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Can we have a Competition to win tickets&passes for the IC420 please Gypsy?

Can we have a Competition to win tickets&passes for the IC420 please Gypsy?

  • Yes-Id enter instantly

    Votes: 41 97.6%
  • No-Its a crap idea!

    Votes: 1 2.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member
would be fun ... hope they would have time to organize that... would be a lot of work in a short period of time to pull it off correctly.

I dont think so, we have PC's dont we! OK its a bit of work but isnt everything! If it benefits everyone at ICMag & the Server, the Cup, why Not in it! & i could do with a bit of excitement!

You get Out what you put in! ;) & if Gypsy & the Man from Delmonte Say "YES", my £5er/MO, will be in the post asap/in the morning!LOL



Senior Member
The idea is GREAT, Except that not enough people will enter, and therefore in the end the competion will run at a loss.

I say this from 1st hand expierence of the Cannaquiz, And being the winner of the cannaquiz (Hence my nick).

This was a competition run by NOL VAN SHAIK, who owns 3 coffee shops in Haarlem. He and his partner Marcel ran the 1st Cannaquiz in 2001. The prize was "all expenses paid" trip for 8 days to Haarlem, hosted by Nol. Including flights, hotel, briefcase FULL of weed, pipes, grinders, papers, everything one needs for a weed full holliday.
Enterance fee was $4.20.
The best spent $4.20 I ever spent in my life.Anyway to make a long story short, only about 700 people entered. And Nol barely made his costs.
He started a 2nd Cannaquiz, but even fewer people entered and he had to scrap it.
He advertised about the cannaquiz on Overgrow, other weed web sites, and his own Hempcity fourm sites. So there were many many members who could have entered.
Its a shame because it was a fanatstic competion.

A few years back I sent in a request to Icmag asking if I could host a Cannacup with the prize being a trip to the 420 etc. but never got a reply. I did not persue the issue.

Perhaps your request will be taken up and there will be a competition, This would be grand.
although 2 months before the cup may not be enough time to organize it.
The 1st Cannacup was a series of questions every week for 11 weeks and the one with the most answered correctly, won. The questions were all weed relate. Answers were on HempCity Willie Wortel sites and other coffee shop sites who also participated in this promo.

It was a hard competition with a lot of research needed. Some old time members might recall the Cannaquiz. I had a thread up with photos of the fantastic prize, but I cant find the thread probably been deleted from the servers long ago. The Thread was made in 2001.


it's not the posting of the contest that is the work... it's the logistics of organizing the prizes ... reservations at hotels, plane tickets etc.
I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I'm just noting that it is a fairly short time frame to pull off properly. Especially considering the other stuff they are probably already dealing with organizing the cup itself.
These things are usually planned months in advance.

Would be fun if they could pull it off though.


Well-known member
what if ya win and dont have the money for the rest of the cost of the trip .that would be a waste of good tix someone else could buy.just a thought


Active member
The idea is GREAT, Except that not enough people will enter, and therefore in the end the competion will run at a loss.

I say this from 1st hand expierence of the Cannaquiz, And being the winner of the cannaquiz (Hence my nick).

This was a competition run by NOL VAN SHAIK, who owns 3 coffee shops in Haarlem. He and his partner Marcel ran the 1st Cannaquiz in 2001. The prize was "all expenses paid" trip for 8 days to Haarlem, hosted by Nol. Including flights, hotel, briefcase FULL of weed, pipes, grinders, papers, everything one needs for a weed full holliday.
Enterance fee was $4.20.
The best spent $4.20 I ever spent in my life.Anyway to make a long story short, only about 700 people entered. And Nol barely made his costs.
He started a 2nd Cannaquiz, but even fewer people entered and he had to scrap it.
He advertised about the cannaquiz on Overgrow, other weed web sites, and his own Hempcity fourm sites. So there were many many members who could have entered.
Its a shame because it was a fanatstic competion.

A few years back I sent in a request to Icmag asking if I could host a Cannacup with the prize being a trip to the 420 etc. but never got a reply. I did not persue the issue.

Perhaps your request will be taken up and there will be a competition, This would be grand.
although 2 months before the cup may not be enough time to organize it.
The 1st Cannacup was a series of questions every week for 11 weeks and the one with the most answered correctly, won. The questions were all weed relate. Answers were on HempCity Willie Wortel sites and other coffee shop sites who also participated in this promo.

