll on against the table to get the nice tight uniform cylinder.

I had a room mate in college who rolled this way and he could roll perfect joints with them tiny little 1" zigs. I personally never could master and also prefered to roll in my hands as you don't always have a table.

oh and preperation is important - you want to be sure the weed is well broken up but not to the point of powder or it will not draw well.



The Tri Guy
Frankly I'm amazed that on a site dedicated to growing, so many seem to have probs rolling. And what's with these tiny single skinners? There's no room for a roach. "roll from the middle", love to see someone try that with a cone lol. Most peeps I know, roll from the roach end to the lighting end.


believe me i can roll any size shape joint you want..i just like a cigarette style joint..must be a American thing...and my house cleaner gets my roaches
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have you tried the dollar bill method? it's like a rolling machine but it's cheaper and you can control the tightness of the joint.
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With my eyes closed...

I remember the days of practising for hours with kitchen herbs when I couldnt afford to waste any weed lol....
rolling a joint, dollar bill method

rolling a joint, dollar bill method

the supplies-

put weed in dollar


weed should be lightly pressed-

add the paper and roll-

lick the joint-

final product-

now enjoy! :joint:


Active member
thanks for the replies everyone
fresh, your friggen funny man.

brain wow, i'm amazed every time i see someone come up with that nice smooth ready to lick doob. where's all the dope laying around underneath your hands at that point? wow, in the joint! nice.

hey bhb, a friend showed me the dollar bill thing 30 years ago, and i never could figure it out, i know it's easier than i make it out to be, do you have to put the paper in backwards or something i forget. nice spliff

i had a govt issue (army maybe) rolling machine from the 40s years ago. it had a canvas fabric that rolled over acouple of wood rollers and was in a small flip open metal unit. it had a wooden knob on the outside and would twist perfect cig sized joints every time.
lost it though, and rollers i've tried since roll too tight and suck.

i'm going to do some method testing today based on response and will test them to see how well they work. hehehe.
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Custom User Title
BHB - Awesome post. I just tried it out, rolled it a little tight, but I've never been able to roll a smokable joint. This worked great, thanks so much.

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