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Can you grow pretty good bud from bagseed?


Well-known member
If you are just growing them to alleviate boredom sure, but I wouldn't bet the farm on them, just the chance of herme is high kinda like a beautiful girl but retarded do you want to have a child with her?


The chance is not high for a hermie. It is possible, sure, but certainly not "high".

As a matter of fact i have never had a female plant hermie in flower. I know others have, just as named strain have hermied.

Bagseeds are not for the commercial grower, but they are more then adequate for someone that just grows for personal use.

I will also say that i've never had a bagseed female NOT get me blazed. I assume this is possible, to grow out a female and not get very much effect. But I have only kept seeds from the good herbs that have come through, as im sure most bagseed growers do :)


Active member
TGA Genetics breeder - Subcool- tells the story of finding an old bag of seeds of about 5yrs old. From that bag of seeds he found the start of so many strains. Apparently the male from the bagseed has the potential to make any strain potent...as he says..." it could make a turnip potent". Try it out...you just never know what random genetics may arise


i disagree too

to take it a little further.....it really depends on the weed in the bag. What is it? Where did it come from? It could be killer landrace ganja-it could be a top strain from a Euro-American seed co, or a super rare sport-i think that the Madsat could been from a bag of JHerer-or it could be average shit.


that mad sat was something man!! had me painting the garden fences and every in it green one summers day lmfao...shit would blow your heart out your chest with palpertations...good shit eddie!! u still got her?
I'll go even a little further!

When were the seeds collected?? From where are you located? The reason I ask is that I live in a Port city! The weeds coming through that port were brought in from other countries making a wide verity of weeds. Now if you live in the Midwest you most likely smoked Mex and Homegrown from your area's, Also what year was these seeds saved from?? I started collecting over 25 years ago. I would keep all seeds from the best of the best smoke I came across. In no way did I save all the seeds and I would say 95% were thrown out. But the ones I felt to be above the rest went into my collection. You have to remember this was the 80s and weed was getting harder to get. Then "Just say no" did not help! I have grown many nice plants from it (my collection) and continue to do so to this day. I have 3 new strain coming down in a few days and a couple more just going into flower. Now out of these one did Hermi. But she was the first one in forever to do this. I feel these seeds came from large outdoor grows and came from cross pollination so hermi's are rare. You know places like Mex,Panama, Thailand, and so on.



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Active member
Last night I tasted a plant I could'nt identify. That sandalwood Afghan taste was there. Bagseed offers many surprises. I always saved seeds, you just never know. Pop 12 end up with 6 females your doing good. Get one or two special ones and your real happy with the outcome. Sure, you could spend couple $100 and buy some, but nothing is a sure thing.
I believe in low tech for a personal stash. Find that right mother for your space and enjoy!