It was a hard competition with a lot of research needed. Some old time members might recall the Cannaquiz. I had a thread up with photos of the fantastic prize, but I cant find the thread probably been deleted from the servers long ago. The Thread was made in 2001.

Thanks for your Feedbeack, its a bit negative, ok it was your experience with Cannaquiz! But this is ICMag mate & has in the regeion of 150,000 members, so ill stop ya there, this is different! & the rules can stipulate many of a thousand different rules. You cannot posibly make comment like oooo not enough people will enter because only a few entered the one i won, You know thats com plete BS bro! Lmao!

For all you know Cannaquiz lied to you & many more people entered! But ok you met the peeps,. means shit bro sorry! no offence!

Im glad you won, but ICMag & what ive asked is a little different, personally id rather go the IC420, or at least have the chance to!

Best of luck but your argument is invalid imo! :) This is ICMag & the IC420 Cup bro!
If you'd of thought of it yourself, why didnt you put it up in a thread & put it to the communtiy in a vote!
Its a server fund lotto, not a competition, not interested in who knows more about what bro, no offence n all! lol! If it benefits the server it benefits everyone(same goes for the site & the IC420 event!! Fk the Quiz's!, no offence but a pissing contest is not required to do some good here!

Best of Luck bro! I hope you get to enter 'My' Idea!(lol, i dont give a monkeys who wins, its for everyone to take part & you dont have to know squat, just be willing to donate to the server fund etc etc! lol!

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Active member
what if ya win and dont have the money for the rest of the cost of the trip .that would be a waste of good tix someone else could buy.just a thought

Try reading the first post bro? I stipulatyed maybe some spends could be part of the prize. Come on people, wheres all this negative BS coming from, seems a few a jelious about the whole idea, personally i dont give a shit, it was a sound idea & worth the thread start, as shows in all the Top ICMag heads who have shown support, same goes for you 'wasnt me' ok whatever bro, but i for one think its a cool idea that would benefit everyone! Its only a little lotto comp, how much work do you think it would take to set it all up 15 mins lol, i can book a hotel or a flight in 30 mins tops!, its nearly 2 months away 20th April, thats plenty of time! dam i can get to ADam from England in a few hours tops, not the same for everyone i know but as i said, Rules could be made! Its not a problem imo! Loads of people could chip in! etc!¬) Thats why if you look at the poll, it cuts all the BS out of the thread bro! Its Yes or No in it! Booking a room giving a prize & doing a bit of IT isnt exactly hard & the benefits potentially outweigh the negs! Its a no-brainer & should have been done months ago! & every season for that¬ Shame on you doubters! Big girls Blouses is a term that springs to mind! see ya there with a bit of luck!

Edgey, you too are a star bro, Thats 3 peeps that have offered packs of seeds as minor prizes! You are the kind of people ICMag needs, positive Vibes & attitude, a credit to the communtiy!. Why not i say! Cheers my Bro! ;)_
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Wheres the paypal address we pay our entry fee into to?
$10 US per entry?


Active member
I wonder who voted No, Lol! You must lead a real exciting life, spoil sport! lol what an idiot, Thats jelious alright! hahahahah! You know you'll enter if Gypsy said yes!, they should ban you from the comp if it gets the go-ahead just for saying no! Like i said i dont really give a shite anyway! each to there own, S.A.D! No-one likes a smart arse!


Senior Member
! But this is ICMag mate & has in the regeion of 150,000 members, so ill stop ya there,!

Overgrow had way more members then 150000.
Still did not help.
It will be fantastic if people do enter, and that there is a competition.
Sorry for the negativity. I just think that this will be the same. Few people entered the Cannaquiz, and even fewer entered the 2nd quiz even though the organisers and I posted pictures, stories, and tried our hardest to generate interest. In the end they scrapped the idea.

But how many people here out of the 150000 members vote for the picture of the month each month?
And how many nominate photos?
How many people here enter into the Halloween competions?
How many people here entered into the pet picture competition?.
Not many considering that there are 150000 members on this site.

Ok True. The prize here might be bigger and better. A judge pass or hotel or flights or I dont know what? It is an excellent idea and I voted yes for it.
I just think that it will be hard for the organisers of said competition to break even and or profit.


Active member
Im shocked thats all the response this thread has had, theres little hope then is there, no-wonder gypsy never bothered! If Gypsy would of put the thread up, there would of been 200 pages of responce by now im sure, lol!


Overgrow had way more members then 150000.
Still did not help.
It will be fantastic if people do enter, and that there is a competition.
Sorry for the negativity. I just think that this will be the same. Few people entered the Cannaquiz, and even fewer entered the 2nd quiz even though the organisers and I posted pictures, stories, and tried our hardest to generate interest. In the end they scrapped the idea.

But how many people here out of the 150000 members vote for the picture of the month each month?
And how many nominate photos?
How many people here enter into the Halloween competions?
How many people here entered into the pet picture competition?.
Not many considering that there are 150000 members on this site.

Ok True. The prize here might be bigger and better. A judge pass or hotel or flights or I dont know what? It is an excellent idea and I voted yes for it.
I just think that it will be hard for the organisers of said competition to break even and or profit.

as i posted im happy to donate 2 packs of seeds to auction if every breeder who enters the breeders cup did the same there would be plenty of $$$$$ to go towards the prizes
.thats without the $$ for the tickets to enter the comp ...


Active member
Overgrow had way more members then 150000.
Still did not help.
It will be fantastic if people do enter, and that there is a competition.
Sorry for the negativity. I just think that this will be the same. Few people entered the Cannaquiz, and even fewer entered the 2nd quiz even though the organisers and I posted pictures, stories, and tried our hardest to generate interest. In the end they scrapped the idea.

But how many people here out of the 150000 members vote for the picture of the month each month?
And how many nominate photos?
How many people here enter into the Halloween competions?
How many people here entered into the pet picture competition?.
Not many considering that there are 150000 members on this site.

Ok True. The prize here might be bigger and better. A judge pass or hotel or flights or I dont know what? It is an excellent idea and I voted yes for it.

lol, £1, if half the site entered which im sure they would have had it been OP, Gypsy or DG who had started the thread then it would of been a winner, but because its me, nobodys seems bothered apart from the loyalist IC heads!

Sometimes this site is so full of negative BS, i for one thought it was a cracking idea!
Much simplier than the things you spoke of like quiz's, how hard ios it to send a quid off in the post as entry! if not to benefit the server only!
like i said before that in its-self is a winning idea! Need i say more?
I just think that it will be hard for the organisers of said competition to break even and or profit.
LOL read back!


To Have More ... Desire Less
as i posted im happy to donate 2 packs of seeds to auction if every breeder who enters the breeders cup did the same there would be plenty of $$$$$ to go towards the prizes .

WORD...........very nice gesture.......:tiphat:


Active member
lol, £1, if half the site entered which im sure they would have had it been OP, Gypsy or DG would of started the thread then it would of been a winner, but because its me, nobodys seems bothered apart from the loyalist IC heads!

Sometimes this site is so full of negative BS, i for one thought it was a cracking idea!

Much simplier than the things you spoke of like quiz's, how hard ios it to send a quid off in the post as entry! if not to benefit the server only!

like i said before that in its-self is a winning idea! Need i say more?

as i tried to say! & i remember OG well Canna
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To Have More ... Desire Less
welll...........it must be sum kinda possability.............
the thread is still...alive and kicking......hope it stayz as such.....

I'm sure w/ all the brain power.....around this place......
we can figure out a way for acouple stonerZ.........to win a trip......

AH.............there and back again..........wherez......bilbo.......:ying:


Active member
as i posted im happy to donate 2 packs of seeds to auction if every breeder who enters the breeders cup did the same there would be plenty of $$$$$ to go towards the prizes
.thats without the $$ for the tickets to enter the comp ...

This is the kind of positive response the thread & site needs, N1 Cheesey, what a tru gent!
Quite Right Buddy! ;)

What ever happened to UNITY!???? I wouldnt win anyway, i never do, have no fear there, but the idea benefits everyone, the site, the Cup, everyone, wheres the support, wheres the ICFamily! If we all chipped in, only positives would come of such a comp!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
you would've gotten more responses in tokers den... this section is mostly used by those who are already going, have already been and already live here... imvho :)

good ideas need sunlight... just like all good things ;)


Active member
you would've gotten more responses in tokers den... this section is mostly used by those who are already going, have already been and already live here... imvho :)

good ideas need sunlight... just like all good things ;)

True! Let some of your buddys know then Jamie buddy! if ya think it would help, great stuff! Cheers! I dont care if the thread is moved, its all about benefiting ICMag. Let it Shine...

I think we need a little help from the man from del'Monte! He's not sayin 'Yess', This horse needs a better rider alright!

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